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Subject: Re: Change input links run-time in a db
From: Tim Mooney <[email protected]>
To: "Pedersen, UK (Ulrik)" <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 08 May 2008 13:35:29 -0500
Dear folks,  Changing links at runtime has to be done via Channel Access.
This is documented in the App Dev Guide (15.5 Runtime Link Modification).
The reason isn't documented there (or at least I haven't found it) but
anyway it's because lock sets have to be recalculated, and you can't
do that while you're running under the protection of a lock set that's
going to be recalculated.

Tim Mooney ([email protected]) (630)252-5417
Beamline Controls & Data Acquisition Group
Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab.

Pedersen, UK (Ulrik) wrote:
Hi Andreas,

What I forgot to mention in my original message was that I see the same
error message: Illegal Database Request Type PV: result.INP error detected in
routine: dbPut - database request type is 0

The work around (setting the sCalcout OUT field to be type CA) also
works for me! - I also do not understand why - I had tried CP before but
never CA.

I know the sCalcout writes it's string value to the SVAL field and not to VAL. This doesn't seem to create problems in other cases where I've used the sCalcout OUT field to write to a stringout record for instance (using PP) - or an asyn records AOUT field. Since I have often done this I was quite surprised when it didn't work for the waveform INP field.

I don't have any problems using the sCalcout OUT field to write to and process a stringout record. Just using PP will do the trick without the need for a FLNK.

Thanks for the workaround!


-----Original Message-----
From: Luedeke Andreas [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 08 May 2008 15:36
To: Pedersen, UK (Ulrik)
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Change input links run-time in a db

Hi Ulrik,
the problem seems to arise from the fact, that the scalcout writes its
VAL field instead of its SVAL field.
I get the error message on the console:

    Illegal Database Request Type PV: result.INP error detected in
    routine: dbPut - database request type is 0

This looks to me like a bug (sorry: undesired feature) of the scalcout

I found a strange workaround, maybe some EPICS guru can explains why it

    record(scalcout, select) {
      field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
      field(INPA, "1")
      field(CALC, "PRINTF('wave%d PP',A)")
      field(OOPT, "Every Time")
      field(OUT,  "result.INP CA")
      field(DOPT, "Use CALC")
      field(FLNK, "result.PROC CA")

I just made the OUT link a channel access link and added an FLNK to
process the modified waveform record, again an CA is required.
This works, but don't ask me why :)

Of course an INLINK can be as well a DOUBLE (constant) or a string (PV),
it's up to the record to decide on what type of data to write.
But I found the same behaviour when first writing to an stringout
records VAL field:
it only works if I use CA type OUTLINK _and_ FLNK.

Cheers Andreas

Pedersen, UK (Ulrik) wrote:

I'm trying to write a database where a waveform record (DTYP soft) can

have it's INP field changed at run-time to switch between one of two other waveform records.

Basically I need a sort of multiplexing functionality to let one waveform record collect the data from one of several other waveform records. This can be done by changing the INP field of the resulting waveform record to point to any one of the other waveforms.

When changing the waveform INP field with a dbpf command on the IOC shell, things work Ok... When changing the INP field with a caput (client side) in Linux shell, things work Ok...

However, I need to do the switching directly in the database. For this

purpose I am using an sCalcout record to create the string - using the

OUT field of the sCalcout to write to the waveform INP field... - This

doesn't work and I can't figure out why.

Does anyone know what could be the problem with my database (see below) or have any suggestions how to program this kind of functionality in a database? (not using genSub records or snl programs...)

record(waveform, wave1) { field(PINI, "YES") field(DTYP, "Soft Channel") field(NELM, "10") field(FTVL, "DOUBLE") }

record(waveform, wave2) {
  field(PINI, "YES")
  field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
  field(NELM, "10")
  field(FTVL, "DOUBLE")

record(scalcout, select) {
  field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
  field(CALC, "PRINTF('wave%d PP',A)")
  field(OOPT, "Every Time")
  field(OUT, "result.INP PP")
  field(DOPT, "Use CALC")

record(waveform, result) {
  field(DTYP, "Soft Channel")
  field(NELM, "10")
  field(FTVL, "DOUBLE")

Appriciate any help or suggestions. Thanks.



  Ulrik Pedersen               phone: +44(0)1235-778580
  Software Engineer            email: [email protected]

      Diamond Light Source Ltd.
      Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
      Chilton, Didcot
      OxfordShire OX11 0DE

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Re: Change input links run-time in a db Maren Purves
Change input links run-time in a db Pedersen, UK (Ulrik)
Re: Change input links run-time in a db Luedeke Andreas
RE: Change input links run-time in a db Pedersen, UK (Ulrik)

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