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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: StreamDevice for an odd float format
From: "Davis, Mark via Tech-talk" <[email protected]>
To: "Brown, Garth" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 20:01:31 +0000
You can add your own format converters to StreamDevice.

John Priller ([email protected]) at our lab has written the code for several odd format like this (see attached code).  I believe the one you want is the %ZHF one.


Mark Davis NSCL/FRIB Control Systems Software Engineer [email protected]
On 6/5/2019 1:58 PM, Brown, Garth via Tech-talk wrote:
Hi All,
I'm trying to use StreamDevice to talk to a device that is almost, but not quite, giving me data that the format converters (as I understand them) can convert.
It’s an ASCII representation of the IEEE 32 bit floating point format, e.g. the raw data for a value of 28.0 is

0x34 0x31 0x45 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x30

Which is the ASCII code for


Which is the IEEE-754 floating point representation of 28.0.
I think that if the raw data were 0x41E00000, %R would be able to convert it. And if the raw data were
0x32 0x38 0x2E 0x30 (ASCII for 28.0)
then %f would be able to convert it.
Before I start writing calc records to convert the 32 bits to a float value, I figured I'd ask if someone had a less brute-force approach. Maybe a StreamDevice format converter trick I don't know about?


  NSCL StreamDevice format converters

  Uses 'Z' stream format character.  The following are provided:


        decimal checksum (sum of bytes mod 256)
            s : starting position in read/write buffer, 0=beginning
            n : number of characters to calculate checksum for

        Needed by Pfeiffer vacuum protocol

        width and 0-pad format spec/flag are honored
        example: %03ZDC would be 3-character string, 0-padded


        HA5/DS1820 thermocouple format (hex-coded "scratchpad" buffer)


        Hex-coded 8-character float (4 bytes)


        Hex-coded long
            - : treat as signed (for < 8 chars, 8-char longs are always signed)
            size is number of chars to read, '0F1A' = 4 chars (2 hex-coded bytes)
            if size not specified goes to whichever encounters first
               8 characters read (4 bytes)
               end of input
               first non hex-coded char pair


        Hex-coded ascii text string
            # : trim leading/trailing whitespace (on reads only)
            size is number of chars to read, '6533' = 4 chars (2 hex-coded bytes)
            if size not specified goes to whichever encounters first
               end of input
               first non hex-coded char pair
               hex-coded NULL (00 pair) (consumed)


        SMDP (Sycon Multi-drop Prococol) send or receive string for reading values
            a : 2-hex-char address of slave device (10 .. FE)
            d : 6-hex-char code for dictionary entry desired
            m : 2-hex-char message id to send/expect
        always returns a signed 32-bit integer


        Generic 1-byte CRC
            s : starting position in read/write buffer, 0=beginning
            n : number of characters to calculate CRC for
            p : 2-char hex polynomial ('18' = 0x18)

    2015-02-26  J. Priller  added ZDC
    2012-11-16  J. Priller  added zFormatData so not parsing every call to scan/print
    2012-11-14  J. Priller  added ZC8
    2012-06-06  J. Priller  added ZSR
    2011-12-15  J. Priller  original version

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "StreamError.h"
#include "StreamFormatConverter.h"
#include <nsclfribCommon.h>

#define IS_NAME_CHAR(cc) (((cc >= 'a') && (cc <= 'z')) || ((cc >= 'A') && (cc <= 'Z')) || ((cc >= '0') && (cc <= '9')))

// detect if Stream > 2.7, different types defined
#include "devStream.h"
#if (STREAM_VERSION_LONG >= 20700)
  #define LONG_FORMAT  signed_format
  #define LONG_FORMAT  long_format

// internal routines
static void trimString(char *str)
  // eliminate leading whitespace
  int jj = 0;
  while ((str[jj] == ' ') || (str[jj] == 0x09)) jj++;
  if (jj > 0) memmove(str,str+jj,strlen(str)-jj+1);
  // eliminate trailing whitespace
  int xx = strlen(str) - 1;
  while ((xx >= 0) && ((str[xx] == ' ') || (str[xx] == 0x09))) {
    str[xx] = 0;
static void toHex(unsigned char c, char *str)
  int hsn = (c & 0x00F0) >> 4;
  int lsn = (c & 0x000F);
  str[0] = (hsn <= 9) ? (hsn + '0') : (hsn - 10 + 'A');
  str[1] = (lsn <= 9) ? (lsn + '0') : (lsn - 10 + 'A');
  str[2] = 0;
static int unhexChar(const char ch)
  if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) return(ch - '0');
  if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F')) return(ch - 'A' + 10);
  if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f')) return(ch - 'a' + 10);
  return(-1);  // error
static bool unhexString(const char *pc, int count, unsigned long *value)
  (*value) = 0;
  unsigned long N = 0;
  for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) {
    int cv = unhexChar(pc[ii]);
    if (cv < 0) {
      error("invalid hexcode char (%c) in input\n",pc[ii]);
    N <<= 4;
    N |= cv;
  (*value) = N;
static bool unhexPair(const char *pc, unsigned char *value)
  unsigned long V;
  if (! unhexString(pc,2,&V)) return(false);
  (*value) = (V & 0x00FF);
static bool isHexPair(const char *pc)
  if (unhexChar(*pc) < 0) return(false);
  if (unhexChar(*pc) < 0) return(false);
static void encodeHex(const char *pc, int count, StreamBuffer& info)
  for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) {
    char tmp[16];
static bool decodeHex(const StreamBuffer& info, int count, char *pc)
  int idx = 0;
  int kk = 0;
  while (idx < count) {
    char hvCh = info[idx++];
    char lvCh = info[idx++];
    int HV = unhexChar(hvCh);
    if (HV < 0) {
      error("invalid hex nibble '%c' [%d]\n",hvCh,hvCh);
    int LV = unhexChar(lvCh);
    if (LV < 0) {
      error("invalid hex nibble '%c' [%d]\n",lvCh,lvCh);
    pc[kk++] = (char) (((HV << 4) | (LV & 0x0F)) & 0x00FF);
static bool unnumString(const char *pc, unsigned long *value)
  char *ei;
  (*value) = strtol(pc,&ei,0);
  return( ((*ei) == 0) ? true : false );  // okay if consumed all chars
static bool unnumStringDecimal(const char *pc, unsigned long *value)
  char *ei;
  (*value) = strtol(pc,&ei,10);
  return( ((*ei) == 0) ? true : false );  // okay if consumed all chars
static unsigned char genericCRC8(char *pc, int startpos, int count, int poly)
  unsigned char crc = 0;
  for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) {
    unsigned char data = pc[startpos+ii];
    for (int bb = 0; bb < 8; bb++) {
      if ((crc ^ data) & 0x01) {
        crc = crc ^ poly;
        crc = crc >> 1;
        crc = crc | 0x80;
      } else {
        crc = crc >> 1;
        crc = crc & 0x7f;
      data = data >> 1;
static unsigned char checksum256(char *pc, int startpos, int count)
  unsigned int sum = 0;
  for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) {
    unsigned char data = pc[startpos+ii];
    sum += data;
  return( (unsigned char) (sum % 256) );
static void getFormatName(const char *str, char *name)
  int kk = 0;
  while (IS_NAME_CHAR(str[kk])) {
    name[kk] = str[kk];
  name[kk] = 0;

#define ZFORMAT_FIRST  0x0aa00001

#define ZFORMAT_ZDS    0x0aa00001
#define ZFORMAT_ZHF    0x0aa00002
#define ZFORMAT_ZHL    0x0aa00003
#define ZFORMAT_ZHS    0x0aa00004
#define ZFORMAT_ZSR    0x0aa00005
#define ZFORMAT_ZC8    0x0aa00006
#define ZFORMAT_ZDC    0x0aa00007

#define ZFORMAT_LAST   0x0aa00007

typedef struct {
  unsigned char addr;
  unsigned long dict;
  unsigned char msgid;
} ZSRData;

typedef struct {
  int startpos;
  int count;
  int poly;
} ZC8Data;

typedef struct {
  int startpos;
  int count;
} ZDCData;

typedef struct {
  unsigned long zFormat;
  union {
    ZSRData zsr;
    ZC8Data zc8;
    ZDCData zdc;
  } U;
} zFormatData;

// NSCLConverter
class NSCLConverter : public StreamFormatConverter
  virtual int parse(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& info, const char*& source, bool scanFormat);
  virtual int scanLong(const StreamFormat& fmt, const char* input, long& value);
  virtual int scanDouble(const StreamFormat& fmt, const char* input, double& value);
  virtual int scanString(const StreamFormat& fmt, const char* input, char* value, size_t maxlen);
  virtual int scanPseudo(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& input, long& cursor);

  virtual bool printLong(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& output, long value);
  virtual bool printDouble(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& output, double value);
  virtual bool printString(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& output, const char* value);
  virtual bool printPseudo(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& output);

    bool parse_ZSR(const char *source,
                   unsigned char *addr,
                   unsigned long *dict,
                   unsigned char *msgid,
                   int *slen);
    bool parse_ZC8(const char *source,
                   int *startpos,
                   int *count,
                   int *poly,
                   int *slen);
    bool parse_ZDC(const char *source,
                   int *startpos,
                   int *count,
                   int *slen);
    void putFormatData(StreamBuffer& info, zFormatData *zdata);
    bool getFormatData(const StreamBuffer& info, zFormatData *zdata);
void NSCLConverter::putFormatData(StreamBuffer& info, zFormatData *zdata)
  // clear info

  // add data from structure, coding so all chars are "printable"
  encodeHex((char *)zdata,sizeof(zFormatData),info);
bool NSCLConverter::getFormatData(const StreamBuffer& info, zFormatData *zdata)
  // size must be correct
  if (info.length() != sizeof(zFormatData)*2) {
    error("info length %ld expecting %d\n",info.length(),(int)sizeof(zFormatData));
    nsclfrib_showBuffer((unsigned char *)info(0),info.length());

  // decode structure bytes
  if (! decodeHex(info,info.length(),(char *)zdata)) {
    error("decode hex failed\n");
    nsclfrib_showBuffer((unsigned char *)info(0),info.length());

  // format id must be valid
  if ((zdata->zFormat < ZFORMAT_FIRST) || (zdata->zFormat > ZFORMAT_LAST)) {
    error("invalid Z format id 0x%08lx\n",zdata->zFormat);

  // othewise we're good
bool NSCLConverter::parse_ZC8
     (const char *source,
      int *startpos,
      int *count,
      int *poly,
      int *slen)
  unsigned long UL;
  char buff[256];

  (*slen) = 0;
  char *pc = buff;

  // must start with (
  if ((*pc) != '(') {
    error("invalid ZC8 format '%s' : want (s,n,p)\n",source);

  // find ,
  char *idx = strchr(pc,',');
  if (! idx) {
    error("invalid ZC8 format '%s' : want (s,n,p)\n",source);
  // get startpos
  (*idx) = 0;
  if (! unnumString(pc,&UL)) {
    error("invalid ZC8 format '%s' : want (s,n,p)\n",source);
  (*startpos) = UL;
  pc = idx + 1;

  // find ,
  idx = strchr(pc,',');
  if (! idx) {
    error("invalid ZC8 format '%s' : want (s,n,p)\n",source);
  // get count
  (*idx) = 0;
  if (! unnumString(pc,&UL)) {
    error("invalid ZC8 format '%s' : want (s,n,p)\n",source);
  (*count) = UL;
  pc = idx + 1;

  // find ')'
  idx = strchr(pc,')');
  if (! idx) {
    error("invalid ZC8 format '%s' : want (s,n,p)\n",source);
  // get polynomial
  (*idx) = 0;
  if (! unnumString(pc,&UL)) {
    error("invalid ZC8 format '%s' : want (s,n,p)\n",source);
  (*poly) = UL;
  pc = idx + 1;

  // set slen
  (*slen) = (pc - buff);

bool NSCLConverter::parse_ZDC
     (const char *source,
      int *startpos,
      int *count,
      int *slen)
  unsigned long UL;
  char buff[256];

  (*startpos) = 0;
  (*count)    = 0;
  (*slen)     = 0;
  char *pc = buff;

  // if next char isn't '(', we're using just the defaults
  if ((*pc) != '(') return(true);

  // grab chars until we get a non-digit, this is startpos
  char *si = pc;
  while (isdigit(*pc)) pc++;
  char keep = *pc;
  (*pc) = 0;
  if (! unnumString(si,&UL)) {
    error("invalid ZDC format '%s' : want [(s[,n])]\n",source);
  (*startpos) = UL;
  (*pc) = keep;

  // if char after number is a ')' we're done
  if ((*pc) == ')') {
    (*slen) = pc - buff;

  // if char after number is NOT a comma is an error
  if ((*pc) != ',') {
    error("invalid ZDC format '%s' : want [(s[,n])]\n",source);

  // grab chars until we get a non-digit, this is char count
  si = pc;
  while (isdigit(*pc)) pc++;
  keep = *pc;
  (*pc) = 0;
  if (! unnumString(si,&UL)) {
    error("invalid ZDC format '%s' : want [(s[,n])]\n",source);
  (*count) = UL;
  (*pc) = keep;

  // if char after number is NOT a ')' is an error
  if ((*pc) != ')') {
    error("invalid ZDC format '%s' : want [(s[,n])]\n",source);

  (*slen) = pc - buff;

bool NSCLConverter::parse_ZSR
     (const char *source,
      unsigned char *addr,
      unsigned long *dict,
      unsigned char *msgid,
      int *slen)

  (*slen) = 0;

  // input must:                  01234567890123
  //   be at least 14 chars long, (00,000000,00)
  //   start with (
  //   have ) at pos 13
  //   have commas at pos 3 and 10
  if ((strlen(source) != 14)
   || (source[0] != '(')
   || (source[13] != ')')
   || (source[3] != ',')
   || (source[10] != ',')) {
    error("invalid ZSR format '%s' : want (xx,xxxxxx,xx)\n",source);

  // can now determine slen '(..)'
  (*slen) = 14;

  unsigned long UL;

  // get addr (2-char hex address
  if (! unhexString(source+1,2,&UL)) return(false);
  (*addr) = (UL & 0x000000FF);

  // get dict (6-char hex value)
  if (! unhexString(source+4,6,&UL)) return(false);
  (*dict) = (UL & 0x00FFFFFF);

  // get msgid (2-char hex value)
  if (! unhexString(source+11,2,&UL)) return(false);
  (*msgid) = (UL & 0x000000FF);

int NSCLConverter::parse(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& info, const char*& source, bool scanFormat)
#if 0
        "  fmt:\n"
        "    conv    : '%c'\n"
        "    type    : %u\n"
        "    flags   : %02X\n"
        "    prec    : %d\n"
        "    width   : %d\n"
        "    infolen : %d\n"
        "    info    : '%s'\n"
        "  source: '%s'\n",
        fmt.conv, fmt.type, fmt.flags, fmt.prec, fmt.width, fmt.infolen, fmt.info, source);
  // zero out format data structure
  zFormatData zdata;

  // get format name (chars after 'Z')
  char name[128];

  if (strcmp(name,"DC") == 0) {
    // width must be specified
    if (fmt.width <= 0) {
      error("ZDC format requires width specifier\n");
    int startpos;
    int count;
    int slen;
    if (! parse_ZDC(source+2,&startpos,&count,&slen)) return(false);
    zdata.zFormat = ZFORMAT_ZDC;
    zdata.U.zdc.startpos = startpos;
    zdata.U.zdc.count    = count;
    source += slen + 2;

  if (strcmp(name,"DS") == 0) {
    if (! scanFormat) {
      // DS is read-only, no printing
      error("ZDS format is read-only, no output\n");
    zdata.zFormat = ZFORMAT_ZDS;
    source += 2;

  if (strcmp(name,"HF") == 0) {
    zdata.zFormat = ZFORMAT_ZHF;
    source += 2;

  if (strcmp(name,"HL") == 0) {
    // if width specified, must be an even number
    if ((fmt.width) && (fmt.width & 0x01)) {
      error("%c%s format length must be an even number\n",fmt.conv,fmt.info);
    zdata.zFormat = ZFORMAT_ZHL;
    source += 2;

  if (strcmp(name,"HS") == 0) {
    // if width specified, must be an even number
    if ((fmt.width) && (fmt.width & 0x01)) {
      error("%c%s format length must be an even number\n",fmt.conv,fmt.info);
    zdata.zFormat = ZFORMAT_ZHS;
    source += 2;

  if (strcmp(name,"SR") == 0) {
    unsigned char addr;
    unsigned long dict;
    unsigned char msgid;
    int slen;
    if (! parse_ZSR(source+2,&addr,&dict,&msgid,&slen)) return(false);
    zdata.zFormat = ZFORMAT_ZSR;
    zdata.U.zsr.addr  = addr;
    zdata.U.zsr.dict  = dict;
    zdata.U.zsr.msgid = msgid;
    source += slen + 2;

  if (strcmp(name,"C8") == 0) {
    int startpos;
    int count;
    int poly;
    int slen;
    if (! parse_ZC8(source+2,&startpos,&count,&poly,&slen)) return(false);
    zdata.zFormat = ZFORMAT_ZC8;
    zdata.U.zc8.startpos = startpos;
    zdata.U.zc8.count    = count;
    zdata.U.zc8.poly     = poly;
    source += slen + 2;

  // error if we get this far
  char infotxt[256];
  if (fmt.infolen == 0)
    infotxt[0] = 0;
  else {
    infotxt[fmt.infolen] = 0;
  error("NSCLConverter::parse() error:\n"
        "unknown characters after '%c': '%s'\n"
        "  fmt:\n"
        "    conv    : '%c'\n"
        "    type    : %u\n"
        "    flags   : %02X\n"
        "    prec    : %d\n"
        "    width   : %d\n"
        "    infolen : %d\n"
        "    info    : '%s'\n"
        "  source: '%s'\n",
        fmt.conv, name,
        fmt.conv, fmt.type, fmt.flags, fmt.prec, fmt.width, fmt.infolen, infotxt, source);
int NSCLConverter::scanLong(const StreamFormat& fmt, const char* input, long& value)
  // get previously parsed format data
  zFormatData zdata;
  if (! getFormatData(fmt.info,&zdata)) return(false);

  switch (zdata.zFormat) {
    case ZFORMAT_ZHL: {
      // determine how many bytes (hex-coded pairs) to read
      int ww = (fmt.width > 0) ? (fmt.width / 2) : 4;
      // if no width, stop when invalid hex pair occurs
      bool stopInvalid = (fmt.width > 0) ? false : true;
      // scan until error or done
      value = 0;
      const char *pc = input;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < ww; ii++) {
        if (! isHexPair(pc)) {
          // invalid hex pair, if stop on invalid we break
          if (stopInvalid) break;
          // if NOT stop on invalid, is an error
          error("invalid hex-coded character pair at '%s'\n",pc);
          value = 0;
        // get value of hex-coded pair and add to value being built
        unsigned char d = 0;
        value <<= 8;
        value |= d;
        pc += 2;
      // if '-' flag given, convert to signed
      if (fmt.flags & left_flag) {
        int nbytes = (pc - input) / 2;
        if (nbytes < 4) {
          unsigned long mask = 0x00000080;
          mask <<= (nbytes - 1) * 8;
          if (value & mask) {
            mask = 0xFF000000;
            for (int nn = 0; nn < 4-nbytes; nn++) {
              value |= mask;
              mask >>= 8;
      // return number of chars we consumed
      return( pc - input );
    } // ZHL

    case ZFORMAT_ZSR: {
      // must start with STX
      char *pc = (char *) input;
      if ((*pc) != 0x02) {
        error("ZSR reply starts with 0x%02x, not STX\n",(*pc));

      // get remaining msg characters (13), un-converting escape-sequences
      //       addr + func + 'c' + hexcode + data + msgid + chksum
      // count  1      1      1       3       4       1       2     = 13
      // index  0      1      2     3,4,5   6,7,8,9   10     11,12
      unsigned char unesc[64];
      int unesc_len = 13;
      for (int kk = 0; kk < unesc_len; kk++) {
        if ((*pc) == 0x0d) {
          // hit CR prematurely, might be error reply, reset unesc_len
          unesc_len = kk;
        } else if ((*pc) != 0x07) {
          // regular char
          unesc[kk] = (*pc);
        } else {
          // 2-byte escape-sequence
          switch ((*pc)) {
            case 0x30:
                unesc[kk] = 0x02;
            case 0x31:
                unesc[kk] = 0x0d;
            case 0x32:
                unesc[kk] = 0x07;
                error("ZSR unknown escape-sequence 0x07+0x%02x\n",(*pc));

      // calculate desired checksum
      int chksum = 0;
      for (int kk = 0; kk < unesc_len-2; kk++) chksum += unesc[kk];
      chksum &= 0x000000FF;

      // get checksum sent, must match
      int want_chksum = (unesc[unesc_len-2] & 0x0F);
      want_chksum <<= 4;
      want_chksum |= (unesc[unesc_len-1] & 0x0F);
      if (chksum != want_chksum) {
        error("ZSR checksum mismatch : 0x%02x, not 0x%02x\n",chksum,want_chksum);

      // check for error reported
      unsigned char errval = unesc[1] & 0x07;
      if (errval != 0x01) {
        error("ZSR reply reports error : 0x%02x",errval);

      // address must match
      if (unesc[0] != zdata.U.zsr.addr) {
        error("ZSR address mismatch : 0x%02x, not 0x%02x\n",unesc[0],zdata.U.zsr.addr);

      // func nibble must match
      unsigned char func = unesc[1] & 0xF0;
      if (func != 0x80) {
        error("ZSR function mismatch : 0x%02x, not 0x80\n",func);

      // get msgid, must match sent
      int reply_msgid = unesc[unesc_len-3];
      if (reply_msgid != zdata.U.zsr.msgid) {
        error("ZSR reply msgid is 0x%02x, not 0x%02x\n",reply_msgid,zdata.U.zsr.msgid);

      // 'c'+hexcode must match
      unsigned char reply_cmd = unesc[2];
      unsigned long reply_dict = 0;
      for (int kk = 3; kk <= 5; kk++) {
        reply_dict <<= 8;
        reply_dict |= unesc[kk];
      if ((reply_cmd != 'c') || (reply_dict != zdata.U.zsr.dict)) {
        error("ZSR reply code mismatch (0x%02x/%06lx != 0x%02x/%06lx)\n",

      // get data
      value = 0;
      for (int kk = 6; kk <= 9; kk++) {
        value <<= 8;
        value |= unesc[kk];

      // return number of chars we consumed
      int consumed = (pc - input);
    } // ZSR
  } // switch

  // if we get this far is an error
  value = 0;
int NSCLConverter::scanDouble(const StreamFormat& fmt, const char* input, double& value)
  // get previously parsed format data
  zFormatData zdata;
  if (! getFormatData(fmt.info,&zdata)) return(false);

  switch (zdata.zFormat) {
    case ZFORMAT_ZDS: {
      // length of string must be at least 18 bytes, size of DS1820 scratchpad
      int L = strlen(input);
      if (L < 18) {
        error("input string length (%d) shorter than DS1820 scratchpad length (18)\n",L);

      // convert scratchpad string into data bytes
      // these are:
      //    0 : temp LSB
      //    1 : temp HSB
      //    2 : TH or User1      (ignored)
      //    3 : TL or User2      (ignored)
      //    4 : reserved         (ignored)
      //    5 : reserved         (ignored)
      //    6 : counts remaining
      //    7 : counts per degC
      //    8 : checksum         (ignored)
      unsigned char data[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
      const char *pc = input;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) {
        if (! unhexPair(pc,&data[ii])) return(false);
        pc += 2;

      // get temperature data
      short tempD = data[1];
      tempD <<= 8;
      tempD |= data[0];
      tempD &= 0xFFFE;
      double count_rem = data[6];
      double count_per = data[7];

      // calculate temperature
      value = tempD * 0.5;
      if (count_per > 0) value = value - 0.25 + ((count_per - count_rem) / count_per);

      return(18);  // scratchpad is always 18 bytes
    } // ZDS

    case ZFORMAT_ZHF: {
      // decode hex bytes
      union {
        long L;
        float F;
      } U;
      U.L = 0;
      const char *pc = input;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
        unsigned char d;
        if (! unhexPair(pc,&d)) return(false);
        U.L <<= 8;
        U.L |= d;
        pc += 2;
      // set value and we're done
      value = U.F;
      return(8);  // always consumes 8 bytes
  } // switch

  // if we get this far is an error
  value = 0;
int NSCLConverter::scanString(const StreamFormat& fmt, const char* input, char* value, size_t maxlen)
  // get previously parsed format data
  zFormatData zdata;
  if (! getFormatData(fmt.info,&zdata)) return(false);

  switch (zdata.zFormat) {
    case ZFORMAT_ZHS: {
      // determine how many bytes (hex-coded pairs) to read
      int ww = (fmt.width > 0) ? (fmt.width / 2) : ((maxlen-1) & 0xFFFFFFFE);
      // if no width, we stop when an invalid pair occurs or a NULL (00 char pair) is read
      bool stopInvalid = (fmt.width > 0) ? false : true;
      bool stopNull    = (fmt.width > 0) ? false : true;
      // scan until error or done
      const char *pc = input;
      int idx = 0;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < ww; ii++) {
        if (! isHexPair(pc)) {
          // invalid hex pair, if stop on invalid we break
          if (stopInvalid) break;
          // if NOT stop on invalid, is an error
          error("invalid hex-coded character pair at '%s'\n",pc);
          value[0] = 0;
        // get value of hex-coded pair, add to string
        unsigned char d = 0;
        value[idx] = (char) d;
        pc += 2;
        // if we've read a NULL (chars 00, byte 0) and should stop on NULL, do so
        if ((d == 0) && (stopNull)) break;
      // always NULL-terminate string
      value[idx] = 0;
      // if # flag given, trim string
      if (fmt.flags & alt_flag) trimString(value);
      // return number of chars we consumed
      return( pc - input );
    } // ZHS
  } // switch

  // if we get this far is an error
  value[0] = 0;
int NSCLConverter::scanPseudo(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& input, long& cursor)
  // get previously parsed format data
  zFormatData zdata;
  if (! getFormatData(fmt.info,&zdata)) return(false);

  switch (zdata.zFormat) {
    case ZFORMAT_ZDC: {
      // get checksum from reply
      char *pc = input(cursor);
      char str[256];
      str[fmt.width] = 0;
      unsigned long UL;
      if (! unnumStringDecimal(str,&UL)) {
        error("ZDC: '%s' in reply is not a number\n",str);
      unsigned long replySum = UL;

      // calculate checksum from message
      pc = input(0);
      int count = zdata.U.zdc.count;
      if (count <= 0) count = cursor - zdata.U.zdc.startpos;
      if (count <= 0) {
        error("ZDC: byte count (%ld) < startpos (%d)\n",cursor,zdata.U.zdc.startpos);
      unsigned long calcSum = checksum256(pc,zdata.U.zdc.startpos,count);

      // checksums must match
      if (replySum != calcSum) {
        error("ZDC reply checksum is %ld, calculated is %ld\n",replySum,calcSum);

      // return number of chars we consumed
      int consumed = fmt.width;

    case ZFORMAT_ZC8: {
      nsclfrib_showBuffer((unsigned char *)&input[0],input.length());
      // get CRC from reply
      unsigned char replyCRC = (*input(cursor));

      // calculate expected CRC
      char *pc = input(0);
      unsigned char calcCRC = genericCRC8(pc,

      // CRCs must match
      if (replyCRC != calcCRC) {
        error("ZC8 reply crc is 0x%02X, calculated is 0x%02X\n",replyCRC,calcCRC);

      // return number of chars we consumed
      int consumed = 2;
    } // ZC8
  } // switch

  // if we get this far is an error
bool NSCLConverter::printLong(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& output, long value)
  // get previously parsed format data
  zFormatData zdata;
  if (! getFormatData(fmt.info,&zdata)) return(false);

  switch (zdata.zFormat) {
    case ZFORMAT_ZHL: {
      // determine how many bytes (hex-coded pairs) to write
      int ww = (fmt.width > 0) ? (fmt.width / 2) : 4;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < ww; ii++) {
         unsigned char c = (unsigned char) ((value >> 8*(ww-ii-1)) & 0x00FF);
         char str[3];
    } // ZHL

    case ZFORMAT_ZSR: {
      // build part of message that is checksum-ed
      unsigned char body[64];
      body[0] = zdata.U.zsr.addr;  // address
      body[1] = 0x80;             // function code = dictionary lookup
      body[2] = 'c';              // c=read (set would be 'a')
      body[3] = (zdata.U.zsr.dict >> 16) & 0x0000FF;
      body[4] = (zdata.U.zsr.dict >>  8) & 0x0000FF;
      body[5] = (zdata.U.zsr.dict >>  0) & 0x0000FF;
      body[6] = zdata.U.zsr.msgid;
      int body_len = 7;

      // calculate checksum
      unsigned int chksum = 0;
      for (int kk = 0; kk < body_len; kk++) chksum += body[kk];
      chksum &= 0x000000FF;

      // build whole message, checking for needed escape-sequences
      unsigned char send[64];
      int idx = 0;
      send[idx++] = 0x02; // STX, start of message
      for (int kk = 0; kk < body_len; kk++) {
        switch (body[kk]) {
          case 0x02:
              send[idx++] = 0x07;
              send[idx++] = 0x30;
          case 0x07:
              send[idx++] = 0x07;
              send[idx++] = 0x32;
          case 0x0d:
              send[idx++] = 0x07;
              send[idx++] = 0x31;
              send[idx++] = body[kk];

      // add checksum + CR and we're done
      send[idx++] = 0x40 + ((chksum >> 4) & 0x00000F);
      send[idx++] = 0x40 + ((chksum >> 0) & 0x00000F);
      send[idx++] = 0x0d;
    } // ZSR;
  } // switch

  // if we get this far is an error
bool NSCLConverter::printDouble(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& output, double value)
  // get previously parsed format data
  zFormatData zdata;
  if (! getFormatData(fmt.info,&zdata)) return(false);

  switch (zdata.zFormat) {
    case ZFORMAT_ZHF: {
      // hex-coded float
      union {
        long L;
        float F;
      } U;
      U.F = (float) value;
      int ww = 4;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < ww; ii++) {
        unsigned char c = (unsigned char) ((U.L >> 8*(ww-ii-1)) & 0x00FF);
        char str[3];
    } // ZHF
  } // switch

  // if we get this far is an error
bool NSCLConverter::printString(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& output, const char* value)
  // get previously parsed format data
  zFormatData zdata;
  if (! getFormatData(fmt.info,&zdata)) return(false);

  switch (zdata.zFormat) {
    case ZFORMAT_ZHS: {
      int strchars = strlen(value);
      int usechars = strchars;
      int padchars = 0;
      if (fmt.width > 0) {
        usechars = fmt.width / 2;
        if (usechars > strchars) {
          padchars = (usechars - strchars);
          usechars = strchars;
      for (int ii = 0; ii < usechars; ii++) {
        char c[3];
      // pad w/spaces (if any needed)
      for (int ii = 0; ii < padchars; ii++) output.append("20");
      // if no specified width, append hexcoded null
      if (fmt.width <= 0) output.append("00");
    } // ZHS
  } // switch

  // if we get this far is an error
bool NSCLConverter::printPseudo(const StreamFormat& fmt, StreamBuffer& output)
  // get previously parsed format data
  zFormatData zdata;
  if (! getFormatData(fmt.info,&zdata)) return(false);

  switch (zdata.zFormat) {
    case ZFORMAT_ZDC: {
      // calculate expected checksum
      char *pc = output(0);
      int count = zdata.U.zdc.count;
      if (count <= 0) count = output.length();
      unsigned char calcSum = checksum256(pc,zdata.U.zdc.startpos,count);

      // format as a string
      char str[256];
      if (fmt.flags & zero_flag)

      // add to output

    case ZFORMAT_ZC8: {
      // calculate expected CRC
      char *pc = output(0);
      unsigned char calcCRC = genericCRC8(pc,

      // add to output
      nsclfrib_showBuffer((unsigned char *)&output[0],output.length());
    } // ZC8
  } // switch

  // if we get this far is an error

RegisterConverter(NSCLConverter, "Z");

StreamDevice for an odd float format Brown, Garth via Tech-talk

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