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Subject: CAS / PCAS documentation
From: Dr. Bastian Löher <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 08:45:27 +0200

I'm working on integration of some of our (non-EPICS) software 
components with EPICS. I'd like to add CAS functionality to these 
programs instead of 'making them into an IOC'. The idea is, that these 
programs should publish a couple of PVs each to make their status 
available (mostly read-only).

My goal is to write a Server/PV library that I can use for all my 
programs and a C wrapper API to call into this library.

The documentation I've found on CAS / PCAS seems to be either outdated 
(tutorials) or very thin (comments in PCAS template example code) or not 
applicable (pcaspy).

So far, I've managed to read / write floats, ints and strings, but I am 
still missing support for more complex types such as enums, arrays and 
so on.

Currently, I'm stuck on getting enum strings added to PVs and delivered 
to the clients. The installed "enums" function is never called in the 

Can someone please point me in the direction of either documentation or 
code that I can use?

Or, as a general question: Since the PCAS library is now factored out of 
base, does that mean it will be deprecated at some point? Is there an 
alternative being developed?

Thanks a lot

-- Dr. Bastian Löher

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RE: CAS / PCAS documentation Hill, Jeff via Tech-talk
Re: CAS / PCAS documentation Johnson, Andrew N.

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