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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: RE: ? initHookRegister()
From: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
To: "Liyu, Andrei" <[email protected]>
Cc: Marty Kraimer <[email protected]>, [email protected]
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 17:37:58 +0100
>>>>> "Andrei" == Andrei Liyu <Liyu> writes:

  > Thank you very much.
  > I have small question according 2. Why should static object be?
  > I tried in Windows:

  > //Server.h
  > class CServer{
  > 	...
  > };
  > extern CServer * pCServer;

  > //Server.cpp
  > .....
  > CServer oCServer;
  > CServer * pCServer = & oCServer;

  > It works too.

I don't understand your question - if the declaration of oCServer is
file global in Server.cpp, it _is_ a static object.

The reason for using a static object (as you did) is that the compiler /
runtime system makes sure the object is created (and its constructor
called) at init time. This makes sure myHookFunction is registered
before iocInit() runs.


  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: Marty Kraimer [mailto:[email protected]] 
  > Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 8:50 AM
  > To: Liyu, Andrei
  > Cc: [email protected]
  > Subject: Re: ? initHookRegister()

  > Liyu, Andrei wrote:
  >> Hi,
  >> If I like to do some job during IOC initialization I should call
  >> initHookRegister(). But I couldn't understand where (how) can I call
  >> this function before iocInit()?

  > I can think of three ways.

  > 1) Call your routine from the st.cmd file

  >      Assume you have a function

  >      int initMyHook(void)
  >      {
  >          return(initHookFunction(myHookFunction));
  >      }

  >     the st.cmd file contains
  >     initMyHook
  >     iocInit

  > 2) Use a C++ static object.

  >     class initMyHook {
  >         public:
  >            initMyHook() {initHookFunction(myHookFunction);}
  >     }
  >     static initMyHook initMyHookObj;

  >     The constructor initMyHook will get called for initMyHookObj at load
  > time.

  > 3) For 3.14.4 or later use the registrar facility

  >     In your xxxInclude.dbd file the following must appear

  >     registrar(myHook)

  >     Your source file contains

  >     static void myHook(void)
  >     {
  >         static int firstTime = 1;
  >         if(!firstTime) return;
  >         firstTime=0;
  >         initHookFunction(myHookFunction);
  >     }
  >     epicsExportRegistrar(myHook);

  > For 3.14.4 and later method 3) is the recommended method.

  >> Can anybody write couple words about IOC deinitialization? Has
  >> Epics similar hook here?

  > Sorry but iocCore is currently written to run forever. There is no
  > deinitialization.

  >> Thanks, Andrei.

      __  Ralph Lange                               [email protected]
     /\ \                                            http://www.bessy.de
    /  \ \  BESSY II                           
   / /\ \ \  Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-    Albert-Einstein-Str. 15
  / / /\ \ \  Gesellschaft fuer Synchrotron-       12489 Berlin, Germany
 / / /__\_\ \  strahlung m.b.H.
/ / /________\                                Phone:    +49 30 6392-2117
\/___________/ Control System Group           Fax:           ...   -4859

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