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Subject: Re: CentOS Alternatives
From: montis via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Abdalla Ahmad <Abdalla.Ahmad at sesame.org.jo>
Cc: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2021 10:00:43 +0100

Hi Abdalla,

during Icalepcs 2021 there was a workshop about Linux Distribution and Ecosystem Evolution in Control Systems and an interesting study about CentOS 8 EoL presented by Ben Morrice.

I'll share the workshop link so you can find the presentation: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1084050/

Hope this helps


Il 2021-12-05 09:32 Abdalla Ahmad via Tech-talk ha scritto:



Well this is not directly about EPICS but it does affect control and IT infrastructure in general. As you know, CentOS 8 will reach end-of-life by the end of 2021 and CentOS 7 in 2024 following the decision that CentOS will become a rolling-release instead of a stable, RHEL downstream release. We are now investigating the possible alternatives on what to have instead of CentOS, whether purchasing a RedHat license (very much expensive), going with a RHEL-compatible CentOS alternative (Rocky Linux, Oracle Linux, Alma Linux) or continuing with CentOS stream and work on periodic update policy.


I know that Rocky Linux released its first stable release on June, but the project is still new and it is still unclear how much further it will become a CentOS replacement. I would like to have feedback from the community what they are using now and if they are using RedHat or CentOS, what are their plans for the future.


Best Regards,



~~ Maurizio Montis - Control System Engineer ~~
   office: +39 0498068558
   mobile: +39 3408428089
   mail: maurizio.montis at lnl.infn.it
   skype: maurizio_montis

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
   V.le dell'Universita', 2
   35020 LEGNARO (PD) - ITALY

Re: CentOS Alternatives Ernesto Paiser via Tech-talk
CentOS Alternatives Abdalla Ahmad via Tech-talk

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