I’m having the following issue using autosave, where my ioc application includes a number of epics modules/driver, which use the info field on many pvs. This means that the ioc application does not have control over what is being saved,
unless I override the pvs in my application. Now in my application, I could save local pvs in a manually generated req file, and initially auto-generate the standard autosave files, edit those files and give them unique filenames and load these manually,
not using the auto-generate feature. However, numerous application are going to use these modules/driver and will have the same issues and will need to duplicate this work. So I’d like some way to turn off the save feature for some pvs in the “req” list.
For example:
If a “NOWRITE” option that could be set per pvs is available, then I could turn off the “info” field for select pv fields, so that the “req” file auto-generated would not include these pvs or would include them but comment them
out, so that the monitor would skip those pvs.
Is this feature or is there another method that other have used to solve this same problem?
Kristi Luchini