Dear EPICS Collaboration Members,
I apologize for the lengthy email, however the circumstances require it. * Please read it in full. *
I am excited to announce that SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Menlo Park, CA, USA) will host the next EPICS Codeathon. The event will be hybrid (ie: allowing remote participation). However, given the recent improvement to the worldwide
pandemic, WE HOPE YOU WILL CONSIDER ATTENDING ON SITE as we are now able to offer that option to a group of up to 50 participants!
There will be three parallel sessions:
- Base/Modules/Extensions (in C/C++), led by Andrew Johnson (Argonne NL)
- CSS & Java Extensions, led by Kunal Shroff (Brookhaven NL), and
- Bluesky/Ophyd/PyDM & Python Extensions, led by Ken Lauer (SLAC NL)
We have (US government rate) hotel room blocks reserved at multiple properties, including on-site at SLAC and in neighboring downtown Palo Alto. Stanford University operates a (free) regular shuttle service (the Marguerite) which will
connect you from the SLAC site to the Stanford Campus and Palo Alto downtown, regardless of your preference of hotel. Both properties offer a generous cancelation policy, and will cancel the remaining block allocations in mid-April, so book early!
Please see the attachment for (current) protocols related to vaccination status & origin of travel. Although these may change with the ongoing pandemic conditions, we urge you to book your travel arrangements accordingly. We will send udpates
if things change. Note that the requirements for unvaccinated (or decline to declare status, which is considered unvaccinated) individuals are quite strict, including an isolation period for international travelers. Please take this into consideration in
making your arrangements. You may wish to consider cancelation policies in your travel bookings in the event that a new COVID19 variant upsets our on-site plans -- fingers crossed!
Summary of the event - EPICS Codeathons and Documentathons provide concentrated time for EPICS code and documentation development to take place in an atmosphere where the main purpose is to do just that and not give or watch presentations.
By taking developers out of their home environment they can be freed up from interruptions and local problems and allowed to concentrate on those specific EPICS-related tasks. More information is available on the event website.
Please register at your earliest convenience:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly, or reply in this email thread if you think it may be of general interest or concern.
Also please distribute to parties who may be interested and are not members of tech-talk!
We hope that you can join us in May!
Daniel Flath (Event Organizer), on behalf of:
Andrew Johnson (EPICS-Base/Modules/Extensions session chair),
Kunal Shroff (CSS/Java-Extensions session chair), and
Ken Lauer (Bluesky/Ophyd/PyDM/Python-Extensions session chair)
Daniel Flath |
Division Director
LCLS Experiment Control Systems
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Menlo Park, CA
p: 650.926.3380 | m: 650.391.4017 | w: