EPICS Controls Argonne National Laboratory

Experimental Physics and
Industrial Control System

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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: StreamDevice support problem: Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for...
From: Hasan SANSAR via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 15:45:22 +0300


I am a new member of EPICS platform. I installed EPICS R3.15.8.1-DEV from LaunchPad that given 'git' command on epics-contols.org and also StreamDevice and asyn from GitHub, and so I applied instructions on docs.epics-controls.org and there is no problem for installation and for example of creation IOC.

My environment is Debian GNU/Linux 10 Buster server installation without desktop GUI on Virtual Box. I'm trying to connect TDK-Lambda Z36-12-LAN Power Supply through ethernet connection with ethernet cable. There is no problem, because I can get ping from power supply's IP on Debian Virtualbox.

All in all, I start to follow Eric Norum's tutorial about device support (Or else, is it deprecated?):

And I get error end of third step below. (I added several informations below of the error message.) I think stream does not detect asyn, but why?

~/EPICS/IOCs/TDK/iocBoot/iocTDKtest$ ./st.cmd
## You may have to change TDKtest to something else
## everywhere it appears in this file
< envPaths
epicsEnvSet "STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH" "/home/osiloskop/EPICS/IOCs/TDK/db"
# Allow PV name prefixes and serial port name to be set from the environment
epicsEnvSet "P" "tdk_lambda"
epicsEnvSet "R" "Test"
epicsEnvSet "TTY" ""
cd "/home/osiloskop/EPICS/IOCs/TDK"
## Register all support components
dbLoadDatabase "dbd/TDKtest.dbd"
TDKtest_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase
# Set up ASYN ports
# drvAsynSerialPortConfigure port ipInfo priority noAutoconnect noProcessEos
st.cmd line 22: Command drvAsynIPPortConfigure not found.
st.cmd line 23: Command asynSetTraceIOMask not found.
st.cmd line 24: Command asynSetTraceMask not found.
## Load record instances
cd "/home/osiloskop/EPICS/IOCs/TDK/iocBoot/iocTDKtest"
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R3.15.8.1-DEV
## EPICS Base built Jun 22 2021
2021/06/22 14:22:33.738076 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestIDN'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.738776 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestIDN: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.739342 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestIDN: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.739909 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestIDNwf'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.740447 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestIDNwf: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.740981 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestIDNwf: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.741510 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestGetSTB'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.742124 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetSTB: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.742664 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetSTB: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.743210 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestGetESR'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.743758 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetESR: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.744297 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetESR: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.744844 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestGetESE'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.745381 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetESE: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.746009 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetESE: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.746585 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestGetSRE'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.747116 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetSRE: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.747660 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetSRE: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.748211 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestGetOPC'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.748760 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetOPC: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.749291 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestGetOPC: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.749879 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestSetESE'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.750409 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestSetESE: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.750946 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestSetESE: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.751492 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestSetSRE'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.752026 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestSetSRE: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.752555 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestSetSRE: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.753122 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestRST'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.753600 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestRST: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.754200 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestRST: Record initialization failed
2021/06/22 14:22:33.754888 _main_ Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for 'tdk_lambdaTestCLS'
2021/06/22 14:22:33.755377 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestCLS: Can't attach to bus L0 0
2021/06/22 14:22:33.755955 _main_ tdk_lambdaTestCLS: Record initialization failed
iocRun: All initialization complete
## Start any sequence programs
#seq sncxxx,"user=osiloskop"
epics> help
Type 'help <command>' to see the arguments of <command>.
#               ClockTime_Report                ClockTime_Shutdown
TDKtest_registerRecordDeviceDriver              asDumpHash      asInit
asSetFilename   asSetSubstitutions              ascar           asdbdump
asphag          aspmem          asprules        aspuag          astac
callbackParallelThreads         callbackSetQueueSize            casr
cd              coreRelease     date            dbDumpBreaktable
dbDumpDevice    dbDumpDriver    dbDumpField     dbDumpFunction  dbDumpMenu
dbDumpPath      dbDumpRecord    dbDumpRecordType               
dbDumpRegistrar dbDumpVariable  dbLoadDatabase  dbLoadRecords   dbLoadTemplate
dbLockShowLocked                dbNotifyDump    dbPutAttribute  dbPvdDump
dbPvdTableSize  dbReportDeviceConfig            dbStateClear    dbStateCreate
dbStateSet      dbStateShow     dbStateShowAll  dba             dbap
dbb             dbc             dbcar           dbd             dbel
dbgf            dbgrep          dbhcr           dbior           dbl
dbla            dblsr           dbnr            dbp             dbpf
dbpr            dbs             dbsr            dbstat          dbtgf
dbtpf           dbtpn           dbtr            drvAsynSerialPortConfigure
echo            eltc            epicsEnvSet     epicsEnvShow    epicsEnvUnset
epicsMutexShowAll               epicsParamShow  epicsPrtEnvParams
epicsThreadResume               epicsThreadShow epicsThreadShowAll
epicsThreadSleep                errlog          errlogInit      errlogInit2
exit            generalTimeReport               gft             help
installLastResortEventProvider  iocBuild        iocInit         iocLogInit
iocLogPrefix    iocLogShow      iocPause        iocRun          iocshCmd
iocshLoad       iocshRun        pft             postEvent       pwd
registryDeviceSupportFind       registryDriverSupportFind       registryDump
registryFunctionFind            registryRecordTypeFind         
scanOnceSetQueueSize            scanpel         scanpiol        scanppl
setIocLogDisable                streamReinit    streamReload   
streamReportRecord              streamSetLogfile                taskwdShow
tpn             var                     
epics> drvAsynSerialPortConfigure
Port name missing.
epics> drvAsyn
Command drvAsyn not found.
epics> asynReport(10,SERIALPORT)
Command asynReport not found.
epics> dbior "stream"
Driver: stream
  StreamDevice 2.8.19-dirty 2021-04-09 17:41:57 +0200
  commit: 377d511c670193c5d49493ebcb5e7385fb34440a
  (C) 1999 Dirk Zimoch (dirk.zimoch at psi.ch)
  Use interest level 100 for license information
  registered bus interfaces:

~/EPICS/IOCs/TDK/dbd$ grep -i stream TDKtest.dbd
device(stringin, INST_IO, devstringinStream, "stream")
device(stringout, INST_IO, devstringoutStream, "stream")
device(aao, INST_IO, devaaoStream, "stream")
device(mbbi, INST_IO, devmbbiStream, "stream")
device(bi, INST_IO, devbiStream, "stream")
device(waveform, INST_IO, devwaveformStream, "stream")
device(ao, INST_IO, devaoStream, "stream")
device(lso, INST_IO, devlsoStream, "stream")
device(mbbiDirect, INST_IO, devmbbiDirectStream, "stream")
device(longin, INST_IO, devlonginStream, "stream")
device(ai, INST_IO, devaiStream, "stream")
device(aai, INST_IO, devaaiStream, "stream")
device(longout, INST_IO, devlongoutStream, "stream")
device(mbbo, INST_IO, devmbboStream, "stream")
device(bo, INST_IO, devboStream, "stream")
device(mbboDirect, INST_IO, devmbboDirectStream, "stream")
device(lsi, INST_IO, devlsiStream, "stream")
device(calcout, INST_IO, devcalcoutStream, "stream")
variable(streamDebug, int)
variable(streamDebugColored, int)
variable(streamError, int)

$ ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:48:94:10 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic enp0s3
       valid_lft 67195sec preferred_lft 67195sec
    inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe48:9410/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: enp0s8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 70:54:d2:db:d2:d4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet6 fe80::7254:d2ff:fedb:d2d4/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: docker0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default
    link/ether 02:42:ce:4a:e5:26 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global docker0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

$tail -5 ~/.bashrc
export EPICS_BASE=${HOME}/EPICS/epics-base
export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=$(${EPICS_BASE}/startup/EpicsHostArch)
export ASYN=${HOME}/EPICS/support/asyn
export EPICS_DISPLAY_PATH=${ASYN}/opi/medm

~/EPICS/IOCs/TDK/dbd$ less ../../../support/asyn/configure/RELEASE
#RELEASE Location of external products


#  IPAC is only necessary if support for Greensprings IP488 is required
#  IPAC release V2-7 or later is required.

# SEQ is required for testIPServer

## For sCalcout support in asynOctet - applications include asynCalc.dbd

# If CALC was built with SSCAN support then SSCAN must be defined for testEpicsApp

#  EPICS_BASE 3.14.6 or later is required

-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.local
-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).local
-include $(TOP)/configure/RELEASE.local

less ../../../support/StreamDevice/configure/RELEASE

# If you don't want to install into $(TOP) then

-include $(TOP)/../configure/SUPPORT.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH)


# EPICS_BASE usually appears last so other apps can override stuff:

# These lines allow developers to override these RELEASE settings
# without having to modify this file directly.
-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.local
-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).local
-include $(TOP)/configure/RELEASE.local

Thank you for your help in the future.

Best regards.

Hasan Sansar

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Prev: Re: Using autosave to restore device settings after a reset without rebooting IOC Ralph Lange via Tech-talk
Next: Re: StreamDevice support problem: Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for... Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
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Navigate by Thread:
Prev: Re: Using autosave to restore device settings after a reset without rebooting IOC Ralph Lange via Tech-talk
Next: Re: StreamDevice support problem: Cannot find a bus named 'L0' for... Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
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