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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Python cothread errors
From: "Ha, Kiman via Tech-talk" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Cc: "Kongtawong, Sukho" <skongtawong at bnl.gov>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 05:20:26 +0000

Hi All,


We were trying to collect waveform data from the single point softIOC, a total of 180 * 100,000 points.

Before, it works fine, but recently, we found unexpected cothread error messages.

Can someone advise how to fix these errors?


$python save_sdi_no_trig.py test2

start: number of data: 100000

  burst length: 11 s

  read data...

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "save_sdi_no_trig.py", line 83, in <module>

    faX  = caget(fa_x_pv, count=record_len)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cothread/catools.py", line 739, in caget

    return caget_array(pvs, **kargs)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cothread/catools.py", line 636, in caget_array

    for pv in pvs])

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cothread/cothread.py", line 1047, in WaitForAll


  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cothread/cothread.py", line 661, in __run

    self.__function(*self.__args, **self.__kargs))

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cothread/catools.py", line 122, in throw_wrapper

    return function(pv, *args, **kargs)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cothread/catools.py", line 624, in caget_one

    return ca_timeout(done, timeout, pv)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cothread/catools.py", line 149, in ca_timeout

    raise ca_nothing(name, cadef.ECA_TIMEOUT)

cothread.catools.ca_nothing: SR:SDI2FA:C23{BPM3}ADMA-X: User specified timeout on IO operation expired




# Global SDI data collection script

import os

import sys

import h5py

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import time

import datetime

import cothread

#from scipy import *

#from numpy import *

from cothread.catools import *

#from cothread import Timedout


# input parameters

comment = sys.argv[1]

save_dir = 'HLA_result'

burst_len_sp = 11 # time to store data in CC buffer [s]

record_len = 100000 # number of data to read from PVs

update_n_check = 5

update_t_wait = 1


# start

t0 = time.time()

print('start: number of data: ' + str(record_len))

init_burst_len = caget('SR:SDI2FA{}BurstLen-SP')

if (init_burst_len != burst_len_sp):

    caput('SR:SDI2FA{}BurstLen-SP', burst_len_sp)

    print('  set new burst length to ' + str(burst_len_sp) + ' s')


    print('  burst length: ' + str(init_burst_len) + ' s')


# directories and filename

if not(os.path.exists(save_dir)):



suffix = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M_%S")

filename = 'SR_CCSDI_FA_' + suffix + '_'+ comment + '.h5'


# generate PVs

# normal BPM

prefix_data = []

prefix_bad = []

p_index = ['1','2','3','4','5','6']

Cell_index = ['30','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29']

for i in Cell_index:

    for j in p_index:




# ID BPM (only upto 8 BPMs max)

p_index = ['7','8']

Cell_index = ['02','03','04','05','07','08','10','11','12','16','17','18','19','21','23','28']

for i in Cell_index:

    for j in p_index:




fa_x_pv = []

fa_y_pv = []

bad_x_pv = []

bad_y_pv = []


for i in range(len(prefix_data)):

    fa_x_pv.append(prefix_data[i] + 'ADMA-X')

    fa_y_pv.append(prefix_data[i] + 'ADMA-Y')

    bad_x_pv.append(prefix_bad[i] + 'PSD:BadX-Cmd')

    bad_y_pv.append(prefix_bad[i] + 'PSD:BadY-Cmd')



# collect data

I = caget('SR:C03-BI{DCCT:1}I:Total-I') # beam current

fin_cnt = caget('SR:SDI2FA{}TrigCnt-I') # initial trigger count


# read data from PVs

print('  read data...')

t = time.time()

faX  = caget(fa_x_pv, count=record_len)

faY  = caget(fa_y_pv, count=record_len)

badX = caget(bad_x_pv)

badY = caget(bad_y_pv)

print('    (lasted ' + str(round(time.time() - t, 2)) + ' s)')


# save .h5 file

print('  save hdf file...')

t = time.time()

fid = h5py.File(os.path.join(save_dir, filename), 'w')

fid['I'] = I

fid['prefix'] = prefix_data

fid['faX'] = faX

fid['faY'] = faY

fid['badX'] = badX

fid['badY'] = badY

fid['trig_cnt'] = fin_cnt


print('    (lasted ' + str(round(time.time() - t, 2)) + ' s)')


print('complete...(' + str(round(time.time() - t0, 2)) + ' s)')


Re: Python cothread errors Hu, Yong via Tech-talk

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