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Subject: Re: NSLS-II Debian Repository in 2018
From: Bo Jakobsen <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 09:19:54 +0100
Dear Anton

We have been working on getting a small subset of packages (mainly to be able to run base and stream-dev ioc's) to work on debian 8 with success, but felt that some unfortunate changes had to be made for us to be able to built.

We would therefore be very happy if the repository was updated to include "all" packages for debian 8.

We a a very small scale user, working on implementing EPICS in our local physics-laboratories.

A question:
Is the Packages lists on   http://epics.nsls2.bnl.gov/debian/
up to date? E.g. I do not find stream as on the jessy list.



On 2018-02-12 21:52, Anton Derbenev wrote:
Hello everyone,

as some of you might know, NSLS-II has a public repository for EPICS packages available here:

It is a mirror of our internal build and repository infrastructure, initially created by Michael Davidsaver and based on debianized sources found here:

I cannot appreciate enough all those developers and maintainers who contribute to EPICS packaging repositories, and work with us to make packages successfully build. My fondness of the entire endeavor is rooted in, first, the fact that our environment is standardized to use the internal repository. Package updates gives us an opportunity to adopt new versions. Second, I believe that the repository is an easy way to obtain a working set of software to get started with EPICS, something I greatly benefited from in those times of old.

Few weeks ago, we were re-signing repository packages with a new key. This provoked requests on the old key being no longer valid; the lesson learned was that there are sites which utilize the NSLS-II public repository.

As it goes now, the maintenance of the repository continues. Its infrastructure is somewhat outdated and was recreated on a new setup, in which all current epicsdeb packages were built for Debian 8. Current plans are to move packages from the old setup into the new one, updating the public mirror accordingly to preserve "legacy" packaging (like Debian 6) just in case, and also publish recent packages which are currently only available internally.

To better gauge our efforts, we are interested in learning the following:

- Are there are any sites/individuals which use the NSLS-II Debian repository for their installations?
- Is there are community effort which is not yet present in epicsdeb but can be put there (e.g. FRIB has their internal repository as well)?

Any thoughts on the matter are also welcome.


Re: NSLS-II Debian Repository in 2018 Bo Jakobsen
NSLS-II Debian Repository in 2018 Anton Derbenev

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