Hi David,
I have created a new issue for this in ADCore.
From: Mark Rivers
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 7:34 AM
To: David Vine <dvine at sigray.com>
Cc: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Subject: Re: AreaDetector Defective Pixel Correction Plugin
Hi David,
A bad pixel correction plugin would be very useful and is something I have been thinking about for a while. It seems like using a median filter around each bad pixel would be a good approach.
Here are some cases that should be handled:
- The neighboring pixels in the median filter happen to include other bad pixels. They need to be excluded.
- Only a portion of the detector is being read out.
- The detector is binned when being read out.
- The detector readout is reversed in X or Y
The NDArray NDDimension structures contain all of the information required to handle cases 2-4:
/** Structure defining a dimension of an NDArray */
typedef struct NDDimension {
size_t size; /**< The number of elements in this dimension of the array */
size_t offset; /**< The offset relative to the origin of the original data source (detector, for example).
* If a selected region of the detector is being read, then this value may be > 0.
* The offset value is cumulative, so if a plugin such as NDPluginROI further selects
* a subregion, the offset is relative to the first element in the detector, and not
* to the first element of the region passed to NDPluginROI. */
int binning; /**< The binning (pixel summation, 1=no binning) relative to original data source (detector, for example)
* The offset value is cumulative, so if a plugin such as NDPluginROI performs binning,
* the binning is expressed relative to the pixels in the detector and not to the possibly
* binned pixels passed to NDPluginROI.*/
int reverse; /**< The orientation (0=normal, 1=reversed) relative to the original data source (detector, for example)
* This value is cumulative, so if a plugin such as NDPluginROI reverses the data, the value must
* reflect the orientation relative to the original detector, and not to the possibly
* reversed data passed to NDPluginROI. */
Some drivers probably don’t set those NDDimension fields as they should, so they will need to be fixed to handle those cases.
I think the plugin should handle:
All NDArray data types
2-D NDArrays and 3-D NDArrays with ColorMode=RGB1
Hi all,
Both the Andor Ikon and Teledyne Shadobox detectors I use have defective pixel maps that need to be corrected. Currently these maps are specified in a text file listing bad pixels, rows or columns. They would typically
be corrected with an appropriate median filter.
I was thinking about implementing the correction as a plugin. Has anyone done that already?
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