I can start succesfully ImageJ and select under plugins EPICS_areaDetector the EPICS AD VIEWER.
I see the message 'PVs is connected' in the the status window.
When I press the Start button to begin displaying images, nothing happens.
You can see this behavior with the attached files. I tried it with 13SIM1:image1 and 13ARV1:image1 to get pictures from my camera.
You can notice that there are no values for NX, NY, NZ and Frames/s.
When you look at the NDStdArrays.adl, you notice the configuration of the array is not done, dimension and array size is 0.
What do I forget in the configuration or misconfigured?
Best regards
Petra Schwalbach [Petra%20Schwalbach]Petra.Schwalbach at uni-mainz.de
mobil 0151 58854122
Festnetz 06131 593275
Inst. f. Kernphysik, Uni Mainz Tel.: 06131/39-25193
B1-Kollaboration Fax: 06131/39-22964
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 45
55099 Mainz