Hi EPICS users,
This is a very basic question regarding getting started with binary inputs, and the purpose of RVAL. (As an aside, perhaps we should anyone provide an example for a binary input (bi) similar to the “temperature:water” (ai) example from
the Getting Started guide under “Test EPICS”, at:
My students and I have been struggling to get a simple binary input working, though I think we’ve got it now. We first tried expanding, in the above Getting Started tutorial, the “test.db” script with:
record(ai, "temperature:water")
field(DESC, "Water temperature in the fish tank")
record(bi, "isfishy")
field(DESC, "True if the fish tank has fish inside.")
However, “caget isfishy” shows a blank value, and “caput isfishy 0” does not seem to change anything. This perplexed us for a while.
Looking into it further in the user docs, we landed at documentation for the binary input record:
Then, we tried modifying ZNAM and ONAM such as
record(bi, "isfishy")
field(DESC, "True if the fish tank has fish inside.")
field(ZNAM, "False")
field(ONAM, "True")
And now we can do “caput isfishy 1” and all “caget isfishy” prints with “True”, as does “caget isfishy.VAL”. However, I noticed that “caget isfishy.RVAL” still gives 0.
So here’s my question: Is this zero in RVAL expected even though the Boolean is now
True, and why? Thanks!