EPICSQt version 3.1.0 (QE Framework) has been released and is available at
Enhancements and bug fixes are listed in the release notes, and include the following:
- Minor enhancements to the following widgets:
QEImage, QENumericEdit, QAnalogSlider, QRadioGroup, QSimpleShape, QEPushbutton, QECheckBox, QERadioButton, QEAnalogSlider, QEComboBox, QERadioGroup, QESpinBox, QESlider, QEPeriodic, QEStripChart, QEPlotter, QEHistogram, QEScratchPad,
- Improve performance of QEImage and QEHistogram widgets.
- Add install targets and generalize build environment to cater diverse needs of various user groups.
- Improve support for third party application code.
- Extend configuration save/restore.
- More .ui examples
- Better use of dynamic styles
- Improved tool tips.
- Improved archiver interface.
- Improved string formatting.
- Improved and extended documentation.
- Improved error handling and reporting.
Andrew Rhyder | Australian Synchrotron
p: (03) 8540 4250 | f: (03) 8540 4200 | m: 0422 60 50 64
[email protected] |
800 Blackburn Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168