I have a small problem with a fast Device, maybe somebody already had
this problem and can help out? :)
It runs via I/O Intr.
I am able to start the reporting, but I cant stop it. It seems that
the stop command doesnt get through....
could it be that somehow the communication is blocked by the fast
input? how could I fix that?
Its really simple to control:
You send "STM\r", it starts reporting every 18ms "tmp,<float>,<float>\r"
You send "ETM\r", it stops doing that, terminating communication with
all ASCII formatted.
my records:
tc.db file:
record(bo, "$(P):$(R):Toggle"){
field(DESC, "Toggle Reading")
field(DTYP, "stream")
field(OUT, "@tc.proto toggle $(BUS)")
field(ZNAM, "ETM")
field(ONAM, "STM")
field(VAL, "0")
record(ai, "$(P):$(R):Temperature") {
field(DESC, "Temperature")
field (DTYP, "stream")
field (INP, "@tc.proto read_K $(BUS)")
field (SCAN, "I/O Intr")
field(EGU, "K")
record(ai, "$(P):$(R):ThermoVoltage"){
field(DESC, "TC Thermovoltage")
field(DTYP, "stream")
field(INP, "@tc.proto read_nV $(BUS)")
field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")
field(EGU, "nV")
tc.proto file:
Terminator = CR;
ExtraInput = Ignore;
toggle {
out "%{ETM|STM}";
in "txx";
read_K {
in "tmp,%f,%*f";
read_nV {
in "tmp,%*f,%f";