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Subject: Re: asking for help on s7nodave
From: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech Talk <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 15:10:04 +0200
The s7nodave driver uses the asyn framework, but neither the generic asyn device support nor the asyn low level network drivers (libnodave is doing the network connections).

The s7nodave documentation looks very complete and comprehensive. I would suggest following it as close as possible, and contacting the s7nodave author (or posting here) if the documentation doesn't work as expected.


On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 14:58, Mark Rivers <[email protected]> wrote:

Ø  It does not include

Ø  example_DBD += asyn.dbd

Ø  example_DBD += asynRecord.dbd

Ø  example_DBD += drvAsynIPPort.dbd


Ø  Why are they necessary and what are they for


The example you sent previously had example_LIBS += asyn


In that case it is necessary to also include the asyn dbd files.  You should not include asynRecord.dbd, that was a mistake.  If your application uses the drvAsynIPPort driver then you must include drvAsynIPPort.dbd. 


I am not familiar with the s7nodave driver, so I don’t know if it uses asyn or drvAsynIPPort or not.  It looks from the documentation like it does not.





From: 成威黄瀛 <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 3:05 AM
To: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>; tech-talk <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: asking for help on s7nodave


Hi, Rivers,

I read the turorial carefully and it says



This section assumes a correct setup of the system as explained in the Getting Started. After changing these files, the whole IOC must be recompiled from the root directory.


In order to compile an IOC using the s7nodave library the following steps must be complete:

  • The S7NODAVE=[path_to_module] must be set in the configure/RELEASE file
  • The [testS7]/tests7App/src/Makefile must include the lines:
    • tests7_DBD += s7nodave.dbd
    • tests7_LIBS += s7nodave
  • The PLC connection must be configured in the startup script [testS7]/iocBoot/ioctests7/st.cmd
  • The poll groups must be configured in the startup script [testS7]/iocBoot/ioctests7/st.cmd


In order to compile an IOC with a sequencer program the following steps must be complete:

  • The SNCSEQ=[path_to_module] must be set in the configure/RELEASE file
  • The [testS7]/tests7App/src/Makefile must include the lines:
    • snctests7_SNCFLAGS += +r
    • tests7_DBD += snctests7.dbd
    • tests7_SRCS += snctests7.stt
    • tests7_LIBS += seq pv
    • PROD_HOST += sncProgram
    • sncProgram_SNCFLAGS += +m
    • sncProgram_SRCS += sncProgram.st
    • sncProgram_LIBS += seq pv
    • sncProgram_LIBS += $(EPICS_BASE_HOST_LIBS)
  • The [testS7]/tests7App/src/snctests7.dbd file must include the correct "registrar(snctests7Registrar)" command.
  • The startup script [testS7]/iocBoot/ioctests7/st.cmd must include the command "seq snctests7"


It does not include

example_DBD += asyn.dbd
example_DBD += asynRecord.dbd
example_DBD += drvAsynIPPort.dbd


Why are they necessary and what are they for




税号915107 0455 1000 912T
账号1279 5046 6834


Ying Huang

Chengwei Lab&Engineering Company

No1 Xiantong Street, Youxian Area, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China

86 0816 2967213




------------------ Original ------------------

From:  "Mark Rivers"<[email protected]>;

Date:  Thu, Sep 6, 2018 08:16 PM

To:  "成威黄瀛"<[email protected]>;"tech-talk"<[email protected]>;

Subject:  Re: asking for help on s7nodave


I think your problems are these 2 lines:

my_DBD += s7nodave.dbd
my_LIB += s7nodave

Since your application is called "example" those should be

example_DBD += s7nodave.dbd
example_LIB += s7nodave

You also need to make sure that exampleApp/src/Makefile contains

example_DBD += asyn.dbd

example_DBD += asynRecord.dbd

It may also need

example_DBD += drvAsynIPPort.dbd

The above lines should be earlier in the Makefile, before this line:


From: [email protected] <[email protected]> on behalf of 成威黄瀛 <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 3:56 AM
To: tech-talk
Subject: asking for help on s7nodave

Currently I am trying to make connection with epics and PLC, using s7nodave. I am following this guideline http://oss.aquenos.com/epics/s7nodave/docs/2.1.3/manual.html#recordreference
Below is what I have done but I am stuck.

1, Install EPICS base. Version is 3.15.5
root@hy-VirtualBox:~/epics/base# ls
bin        db   documentation  include  LICENSE   README  startup
configure  dbd  html           lib      Makefile  src     templates

2, "makeBaseApp.pl -t example example"    " makeBaseApp.pl -i -t example example"      to build up mytest, the IOC application.
root@hy-VirtualBox:~/epics/mytest# ls
bin  configure  db  dbd  exampleApp  include  iocBoot  lib  Makefile

3, install asynDriver. Version is 4-33
Following this link, I add BPICS_BASE=/root/epics/base to asyn4-33/configure/RELEASE
root@hy-VirtualBox:~/epics/asyn4-33# ls
asyn           iocBoot      testApp                 testGpibApp
bin            lib          testArrayRingBufferApp  testGpibSerialApp
configure      LICENSE      testAsynPortClientApp   testIPServerApp
db             Makefile     testAsynPortDriverApp   testManagerApp
dbd            makeSupport  testBroadcastApp        testOutputCallbackApp
documentation  opi          testConnectApp          testOutputReadbackApp
html           README.md    testEpicsApp            testUsbtmcApp
include        templates    testErrorsApp

4,put boost_1_67_0 in a certain folder but not compile
root@hy-VirtualBox:~/epics/boost_1_67_0# ls
boost            boost.png      index.htm   libs             status
boost-build.jam  bootstrap.bat  index.html  LICENSE_1_0.txt  tools
boostcpp.jam     bootstrap.sh   INSTALL     more
boost.css        doc            Jamroot     rst.css

5, in s7nodave, configure/RELEASE file, add EPICS_BASE, ASYN, RELEASE_INCLUDES, and make s7nodabe
# If using the sequencer, point SNCSEQ at its top directory:
# The ASYN variable has to point to the asyn director.

# If the headers of the Boost library (http://www.boost.org/) are not installed
# in one of the default header locations (usually /usr/include and
# /usr/local/include) the includes path has to be added to RELEASE_INCLUDES.
# Only Boost headers are used, there is no need to compile the Boost library.
# EPICS_BASE usually appears last so other apps can override stuff:
# Set RULES here if you want to take build rules from somewhere
# other than EPICS_BASE:

# Allow the user to override settings locally.
-include $(TOP)/configure/RELEASE.local

6, in configure/RELEASE file of my own project, add "S/NODAVE=/opt/epics/modules/s7nodave"
# EPICS_BASE should appear last so earlier modules can override stuff:

# Set RULES here if you want to use build rules from somewhere
# other than EPICS_BASE:
#RULES = $(MODULES)/build-rules

# These allow developers to override the RELEASE variable settings
# without having to modify the configure/RELEASE file itself.
-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.local
-include $(TOP)/configure/RELEASE.local


7, add "my_DBD += s7nodave.dbd"   "my_LIBS += s7nodave"  to /root/epics/mytest/exampleApp/src/Makefile
# Finally link IOC to the EPICS Base libraries

include $(TOP)/configure/RULES
example_LIBS += asyn

#by hy
my_DBD += s7nodave.dbd
my_LIB += s7nodave

After these configure, I run st.cmd, however, IOC shell still cannot recoginze the command s7nodaveConfigureIsoTcpPort
I notice the guideline mentioned that "However, you have to add asyn.dbd to the list of DBDs used by your project in order to enable these commands in the IOC shell. "
But how can I add asyn.dbd to IOC shell???? by dbLoadDatabase "/root/epics/asyn4-33/dbd/asyn.dbd" ????????????????
< envPaths
cd "/root/epics/mytest"
## Register all support components
dbLoadDatabase "dbd/example.dbd"
## dbLoadDatabase "/root/epics/asyn4-33/dbd/asyn.dbd"
## dbLoadDatabase "/root/epics/asyn4-33/dbd/asynRecord.dbd"
## dbLoadDatabase "/root/epics/asyn4-33/dbd/devEpivd.dbd"
example_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase
## Load record instances
dbLoadTemplate "db/user.substitutions"
dbLoadRecords "db/dbSubExample.db", "user=root"
## Set this to see messages from mySub
#var mySubDebug 1
## Run this to trace the stages of iocInit
cd "/root/epics/mytest/iocBoot/iocexample"
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R3.15.5
## EPICS Base built Sep  2 2018
iocRun: All initialization complete
## Start any sequence programs
#seq sncExample, "user=root"
epics> s7nodaveConfigureIsoTcpPort
Command s7nodaveConfigureIsoTcpPort not found.


税号:915107 0455 1000 912T
?号:1279 5046 6834
Ying Huang
Chengwei Lab&Engineering Company
No1 Xiantong Street, Youxian Area, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China
86 0816 2967213

回复: asking for help on s7nodave 成威黄瀛
回复: asking for help on s7nodave 成威黄瀛
asking for help on s7nodave =?gb18030?b?s8nN/rvG5a0=?=
Re: asking for help on s7nodave Mark Rivers
Re: asking for help on s7nodave =?gb18030?b?s8nN/rvG5a0=?=
RE: asking for help on s7nodave Mark Rivers

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