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Subject: Re: How to run IOC in docker containers properly
From: Ralph Lange via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: EPICS Tech Talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2020 17:58:53 +0200
On Thu, 18 Jun 2020 at 01:26, Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov> wrote:

The reason that we would run procServ inside GNU Screen is that our engineers love the ability to scroll back through the console history, seeing the output when the IOC booted, and even going back to earlier runs etc. procServ doesn’t have a history buffer at all, but screen (and presumably tmux) can provide that. We also rely on screen’s ability to support multiple people connecting to the console at once.

History tidbit:
Just that feature of the screen utility was the reason that David Thompson (JLAB) started developing procServ back in 2003. Their engineers loved and heavily used that feature, too. Until they found that leaving screen in history mode was blocking the IOC once the history buffer had filled up.

And, honestly: Connecting to a live IOC to be able to see the log of a previous run... I would call that a risk, not a feature.


Re: How to run IOC in docker containers properly Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk
How to run IOC in docker containers properly xiao zhang via Tech-talk
Re: How to run IOC in docker containers properly Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk
Re: How to run IOC in docker containers properly Ben Franksen via Tech-talk
Re: How to run IOC in docker containers properly J. Lewis Muir via Tech-talk
Re: How to run IOC in docker containers properly Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk
Re: How to run IOC in docker containers properly Konrad, Martin via Tech-talk
Re: How to run IOC in docker containers properly Johnson, Andrew N. via Tech-talk

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