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Subject: Dexela .dll missing when compiling WITH_PVA=YES
From: "Gofron, Kazimierz" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 04:05:41 +0000



When Dexela detector is compiled ‘WITH_PVA=YES’, the Dexela.exe application crashes on start, without ever reaching any part of st.cmd file.

With ‘WITH_PVA=NO’, the ioc starts correctly. Compared to the prebuild, and one build ‘WITH_PVA=YES’ the following libraries are not linked:



PSAPI.dll {only in prebuild with base-3.15.5}


I am not sure why these windows 7 libraries are excluded when PVA (V4) is used?



Visual Studio Community Edition 2017


Windows 7 Pro 64 bit



{Compiled WITH_PVA=NO}

c:\epics\synApps\support\areaDetector-3-2\ADDexela\iocs\dexelaIOC\bin\windows-x64-static>dumpbin /imports DexelaApp.exe
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.12.25835.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file DexelaApp.exe


  Section contains the following imports:

             1409EC078 Import Address Table
             140C583C0 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                          17 ?EnumerateDevices@BusScanner@@QEAAHXZ
                          19 ?GetDevice@BusScanner@@QEAA?AUDevInfo@@H@Z
                           1 ??0BusScanner@@QEAA@XZ

             1409EC098 Import Address Table
             140C583E0 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                          54 ?IsEmpty@DexImage@@QEAA_NXZ
                          65 ?LoadDarkImage@DexImage@@QEAAXAEBV1@@Z
                          99 ?UnscrambleImage@DexImage@@QEAAXXZ
                          2A ?FloodCorrection@DexImage@@QEAAXXZ
                          96 ?SubtractDark@DexImage@@QEAAXXZ
                          25 ?FindMedianofPlanes@DexImage@@QEAAXXZ
                          27 ?FixFlood@DexImage@@QEAAXXZ
                          34 ?GetDataPointerToPlane@DexImage@@QEAAPEAXH@Z
                          9F ?WriteImage@DexImage@@QEAAXPEBD@Z
                          74 ?ReadImage@DexImage@@QEAAXPEBD@Z
                           9 ??1DexImage@@QEAA@XZ
                           B ??4DexImage@@QEAAXAEBV0@@Z
                           5 ??0DexImage@@QEAA@XZ
                          7D ?SetDarkOffset@DexImage@@QEAAXH@Z
                          88 ?SetImageType@DexImage@@QEAAXW4DexImageTypes@@@Z
                          6D ?LoadFloodImage@DexImage@@QEAAXAEBV1@@Z

             1409EC120 Import Address Table
             140C58468 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                          80 ?GetSerialNumber@DexelaDetector@@QEAAHXZ
                          70 ?GetModelNumber@DexelaDetector@@QEAAHXZ
                          9A ?IsLive@DexelaDetector@@QEAA_NXZ
                          E4 ?Snap@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXHH@Z
                          88 ?GoLiveSeq@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXHHH@Z
                          89 ?GoLiveSeq@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXXZ
                          8B ?GoUnLive@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXXZ
                          E6 ?SoftwareTrigger@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXXZ
                          53 ?EnablePulseGenerator@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXM@Z
                          54 ?EnablePulseGenerator@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXXZ
                          50 ?DisablePulseGenerator@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXXZ
                          F6 ?ToggleGenerator@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXH@Z
                          CA ?SetCallback@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXP6AXHHPEAV1@@Z@Z
                          CB ?SetCallbackData@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXPEAX@Z
                          5E ?GetCallbackData@DexelaDetector@@QEAAPEAXXZ
                          7C ?GetSensorHeight@DexelaDetector@@QEAAGG@Z
                          7E ?GetSensorWidth@DexelaDetector@@QEAAGG@Z
                          B8 ?QueryFullWellMode@DexelaDetector@@QEAAHW4FullWellModes@@@Z
                          D3 ?SetGapTime@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXM@Z
                          A0 ?OpenBoard@DexelaDetector@@UEAAXXZ
                          58 ?GetBinningMode@DexelaDetector@@QEAA?AW4bins@@XZ
                           0 ??0DexelaDetector@@QEAA@AEAUDevInfo@@@Z
                          15 ??1DexelaDetector@@UEAA@XZ
                          42 ?CloseBoard@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXXZ
                          5A ?GetBufferXdim@DexelaDetector@@QEAAHXZ
                          5C ?GetBufferYdim@DexelaDetector@@QEAAHXZ
                          72 ?GetNumBuffers@DexelaDetector@@QEAAHXZ
                          B4 ?QueryBinningMode@DexelaDetector@@QEAAHW4bins@@@Z
                          BE ?ReadBuffer@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXHAEAVDexImage@@H@Z
                          D1 ?SetFullWellMode@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXW4FullWellModes@@@Z
                          CC ?SetExposureMode@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXW4ExposureModes@@@Z
                          D5 ?SetNumOfExposures@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXH@Z
                          CF ?SetExposureTime@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXM@Z
                          C8 ?SetBinningMode@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXW4bins@@@Z
                          E2 ?SetTriggerSource@DexelaDetector@@QEAAXW4ExposureTriggerSource@@@Z

             1409EC240 Import Address Table
             140C58588 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                           D ?GetTransportMessage@DexelaException@@QEAAPEBDXZ
                           A ?GetFunctionName@DexelaException@@QEAAPEBDXZ

             1409EC258 Import Address Table
             140C585A0 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                          2C CreateBitmapIndirect
                         16C DeleteMetaFile
                         16B DeleteEnhMetaFile
                         28A GetMetaFileA
                         28B GetMetaFileBitsEx
                         2F2 PlayEnhMetaFile
                          37 CreateDIBSection
                         34A SelectObject
                         16A DeleteDC
                          31 CreateCompatibleDC
                          13 BitBlt
                         37F SetWinMetaFileBits
                         26D GetEnhMetaFileHeader
                         294 GetObjectA
                         269 GetEnhMetaFileA
                         16D DeleteObject

             1409EC858 Import Address Table
             140C58BA0 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                             Ordinal    20
                             Ordinal    23
                             Ordinal    19
                             Ordinal    40
                             Ordinal    24

             1409EC8F8 Import Address Table
             140C58C40 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                             Ordinal    14
                             Ordinal     5
                             Ordinal     7
                             Ordinal    10
                             Ordinal   151
                          B5 inet_ntop
                             Ordinal   111
                             Ordinal    21
                             Ordinal   116
                             Ordinal   115
                             Ordinal    55
                             Ordinal    56
                             Ordinal    52
                             Ordinal    51
                             Ordinal    23
                             Ordinal    19
                             Ordinal    18
                             Ordinal    16
                             Ordinal    15
                             Ordinal    13
                             Ordinal    12
                             Ordinal    11
                             Ordinal     9
                             Ordinal     8
                             Ordinal     6
                             Ordinal     4
                             Ordinal     3
                             Ordinal     2
                             Ordinal    57
                             Ordinal    20
                             Ordinal    17
                             Ordinal    22
                             Ordinal     1
                          3A WSAIoctl
                             Ordinal   112

             1409EC000 Import Address Table
             140C58348 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                          D2 CryptGenRandom
                         2AD RegisterEventSourceA
                         2BF ReportEventA
                         17A GetUserNameA
                         2A8 RegSetValueExA
                         263 RegCreateKeyExA
                         298 RegQueryValueExA
                         278 RegEnumKeyA
                          ED DeregisterEventSource
                          DC CryptReleaseContext
                          C2 CryptAcquireContextW
                         28B RegOpenKeyExA
                         27C RegEnumValueA
                         25B RegCloseKey

             1409EC888 Import Address Table
             140C58BD0 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                         2F7 ReleaseDC
                         141 GetDC
                         282 MessageBoxA
                         135 GetClipboardData
                         31D SetClipboardData
                          4D CloseClipboard
                         29A OpenClipboard
                         153 GetFocus
                          E8 EmptyClipboard

             1409EC2E0 Import Address Table
             140C58628 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                         38B IsValidLocale
                         30F GetTimeFormatW
                         226 GetDateFormatW
                         415 OutputDebugStringW
                         351 HeapReAlloc
                         34E HeapFree
                         34A HeapAlloc
                         50E SetCurrentDirectoryA
                         51A SetEnvironmentVariableW
                         519 SetEnvironmentVariableA
                         1B6 GetACP
                         1DB GetCommandLineW
                         1EE GetConsoleCP
                         46D ReadConsoleW
                         200 GetConsoleMode
                         259 GetFullPathNameA
                         215 GetCurrentDirectoryW
                         311 GetTimeZoneInformation
                         1B0 FreeLibraryAndExitThread
                         163 ExitThread
                          F0 CreateThread
                         2F9 GetTempPathW
                         5AF TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime
                         52C SetFileTime
                         54F SetStdHandle
                         4EF SetConsoleCtrlHandler
                         157 EnumSystemLocalesW
                         114 DeleteFileW
                         3E4 MoveFileExW
                          B9 CreateDirectoryW
                         245 GetFileAttributesExW
                         353 HeapSize
                         389 IsValidCodePage
                         29A GetOEMCP
                         23A GetEnvironmentStringsW
                         1AE FreeEnvironmentStringsW
                         17E FindFirstFileExA
                         317 GetUserDefaultLCID
                         1A3 FlushFileBuffers
                         529 SetFilePointerEx
                         618 WriteConsoleW
                         279 GetModuleHandleExW
                         276 GetModuleFileNameW
                         2D5 GetStdHandle
                         16E FileTimeToSystemTime
                         58F SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime
                         41E PeekNamedPipe
                          86 CloseHandle
                         4B1 ReleaseSemaphore
                         5DE WaitForSingleObject
                          E7 CreateSemaphoreA
                          C2 CreateFileA
                         24E GetFileSize
                         470 ReadFile
                         583 Sleep
                         263 GetLastError
                         33F GlobalMemoryStatusEx
                         33E GlobalMemoryStatus
                         414 OutputDebugStringA
                         26A GetLogicalDrives
                         332 GlobalAlloc
                         344 GlobalUnlock
                         33D GlobalLock
                         339 GlobalFree
                         179 FindClose
                         17D FindFirstFileA
                         18E FindNextFileA
                         573 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
                         51B SetErrorMode
                         2C1 GetProcessTimes
                         21B GetCurrentProcess
                         592 TerminateProcess
                         23F GetExitCodeProcess
                          DF CreateProcessA
                         2EA GetSystemTime
                         31F GetVersionExA
                         3DA MapViewOfFile
                         1A6 FlushViewOfFile
                         5B7 UnmapViewOfFile
                         1AF FreeLibrary
                         275 GetModuleFileNameA
                         277 GetModuleHandleA
                         2B1 GetProcAddress
                         3C5 LoadResource
                         3D7 LockResource
                         582 SizeofResource
                         3BF LoadLibraryA
                         3CC LocalFree
                         1AA FormatMessageA
                          C3 CreateFileMappingA
                         2D2 GetStartupInfoA
                         197 FindResourceA
                         58E SystemTimeToFileTime
                         362 InitializeCriticalSection
                         133 EnterCriticalSection
                         3BB LeaveCriticalSection
                         10F DeleteCriticalSection
                         5A4 TlsAlloc
                         5A6 TlsGetValue
                         5A7 TlsSetValue
                         5A5 TlsFree
                         162 ExitProcess
                          CA CreateFileW
                         528 SetFilePointer
                         619 WriteFile
                         3C8 LocalAlloc
                         605 WideCharToMultiByte
                         3EB MultiByteToWideChar
                         2E2 GetSystemDirectoryA
                         12D DuplicateHandle
                         4AD ReleaseMutex
                          D6 CreateMutexA
                         21F GetCurrentThread
                         220 GetCurrentThreadId
                         2EC GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
                         165 ExpandEnvironmentStringsA
                         3C0 LoadLibraryExA
                         24A GetFileInformationByHandle
                         516 SetEndOfFile
                         51C SetEvent
                          BB CreateEventA
                         184 FindFirstFileW
                         190 FindNextFileW
                         25C GetFullPathNameW
                         21C GetCurrentProcessId
                         2EE GetSystemTimes
                         272 GetMaximumProcessorCount
                         2B6 GetProcessHandleCount
                         3A6 K32GetProcessMemoryInfo
                         1DA GetCommandLineA
                         31E GetVersion
                         214 GetCurrentDirectoryA
                         563 SetThreadPriority
                         304 GetThreadPriority
                         240 GetExitCodeThread
                         58B SuspendThread
                         4C9 ResumeThread
                         2A6 GetPriorityClass
                         2E6 GetSystemInfo
                         2EB GetSystemTimeAdjustment
                         449 QueryPerformanceCounter
                         44A QueryPerformanceFrequency
                         5AD TryEnterCriticalSection
                         4CC RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
                         30A GetTickCount
                         251 GetFileType
                         232 GetDriveTypeW
                         3C1 LoadLibraryExW
                         36D InterlockedPushEntrySList
                         4CB RtlCaptureContext
                         4D2 RtlLookupFunctionEntry
                         4D9 RtlVirtualUnwind
                         5B4 UnhandledExceptionFilter
                         384 IsProcessorFeaturePresent
                         367 InitializeSListHead
                         4C3 ResetEvent
                         5DF WaitForSingleObjectEx
                          BE CreateEventW
                         27A GetModuleHandleW
                         37D IsDebuggerPresent
                         2D3 GetStartupInfoW
                         12F EncodePointer
                         108 DecodePointer
                         537 SetLastError
                         363 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
                          9A CompareStringW
                         3AF LCMapStringW
                         267 GetLocaleInfoW
                         2DA GetStringTypeW
                         1C5 GetCPInfo
                         4D8 RtlUnwindEx
                         4D4 RtlPcToFileHeader
                         45F RaiseException
                         2B7 GetProcessHeap

             1409EC8D8 Import Address Table
             140C58C20 Import Name Table
                     0 time date stamp
                     0 Index of first forwarder reference

                          87 timeEndPeriod
                          86 timeBeginPeriod
                          88 timeGetDevCaps


      2DD000 .data
       6F000 .pdata
      26F000 .rdata
       12000 .reloc
      9EB000 .text
       11000 _RDATA




Kazimierz Gofron

NSLS-II Controls Group

Brookhaven National Laboratory

(p) +1 (631) 344 5283

(f) +1 (631) 344 8085

(e) [email protected]

(w) www.bnl.gov/nsls2


RE: Dexela .dll missing when compiling WITH_PVA=YES Mark Rivers

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