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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: RE: Cpp code not recognizing asyn parameter
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho" <marco.filho at lnls.br>, "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Cc: SWC <swc at lnls.br>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 18:48:29 +0000

Hi Marco,


Your original message did not mention that your driver was inheriting from ADDriver, I assumed it was just inheriting from asynPortDriver. In that case you don’t need to set the mask, and the asynReport command I gave will list every port, not just your driver.


Your should do:


asynReport 10 NAME_OF_YOUR_PORT


Then you will just see the information for your port driver.


It sounds like you have solved the problem.





From: Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho <marco.filho at lnls.br>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 12:33 PM
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>; tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Cc: SWC <swc at lnls.br>
Subject: Re: Cpp code not recognizing asyn parameter


Hi, Mark!

Érico Rolim just found out that i was using the wrong port: the initial .cmd defines a port used by streamDevice module and a port used by asyn module. I was accidentally loading the record with PORT=STREAM_PORT instead of ASYN_PORT. Loading the correct port solved the problem.

To answer your questions: im still not familiar with usage of asyn masks, but the class constructor defines:


        MAX_VIDEO_DEVICES + 1, // 2 for videos + 1 for video0+video1 compounded image




        0, 0, /* No interfaces beyond those set in ADDriver.cpp */

        0, 1, /* ASYN_CANBLOCK=0, ASYN_MULTIDEVICE=0, autoConnect=1 */




Is that why there was no error message?

 asynReport 10 returns a long output which i managed to reduce a little by ommiting load of ADBase common_Plugins:

epics> asynReport 10

SIM1 multiDevice:Yes canBlock:No autoConnect:Yes

    enabled:Yes connected:Yes numberConnects 1

    nDevices 3 nQueued 0 blocked:No

    asynManagerLock:No synchronousLock:No

    exceptionActive:No exceptionUsers 0 exceptionNotifys 0

    traceMask:0x21 traceIOMask:0x1 traceInfoMask:0x1


        asynOctet pinterface 0x117b720 drvPvt 0x11e6090


        asynCommon pinterface 0x117ba40 drvPvt 0x11e26b0

        asynDrvUser pinterface 0x117ba58 drvPvt 0x11e26b0

        asynOctet pinterface 0x117bb18 drvPvt 0x11e26b0

        asynInt32 pinterface 0x117ba70 drvPvt 0x11e26b0

        asynFloat64 pinterface 0x117baf8 drvPvt 0x11e26b0

        asynInt32Array pinterface 0x117bba0 drvPvt 0x11e26b0

        asynGenericPointer pinterface 0x117bc20 drvPvt 0x11e26b0

    addr 0 autoConnect Yes enabled Yes connected Yes exceptionActive No

        exceptionActive No exceptionUsers 1 exceptionNotifys 0

        blocked No

        traceMask:0x21 traceIOMask:0x1 traceInfoMask:0x1

    addr 1 autoConnect Yes enabled Yes connected No exceptionActive No

        exceptionActive No exceptionUsers 0 exceptionNotifys 0

        blocked No

        traceMask:0x21 traceIOMask:0x1 traceInfoMask:0x1

    addr 2 autoConnect Yes enabled Yes connected No exceptionActive No

        exceptionActive No exceptionUsers 0 exceptionNotifys 0

        blocked No

        traceMask:0x1 traceIOMask:0x0 traceInfoMask:0x1

Simulation detector SIM1

  NX, NY:            512  512

  Data type:         3

Port: SIM1

  Timestamp: <undefined>

  Input EOS[0]:

  Output EOS[0]:

Parameter list 0

Number of parameters is: 102

Parameter 0 type=string, name=PORT_NAME_SELF, value=SIM1, status=0

Parameter 1 type=string, name=ADCORE_VERSION, value=3.11.0, status=0

Parameter 2 type=string, name=DRIVER_VERSION, value=1.0.0, status=0

Parameter 3 type=string, name=MANUFACTURER, value=Mobipix Detector, status=0

Parameter 4 type=string, name=MODEL, value=Mobipix 1, status=0

Parameter 5 type=string, name=SERIAL_NUMBER, value=No serial number, status=0

Parameter 6 type=string, name=SDK_VERSION, value=1.0.0, status=0

Parameter 7 type=string, name=FIRMWARE_VERSION, value=LNLS/CNPEM, status=0

Parameter 8 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 9 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE_BUSY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 10 type=asynInt32, name=WAIT_FOR_PLUGINS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 11 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_X, value=512, status=0

Parameter 12 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Y, value=512, status=0

Parameter 13 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Z, value=0, status=0

Parameter 14 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 15 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_NDIMENSIONS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 16 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_DIMENSIONS, value is undefined

Parameter 17 type=asynInt32, name=DATA_TYPE, value=3, status=0

Parameter 18 type=asynInt32, name=COLOR_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 19 type=asynInt32, name=UNIQUE_ID, value=0, status=0

Parameter 20 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_STAMP, value=0, status=0

Parameter 21 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_SEC, value=0, status=0

Parameter 22 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_NSEC, value=0, status=0

Parameter 23 type=asynInt32, name=BAYER_PATTERN, value=0, status=0

Parameter 24 type=string, name=CODEC, value is undefined

Parameter 25 type=asynInt32, name=COMPRESSED_SIZE, value is undefined

Parameter 26 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_COUNTER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 27 type=string, name=FILE_PATH, value=, status=0

Parameter 28 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_PATH_EXISTS, value is undefined

Parameter 29 type=string, name=FILE_NAME, value=, status=0

Parameter 30 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_NUMBER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 31 type=string, name=FILE_TEMPLATE, value=%s%s_%3.3d.dat, status=0

Parameter 32 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_INCREMENT, value=0, status=0

Parameter 33 type=string, name=FULL_FILE_NAME, value is undefined

Parameter 34 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_FORMAT, value is undefined

Parameter 35 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_SAVE, value is undefined

Parameter 36 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_FILE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 37 type=asynInt32, name=READ_FILE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 38 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 39 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_STATUS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 40 type=string, name=WRITE_MESSAGE, value=, status=0

Parameter 41 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURE, value is undefined

Parameter 42 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURED, value=0, status=0

Parameter 43 type=asynInt32, name=CAPTURE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 44 type=asynInt32, name=DELETE_DRIVER_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 45 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_LAZY_OPEN, value is undefined

Parameter 46 type=asynInt32, name=CREATE_DIR, value=0, status=0

Parameter 47 type=string, name=FILE_TEMP_SUFFIX, value=, status=0

Parameter 48 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_FILE, value=, status=0

Parameter 49 type=asynInt32, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_STATUS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 50 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_MACROS, value=, status=0

Parameter 51 is undefined, name=ARRAY_DATA

Parameter 52 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_CALLBACKS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 53 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_MAX_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 54 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_ALLOC_BUFFERS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 55 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_FREE_BUFFERS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 56 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_MAX_MEMORY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 57 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_USED_MEMORY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 58 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_EMPTY_FREELIST, value is undefined

Parameter 59 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_QUEUED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 60 type=asynFloat64, name=GAIN, value=1, status=0

Parameter 61 type=asynInt32, name=BIN_X, value=1, status=0

Parameter 62 type=asynInt32, name=BIN_Y, value=1, status=0

Parameter 63 type=asynInt32, name=MIN_X, value=0, status=0

Parameter 64 type=asynInt32, name=MIN_Y, value=0, status=0

Parameter 65 type=asynInt32, name=SIZE_X, value=512, status=0

Parameter 66 type=asynInt32, name=SIZE_Y, value=512, status=0

Parameter 67 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_SIZE_X, value=512, status=0

Parameter 68 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_SIZE_Y, value=512, status=0

Parameter 69 type=asynInt32, name=REVERSE_X, value=0, status=0

Parameter 70 type=asynInt32, name=REVERSE_Y, value=0, status=0

Parameter 71 type=asynInt32, name=FRAME_TYPE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 72 type=asynInt32, name=IMAGE_MODE, value=2, status=0

Parameter 73 type=asynInt32, name=NEXPOSURES, value=1, status=0

Parameter 74 type=asynInt32, name=NEXPOSURES_COUNTER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 75 type=asynInt32, name=NIMAGES, value=1, status=0

Parameter 76 type=asynInt32, name=NIMAGES_COUNTER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 77 type=asynFloat64, name=ACQ_TIME, value=0.001, status=0

Parameter 78 type=asynFloat64, name=ACQ_PERIOD, value=0.005, status=0

Parameter 79 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_REMAINING, value=0, status=0

Parameter 80 type=asynInt32, name=STATUS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 81 type=asynInt32, name=TRIGGER_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 82 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_CONTROL, value=0, status=0

Parameter 83 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_CONTROL_EPICS, value is undefined

Parameter 84 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_STATUS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 85 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 86 type=asynFloat64, name=SHUTTER_OPEN_DELAY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 87 type=asynFloat64, name=SHUTTER_CLOSE_DELAY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 88 type=asynFloat64, name=TEMPERATURE, value=25, status=0

Parameter 89 type=asynFloat64, name=TEMPERATURE_ACTUAL, value is undefined

Parameter 90 type=asynInt32, name=READ_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 91 type=string, name=STATUS_MESSAGE, value=, status=0

Parameter 92 type=string, name=STRING_TO_SERVER, value=, status=0

Parameter 93 type=string, name=STRING_FROM_SERVER, value=, status=0

Parameter 94 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VITIMEOUT, value=1000, status=0

Parameter 95 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO0_N, value is undefined

Parameter 96 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO1_N, value is undefined

Parameter 97 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO0_ERRORS, value is undefined

Parameter 98 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO1_ERRORS, value is undefined

Parameter 99 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_SAVE_FRAME_WITH_ERROR, value=0, status=0

Parameter 100 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_USE_TRANSOFORM, value=1, status=0

Parameter 101 type=asynInt32, name=DYNAMIC_RANGE, value=0, status=0

Parameter list 1

Number of parameters is: 102

Parameter 0 type=string, name=PORT_NAME_SELF, value is undefined

Parameter 1 type=string, name=ADCORE_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 2 type=string, name=DRIVER_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 3 type=string, name=MANUFACTURER, value is undefined

Parameter 4 type=string, name=MODEL, value is undefined

Parameter 5 type=string, name=SERIAL_NUMBER, value is undefined

Parameter 6 type=string, name=SDK_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 7 type=string, name=FIRMWARE_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 8 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE, value is undefined

Parameter 9 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE_BUSY, value is undefined

Parameter 10 type=asynInt32, name=WAIT_FOR_PLUGINS, value is undefined

Parameter 11 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_X, value is undefined

Parameter 12 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 13 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Z, value is undefined

Parameter 14 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE, value is undefined

Parameter 15 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_NDIMENSIONS, value is undefined

Parameter 16 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_DIMENSIONS, value is undefined

Parameter 17 type=asynInt32, name=DATA_TYPE, value is undefined

Parameter 18 type=asynInt32, name=COLOR_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 19 type=asynInt32, name=UNIQUE_ID, value is undefined

Parameter 20 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_STAMP, value is undefined

Parameter 21 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_SEC, value is undefined

Parameter 22 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_NSEC, value is undefined

Parameter 23 type=asynInt32, name=BAYER_PATTERN, value is undefined

Parameter 24 type=string, name=CODEC, value is undefined

Parameter 25 type=asynInt32, name=COMPRESSED_SIZE, value is undefined

Parameter 26 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_COUNTER, value is undefined

Parameter 27 type=string, name=FILE_PATH, value is undefined

Parameter 28 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_PATH_EXISTS, value is undefined

Parameter 29 type=string, name=FILE_NAME, value is undefined

Parameter 30 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_NUMBER, value is undefined

Parameter 31 type=string, name=FILE_TEMPLATE, value is undefined

Parameter 32 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_INCREMENT, value is undefined

Parameter 33 type=string, name=FULL_FILE_NAME, value is undefined

Parameter 34 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_FORMAT, value is undefined

Parameter 35 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_SAVE, value is undefined

Parameter 36 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 37 type=asynInt32, name=READ_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 38 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 39 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 40 type=string, name=WRITE_MESSAGE, value is undefined

Parameter 41 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURE, value is undefined

Parameter 42 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURED, value is undefined

Parameter 43 type=asynInt32, name=CAPTURE, value is undefined

Parameter 44 type=asynInt32, name=DELETE_DRIVER_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 45 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_LAZY_OPEN, value is undefined

Parameter 46 type=asynInt32, name=CREATE_DIR, value is undefined

Parameter 47 type=string, name=FILE_TEMP_SUFFIX, value is undefined

Parameter 48 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 49 type=asynInt32, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 50 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_MACROS, value is undefined

Parameter 51 is undefined, name=ARRAY_DATA

Parameter 52 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_CALLBACKS, value is undefined

Parameter 53 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_MAX_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 54 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_ALLOC_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 55 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_FREE_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 56 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_MAX_MEMORY, value is undefined

Parameter 57 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_USED_MEMORY, value is undefined

Parameter 58 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_EMPTY_FREELIST, value is undefined

Parameter 59 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_QUEUED_ARRAYS, value is undefined

Parameter 60 type=asynFloat64, name=GAIN, value is undefined

Parameter 61 type=asynInt32, name=BIN_X, value is undefined

Parameter 62 type=asynInt32, name=BIN_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 63 type=asynInt32, name=MIN_X, value is undefined

Parameter 64 type=asynInt32, name=MIN_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 65 type=asynInt32, name=SIZE_X, value is undefined

Parameter 66 type=asynInt32, name=SIZE_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 67 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_SIZE_X, value is undefined

Parameter 68 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_SIZE_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 69 type=asynInt32, name=REVERSE_X, value is undefined

Parameter 70 type=asynInt32, name=REVERSE_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 71 type=asynInt32, name=FRAME_TYPE, value is undefined

Parameter 72 type=asynInt32, name=IMAGE_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 73 type=asynInt32, name=NEXPOSURES, value is undefined

Parameter 74 type=asynInt32, name=NEXPOSURES_COUNTER, value is undefined

Parameter 75 type=asynInt32, name=NIMAGES, value is undefined

Parameter 76 type=asynInt32, name=NIMAGES_COUNTER, value is undefined

Parameter 77 type=asynFloat64, name=ACQ_TIME, value is undefined

Parameter 78 type=asynFloat64, name=ACQ_PERIOD, value is undefined

Parameter 79 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_REMAINING, value is undefined

Parameter 80 type=asynInt32, name=STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 81 type=asynInt32, name=TRIGGER_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 82 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_CONTROL, value is undefined

Parameter 83 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_CONTROL_EPICS, value is undefined

Parameter 84 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 85 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 86 type=asynFloat64, name=SHUTTER_OPEN_DELAY, value is undefined

Parameter 87 type=asynFloat64, name=SHUTTER_CLOSE_DELAY, value is undefined

Parameter 88 type=asynFloat64, name=TEMPERATURE, value is undefined

Parameter 89 type=asynFloat64, name=TEMPERATURE_ACTUAL, value is undefined

Parameter 90 type=asynInt32, name=READ_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 91 type=string, name=STATUS_MESSAGE, value is undefined

Parameter 92 type=string, name=STRING_TO_SERVER, value is undefined

Parameter 93 type=string, name=STRING_FROM_SERVER, value is undefined

Parameter 94 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VITIMEOUT, value is undefined

Parameter 95 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO0_N, value is undefined

Parameter 96 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO1_N, value is undefined

Parameter 97 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO0_ERRORS, value is undefined

Parameter 98 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO1_ERRORS, value is undefined

Parameter 99 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_SAVE_FRAME_WITH_ERROR, value is undefined

Parameter 100 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_USE_TRANSOFORM, value is undefined

Parameter 101 type=asynInt32, name=DYNAMIC_RANGE, value is undefined

Parameter list 2

Number of parameters is: 102

Parameter 0 type=string, name=PORT_NAME_SELF, value is undefined

Parameter 1 type=string, name=ADCORE_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 2 type=string, name=DRIVER_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 3 type=string, name=MANUFACTURER, value is undefined

Parameter 4 type=string, name=MODEL, value is undefined

Parameter 5 type=string, name=SERIAL_NUMBER, value is undefined

Parameter 6 type=string, name=SDK_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 7 type=string, name=FIRMWARE_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 8 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE, value is undefined

Parameter 9 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE_BUSY, value is undefined

Parameter 10 type=asynInt32, name=WAIT_FOR_PLUGINS, value is undefined

Parameter 11 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_X, value is undefined

Parameter 12 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 13 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Z, value is undefined

Parameter 14 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE, value is undefined

Parameter 15 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_NDIMENSIONS, value is undefined

Parameter 16 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_DIMENSIONS, value is undefined

Parameter 17 type=asynInt32, name=DATA_TYPE, value is undefined

Parameter 18 type=asynInt32, name=COLOR_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 19 type=asynInt32, name=UNIQUE_ID, value is undefined

Parameter 20 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_STAMP, value is undefined

Parameter 21 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_SEC, value is undefined

Parameter 22 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_NSEC, value is undefined

Parameter 23 type=asynInt32, name=BAYER_PATTERN, value is undefined

Parameter 24 type=string, name=CODEC, value is undefined

Parameter 25 type=asynInt32, name=COMPRESSED_SIZE, value is undefined

Parameter 26 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_COUNTER, value is undefined

Parameter 27 type=string, name=FILE_PATH, value is undefined

Parameter 28 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_PATH_EXISTS, value is undefined

Parameter 29 type=string, name=FILE_NAME, value is undefined

Parameter 30 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_NUMBER, value is undefined

Parameter 31 type=string, name=FILE_TEMPLATE, value is undefined

Parameter 32 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_INCREMENT, value is undefined

Parameter 33 type=string, name=FULL_FILE_NAME, value is undefined

Parameter 34 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_FORMAT, value is undefined

Parameter 35 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_SAVE, value is undefined

Parameter 36 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 37 type=asynInt32, name=READ_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 38 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 39 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 40 type=string, name=WRITE_MESSAGE, value is undefined

Parameter 41 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURE, value is undefined

Parameter 42 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURED, value is undefined

Parameter 43 type=asynInt32, name=CAPTURE, value is undefined

Parameter 44 type=asynInt32, name=DELETE_DRIVER_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 45 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_LAZY_OPEN, value is undefined

Parameter 46 type=asynInt32, name=CREATE_DIR, value is undefined

Parameter 47 type=string, name=FILE_TEMP_SUFFIX, value is undefined

Parameter 48 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 49 type=asynInt32, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 50 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_MACROS, value is undefined

Parameter 51 is undefined, name=ARRAY_DATA

Parameter 52 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_CALLBACKS, value is undefined

Parameter 53 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_MAX_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 54 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_ALLOC_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 55 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_FREE_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 56 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_MAX_MEMORY, value is undefined

Parameter 57 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_USED_MEMORY, value is undefined

Parameter 58 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_EMPTY_FREELIST, value is undefined

Parameter 59 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_QUEUED_ARRAYS, value is undefined

Parameter 60 type=asynFloat64, name=GAIN, value is undefined

Parameter 61 type=asynInt32, name=BIN_X, value is undefined

Parameter 62 type=asynInt32, name=BIN_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 63 type=asynInt32, name=MIN_X, value is undefined

Parameter 64 type=asynInt32, name=MIN_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 65 type=asynInt32, name=SIZE_X, value is undefined

Parameter 66 type=asynInt32, name=SIZE_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 67 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_SIZE_X, value is undefined

Parameter 68 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_SIZE_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 69 type=asynInt32, name=REVERSE_X, value is undefined

Parameter 70 type=asynInt32, name=REVERSE_Y, value is undefined

Parameter 71 type=asynInt32, name=FRAME_TYPE, value is undefined

Parameter 72 type=asynInt32, name=IMAGE_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 73 type=asynInt32, name=NEXPOSURES, value is undefined

Parameter 74 type=asynInt32, name=NEXPOSURES_COUNTER, value is undefined

Parameter 75 type=asynInt32, name=NIMAGES, value is undefined

Parameter 76 type=asynInt32, name=NIMAGES_COUNTER, value is undefined

Parameter 77 type=asynFloat64, name=ACQ_TIME, value is undefined

Parameter 78 type=asynFloat64, name=ACQ_PERIOD, value is undefined

Parameter 79 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_REMAINING, value is undefined

Parameter 80 type=asynInt32, name=STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 81 type=asynInt32, name=TRIGGER_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 82 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_CONTROL, value is undefined

Parameter 83 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_CONTROL_EPICS, value is undefined

Parameter 84 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 85 type=asynInt32, name=SHUTTER_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 86 type=asynFloat64, name=SHUTTER_OPEN_DELAY, value is undefined

Parameter 87 type=asynFloat64, name=SHUTTER_CLOSE_DELAY, value is undefined

Parameter 88 type=asynFloat64, name=TEMPERATURE, value is undefined

Parameter 89 type=asynFloat64, name=TEMPERATURE_ACTUAL, value is undefined

Parameter 90 type=asynInt32, name=READ_STATUS, value is undefined

Parameter 91 type=string, name=STATUS_MESSAGE, value is undefined

Parameter 92 type=string, name=STRING_TO_SERVER, value is undefined

Parameter 93 type=string, name=STRING_FROM_SERVER, value is undefined

Parameter 94 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VITIMEOUT, value is undefined

Parameter 95 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO0_N, value is undefined

Parameter 96 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO1_N, value is undefined

Parameter 97 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO0_ERRORS, value is undefined

Parameter 98 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_VIDEO1_ERRORS, value is undefined

Parameter 99 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_SAVE_FRAME_WITH_ERROR, value is undefined

Parameter 100 type=asynInt32, name=MOBI_USE_TRANSOFORM, value is undefined

Parameter 101 type=asynInt32, name=DYNAMIC_RANGE, value is undefined

    int32 callback client address=0x5d3780, addr=0, reason=8, userPvt=0x167aa10

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=8, userPvt=0x152b440

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=9, userPvt=0x152bd50

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=52, userPvt=0x152c660

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=69, userPvt=0x152cf70

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=70, userPvt=0x152d880

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=82, userPvt=0x152eca0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=84, userPvt=0x152f5b0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=83, userPvt=0x152fec0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=15, userPvt=0x1539b90

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=11, userPvt=0x153a4a0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=12, userPvt=0x153b1a0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=13, userPvt=0x153bab0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=14, userPvt=0x153c3c0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=25, userPvt=0x153ccd0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=19, userPvt=0x153d5e0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=21, userPvt=0x153def0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=22, userPvt=0x153e800

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=26, userPvt=0x153f110

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=59, userPvt=0x1541030

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=67, userPvt=0x1541940

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=68, userPvt=0x1542d60

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=61, userPvt=0x1543670

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=62, userPvt=0x1543f80

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=63, userPvt=0x1544890

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=64, userPvt=0x15451a0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=65, userPvt=0x1545ab0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=66, userPvt=0x15463c0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=73, userPvt=0x1546cd0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=74, userPvt=0x15479d0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=75, userPvt=0x15482e0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=76, userPvt=0x1548bf0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=23, userPvt=0x178a760

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=17, userPvt=0x178b070

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=18, userPvt=0x178b980

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=49, userPvt=0x178c680

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=71, userPvt=0x178cf90

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=72, userPvt=0x178d8a0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=81, userPvt=0x178e1b0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=80, userPvt=0x178eac0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=0, reason=85, userPvt=0x178f3d0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=20, userPvt=0x16f12c0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=77, userPvt=0x16f28c0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=78, userPvt=0x16f30b0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=79, userPvt=0x16f38a0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=60, userPvt=0x16f4090

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=86, userPvt=0x16f4880

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=87, userPvt=0x16f5070

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=88, userPvt=0x16f5860

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=0, reason=89, userPvt=0x16f6440

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=91, userPvt=0x169c2d0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=92, userPvt=0x169c910

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=93, userPvt=0x169cf50

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=1, userPvt=0x1778df0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=2, userPvt=0x1779140

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=0, userPvt=0x1779780

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=3, userPvt=0x1779dc0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=4, userPvt=0x177a400

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=5, userPvt=0x177aa40

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=6, userPvt=0x177b080

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=7, userPvt=0x177b6c0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=0, reason=24, userPvt=0x177bd00

    int32Array callback client address=0x5d9c10, addr=0, reason=16, userPvt=0x169b540

    genericPointer callback client address=0x6d7640, addr=0, reason=51, userPvt=0x11f5aa0

    genericPointer callback client address=0x6d7640, addr=1, reason=51, userPvt=0x136fad0

    genericPointer callback client address=0x6d7640, addr=2, reason=51, userPvt=0x1376300


SIM1: private NDArrayPool report



  numBuffers=0, numFree=0

  memorySize=0, maxMemory=0

  freeList: (index, dataSize, pArray)


SIM1: pAttributeList report


NDAttributeList: address=0x11e6d40:

  number of attributes=0

IPPORT1 multiDevice:No canBlock:Yes autoConnect:Yes

    enabled:Yes connected:Yes numberConnects 1

    nDevices 0 nQueued 0 blocked:No

    asynManagerLock:No synchronousLock:No

    exceptionActive:No exceptionUsers 170 exceptionNotifys 0

    traceMask:0x1 traceIOMask:0x0 traceInfoMask:0x1


        asynOctet pinterface 0x117b870 drvPvt 0x11f3db0


        asynCommon pinterface 0x113a550 drvPvt 0x11f39b0

        asynOption pinterface 0x113a568 drvPvt 0x11f39b0

        asynOctet pinterface 0x11f3ad0 drvPvt 0x11f39b0

    Port Connected

                    fd: 4

    Characters written: 5980

       Characters read: 3919

Image1 multiDevice:No canBlock:No autoConnect:Yes

    enabled:Yes connected:Yes numberConnects 1

    nDevices 0 nQueued 0 blocked:No

    asynManagerLock:No synchronousLock:No

    exceptionActive:No exceptionUsers 1 exceptionNotifys 0

    traceMask:0x1 traceIOMask:0x0 traceInfoMask:0x1


        asynOctet pinterface 0x117b720 drvPvt 0x11f4ef0


        asynCommon pinterface 0x117ba40 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynDrvUser pinterface 0x117ba58 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynOctet pinterface 0x117bb18 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynInt32 pinterface 0x117ba70 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynFloat64 pinterface 0x117baf8 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynInt8Array pinterface 0x117bb60 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynInt16Array pinterface 0x117bb80 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynInt32Array pinterface 0x117bba0 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynInt64Array pinterface 0x117bbc0 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynFloat32Array pinterface 0x117bbe0 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynFloat64Array pinterface 0x117bc00 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

        asynGenericPointer pinterface 0x117bc20 drvPvt 0x11f5aa0

Port: Image1

  Timestamp: <undefined>

  Input EOS[0]:

  Output EOS[0]:

Parameter list 0

Number of parameters is: 81

Parameter 0 type=string, name=PORT_NAME_SELF, value=Image1, status=0

Parameter 1 type=string, name=ADCORE_VERSION, value=3.11.0, status=0

Parameter 2 type=string, name=DRIVER_VERSION, value=3.11.0, status=0

Parameter 3 type=string, name=MANUFACTURER, value is undefined

Parameter 4 type=string, name=MODEL, value is undefined

Parameter 5 type=string, name=SERIAL_NUMBER, value is undefined

Parameter 6 type=string, name=SDK_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 7 type=string, name=FIRMWARE_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 8 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE, value is undefined

Parameter 9 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE_BUSY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 10 type=asynInt32, name=WAIT_FOR_PLUGINS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 11 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_X, value=0, status=0

Parameter 12 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Y, value=0, status=0

Parameter 13 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Z, value=0, status=0

Parameter 14 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 15 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_NDIMENSIONS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 16 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_DIMENSIONS, value is undefined

Parameter 17 type=asynInt32, name=DATA_TYPE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 18 type=asynInt32, name=COLOR_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 19 type=asynInt32, name=UNIQUE_ID, value=0, status=0

Parameter 20 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_STAMP, value=0, status=0

Parameter 21 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_SEC, value=0, status=0

Parameter 22 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_NSEC, value=0, status=0

Parameter 23 type=asynInt32, name=BAYER_PATTERN, value=0, status=0

Parameter 24 type=string, name=CODEC, value is undefined

Parameter 25 type=asynInt32, name=COMPRESSED_SIZE, value is undefined

Parameter 26 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_COUNTER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 27 type=string, name=FILE_PATH, value=, status=0

Parameter 28 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_PATH_EXISTS, value is undefined

Parameter 29 type=string, name=FILE_NAME, value=, status=0

Parameter 30 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_NUMBER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 31 type=string, name=FILE_TEMPLATE, value=%s%s_%3.3d.dat, status=0

Parameter 32 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_INCREMENT, value=0, status=0

Parameter 33 type=string, name=FULL_FILE_NAME, value is undefined

Parameter 34 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_FORMAT, value is undefined

Parameter 35 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_SAVE, value is undefined

Parameter 36 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_FILE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 37 type=asynInt32, name=READ_FILE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 38 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 39 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_STATUS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 40 type=string, name=WRITE_MESSAGE, value=, status=0

Parameter 41 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURE, value is undefined

Parameter 42 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURED, value=0, status=0

Parameter 43 type=asynInt32, name=CAPTURE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 44 type=asynInt32, name=DELETE_DRIVER_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 45 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_LAZY_OPEN, value is undefined

Parameter 46 type=asynInt32, name=CREATE_DIR, value=0, status=0

Parameter 47 type=string, name=FILE_TEMP_SUFFIX, value=, status=0

Parameter 48 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_FILE, value=, status=0

Parameter 49 type=asynInt32, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_STATUS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 50 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_MACROS, value=, status=0

Parameter 51 is undefined, name=ARRAY_DATA

Parameter 52 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_CALLBACKS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 53 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_MAX_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 54 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_ALLOC_BUFFERS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 55 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_FREE_BUFFERS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 56 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_MAX_MEMORY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 57 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_USED_MEMORY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 58 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_EMPTY_FREELIST, value is undefined

Parameter 59 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_QUEUED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 60 type=string, name=NDARRAY_PORT, value=SIM1, status=0

Parameter 61 type=asynInt32, name=NDARRAY_ADDR, value=0, status=0

Parameter 62 type=string, name=PLUGIN_TYPE, value=NDPluginStdArrays, status=0

Parameter 63 type=asynInt32, name=DROPPED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 64 type=asynInt32, name=QUEUE_SIZE, value=200, status=0

Parameter 65 type=asynInt32, name=QUEUE_FREE, value=200, status=0

Parameter 66 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_THREADS, value=5, status=0

Parameter 67 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_THREADS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 68 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 69 type=asynFloat64, name=SORT_TIME, value=0.1, status=0

Parameter 70 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_SIZE, value=20, status=0

Parameter 71 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_FREE, value is undefined

Parameter 72 type=asynInt32, name=DISORDERED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 73 type=asynInt32, name=DROPPED_OUTPUT_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 74 type=asynInt32, name=ENABLE_CALLBACKS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 75 type=asynInt32, name=BLOCKING_CALLBACKS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 76 type=asynInt32, name=PROCESS_PLUGIN, value is undefined

Parameter 77 type=asynFloat64, name=EXECUTION_TIME, value is undefined

Parameter 78 type=asynFloat64, name=MIN_CALLBACK_TIME, value=0, status=0

Parameter 79 type=asynFloat64, name=MAX_BYTE_RATE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 80 is undefined, name=STD_ARRAY_DATA

    int32 callback client address=0x5d3780, addr=-1, reason=8, userPvt=0x168c140

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=8, userPvt=0x15307d0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=9, userPvt=0x15310e0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=52, userPvt=0x15319f0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=74, userPvt=0x1532300

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=75, userPvt=0x1532c10

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=15, userPvt=0x1549500

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=11, userPvt=0x1549e10

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=12, userPvt=0x154a720

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=13, userPvt=0x154b030

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=14, userPvt=0x154b940

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=25, userPvt=0x154cd60

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=19, userPvt=0x154d670

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=21, userPvt=0x154e370

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=22, userPvt=0x154ec80

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=26, userPvt=0x154f590

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=59, userPvt=0x15510c0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=61, userPvt=0x15519d0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=63, userPvt=0x1657390

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=64, userPvt=0x1657ca0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=65, userPvt=0x16585b0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=67, userPvt=0x16592b0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=66, userPvt=0x1659bc0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=70, userPvt=0x165a4d0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=71, userPvt=0x165ade0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=73, userPvt=0x165c200

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=72, userPvt=0x165cb10

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=23, userPvt=0x178fce0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=17, userPvt=0x17905f0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=18, userPvt=0x1790f00

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=49, userPvt=0x1791810

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=68, userPvt=0x1792510

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=20, userPvt=0x16f84e0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=78, userPvt=0x16f9dc0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=79, userPvt=0x16fa5b0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=77, userPvt=0x16fada0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=69, userPvt=0x16fb590

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=1, userPvt=0x177c340

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=2, userPvt=0x177d450

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=0, userPvt=0x177da90

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=3, userPvt=0x177e0d0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=4, userPvt=0x177e710

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=5, userPvt=0x177ed50

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=6, userPvt=0x177f390

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=7, userPvt=0x177f9d0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=24, userPvt=0x1780010

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=62, userPvt=0x1780650

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=60, userPvt=0x1780c90

    int32Array callback client address=0x5d9c10, addr=-1, reason=16, userPvt=0x169db40

    int32Array callback client address=0x5d9c10, addr=-1, reason=80, userPvt=0x169ecc0


Image1: private NDArrayPool report



  numBuffers=0, numFree=0

  memorySize=0, maxMemory=0

  freeList: (index, dataSize, pArray)


Image1: pAttributeList report


NDAttributeList: address=0x1450da0:

  number of attributes=0

Image2 multiDevice:No canBlock:No autoConnect:Yes

    enabled:Yes connected:Yes numberConnects 1

    nDevices 0 nQueued 0 blocked:No

    asynManagerLock:No synchronousLock:No

    exceptionActive:No exceptionUsers 1 exceptionNotifys 0

    traceMask:0x1 traceIOMask:0x0 traceInfoMask:0x1


        asynOctet pinterface 0x117b720 drvPvt 0x1231fa0


        asynCommon pinterface 0x117ba40 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynDrvUser pinterface 0x117ba58 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynOctet pinterface 0x117bb18 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynInt32 pinterface 0x117ba70 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynFloat64 pinterface 0x117baf8 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynInt8Array pinterface 0x117bb60 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynInt16Array pinterface 0x117bb80 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynInt32Array pinterface 0x117bba0 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynInt64Array pinterface 0x117bbc0 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynFloat32Array pinterface 0x117bbe0 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynFloat64Array pinterface 0x117bc00 drvPvt 0x136fad0

        asynGenericPointer pinterface 0x117bc20 drvPvt 0x136fad0

Port: Image2

  Timestamp: <undefined>

  Input EOS[0]:

  Output EOS[0]:

Parameter list 0

Number of parameters is: 81

Parameter 0 type=string, name=PORT_NAME_SELF, value=Image2, status=0

Parameter 1 type=string, name=ADCORE_VERSION, value=3.11.0, status=0

Parameter 2 type=string, name=DRIVER_VERSION, value=3.11.0, status=0

Parameter 3 type=string, name=MANUFACTURER, value is undefined

Parameter 4 type=string, name=MODEL, value is undefined

Parameter 5 type=string, name=SERIAL_NUMBER, value is undefined

Parameter 6 type=string, name=SDK_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 7 type=string, name=FIRMWARE_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 8 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE, value is undefined

Parameter 9 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE_BUSY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 10 type=asynInt32, name=WAIT_FOR_PLUGINS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 11 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_X, value=0, status=0

Parameter 12 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Y, value=0, status=0

Parameter 13 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Z, value=0, status=0

Parameter 14 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 15 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_NDIMENSIONS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 16 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_DIMENSIONS, value is undefined

Parameter 17 type=asynInt32, name=DATA_TYPE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 18 type=asynInt32, name=COLOR_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 19 type=asynInt32, name=UNIQUE_ID, value=0, status=0

Parameter 20 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_STAMP, value=0, status=0

Parameter 21 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_SEC, value=0, status=0

Parameter 22 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_NSEC, value=0, status=0

Parameter 23 type=asynInt32, name=BAYER_PATTERN, value=0, status=0

Parameter 24 type=string, name=CODEC, value is undefined

Parameter 25 type=asynInt32, name=COMPRESSED_SIZE, value is undefined

Parameter 26 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_COUNTER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 27 type=string, name=FILE_PATH, value=, status=0

Parameter 28 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_PATH_EXISTS, value is undefined

Parameter 29 type=string, name=FILE_NAME, value=, status=0

Parameter 30 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_NUMBER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 31 type=string, name=FILE_TEMPLATE, value=%s%s_%3.3d.dat, status=0

Parameter 32 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_INCREMENT, value=0, status=0

Parameter 33 type=string, name=FULL_FILE_NAME, value is undefined

Parameter 34 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_FORMAT, value is undefined

Parameter 35 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_SAVE, value is undefined

Parameter 36 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_FILE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 37 type=asynInt32, name=READ_FILE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 38 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 39 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_STATUS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 40 type=string, name=WRITE_MESSAGE, value=, status=0

Parameter 41 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURE, value is undefined

Parameter 42 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURED, value=0, status=0

Parameter 43 type=asynInt32, name=CAPTURE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 44 type=asynInt32, name=DELETE_DRIVER_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 45 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_LAZY_OPEN, value is undefined

Parameter 46 type=asynInt32, name=CREATE_DIR, value=0, status=0

Parameter 47 type=string, name=FILE_TEMP_SUFFIX, value=, status=0

Parameter 48 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_FILE, value=, status=0

Parameter 49 type=asynInt32, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_STATUS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 50 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_MACROS, value=, status=0

Parameter 51 is undefined, name=ARRAY_DATA

Parameter 52 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_CALLBACKS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 53 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_MAX_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 54 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_ALLOC_BUFFERS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 55 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_FREE_BUFFERS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 56 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_MAX_MEMORY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 57 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_USED_MEMORY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 58 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_EMPTY_FREELIST, value is undefined

Parameter 59 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_QUEUED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 60 type=string, name=NDARRAY_PORT, value=SIM1, status=0

Parameter 61 type=asynInt32, name=NDARRAY_ADDR, value=1, status=0

Parameter 62 type=string, name=PLUGIN_TYPE, value=NDPluginStdArrays, status=0

Parameter 63 type=asynInt32, name=DROPPED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 64 type=asynInt32, name=QUEUE_SIZE, value=200, status=0

Parameter 65 type=asynInt32, name=QUEUE_FREE, value=200, status=0

Parameter 66 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_THREADS, value=5, status=0

Parameter 67 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_THREADS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 68 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 69 type=asynFloat64, name=SORT_TIME, value=0.1, status=0

Parameter 70 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_SIZE, value=20, status=0

Parameter 71 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_FREE, value is undefined

Parameter 72 type=asynInt32, name=DISORDERED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 73 type=asynInt32, name=DROPPED_OUTPUT_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 74 type=asynInt32, name=ENABLE_CALLBACKS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 75 type=asynInt32, name=BLOCKING_CALLBACKS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 76 type=asynInt32, name=PROCESS_PLUGIN, value is undefined

Parameter 77 type=asynFloat64, name=EXECUTION_TIME, value is undefined

Parameter 78 type=asynFloat64, name=MIN_CALLBACK_TIME, value=0, status=0

Parameter 79 type=asynFloat64, name=MAX_BYTE_RATE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 80 is undefined, name=STD_ARRAY_DATA

    int32 callback client address=0x5d3780, addr=-1, reason=8, userPvt=0x1691280

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=8, userPvt=0x1533520

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=9, userPvt=0x1533e30

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=52, userPvt=0x1534740

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=74, userPvt=0x1535050

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=75, userPvt=0x1535960

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=15, userPvt=0x165d420

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=11, userPvt=0x165dd30

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=12, userPvt=0x165e640

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=13, userPvt=0x165ef50

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=14, userPvt=0x165fc50

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=25, userPvt=0x1660560

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=19, userPvt=0x1660e70

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=21, userPvt=0x1661780

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=22, userPvt=0x1662090

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=26, userPvt=0x16629a0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=59, userPvt=0x16644d0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=61, userPvt=0x1664de0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=63, userPvt=0x16665f0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=64, userPvt=0x1666f00

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=65, userPvt=0x1667810

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=67, userPvt=0x1668120

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=66, userPvt=0x1668a30

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=70, userPvt=0x1669340

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=71, userPvt=0x1669c50

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=73, userPvt=0x166a560

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=72, userPvt=0x166ae70

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=23, userPvt=0x1792e20

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=17, userPvt=0x1793730

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=18, userPvt=0x1794b50

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=49, userPvt=0x1795460

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=68, userPvt=0x1795d70

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=20, userPvt=0x16fbd80

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=78, userPvt=0x16fd940

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=79, userPvt=0x16fe130

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=77, userPvt=0x16fe920

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=69, userPvt=0x16ff110

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=1, userPvt=0x17812d0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=2, userPvt=0x1781910

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=0, userPvt=0x1781f50

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=3, userPvt=0x1782590

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=4, userPvt=0x1782bd0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=5, userPvt=0x1783210

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=6, userPvt=0x1783850

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=7, userPvt=0x1783e90

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=24, userPvt=0x17844d0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=62, userPvt=0x1784b10

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=60, userPvt=0x1785150

    int32Array callback client address=0x5d9c10, addr=-1, reason=16, userPvt=0x169f820

    int32Array callback client address=0x5d9c10, addr=-1, reason=80, userPvt=0x16a05b0


Image2: private NDArrayPool report



  numBuffers=0, numFree=0

  memorySize=0, maxMemory=0

  freeList: (index, dataSize, pArray)


Image2: pAttributeList report


NDAttributeList: address=0x13712d0:

  number of attributes=0

Image multiDevice:No canBlock:No autoConnect:Yes

    enabled:Yes connected:Yes numberConnects 1

    nDevices 0 nQueued 0 blocked:No

    asynManagerLock:No synchronousLock:No

    exceptionActive:No exceptionUsers 1 exceptionNotifys 0

    traceMask:0x1 traceIOMask:0x0 traceInfoMask:0x1


        asynOctet pinterface 0x117b720 drvPvt 0x157d0a0


        asynCommon pinterface 0x117ba40 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynDrvUser pinterface 0x117ba58 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynOctet pinterface 0x117bb18 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynInt32 pinterface 0x117ba70 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynFloat64 pinterface 0x117baf8 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynInt8Array pinterface 0x117bb60 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynInt16Array pinterface 0x117bb80 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynInt32Array pinterface 0x117bba0 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynInt64Array pinterface 0x117bbc0 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynFloat32Array pinterface 0x117bbe0 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynFloat64Array pinterface 0x117bc00 drvPvt 0x1376300

        asynGenericPointer pinterface 0x117bc20 drvPvt 0x1376300

Port: Image

  Timestamp: <undefined>

  Input EOS[0]:

  Output EOS[0]:

Parameter list 0

Number of parameters is: 81

Parameter 0 type=string, name=PORT_NAME_SELF, value=Image, status=0

Parameter 1 type=string, name=ADCORE_VERSION, value=3.11.0, status=0

Parameter 2 type=string, name=DRIVER_VERSION, value=3.11.0, status=0

Parameter 3 type=string, name=MANUFACTURER, value is undefined

Parameter 4 type=string, name=MODEL, value is undefined

Parameter 5 type=string, name=SERIAL_NUMBER, value is undefined

Parameter 6 type=string, name=SDK_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 7 type=string, name=FIRMWARE_VERSION, value is undefined

Parameter 8 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE, value is undefined

Parameter 9 type=asynInt32, name=ACQUIRE_BUSY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 10 type=asynInt32, name=WAIT_FOR_PLUGINS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 11 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_X, value=0, status=0

Parameter 12 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Y, value=0, status=0

Parameter 13 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE_Z, value=0, status=0

Parameter 14 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_SIZE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 15 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_NDIMENSIONS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 16 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_DIMENSIONS, value is undefined

Parameter 17 type=asynInt32, name=DATA_TYPE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 18 type=asynInt32, name=COLOR_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 19 type=asynInt32, name=UNIQUE_ID, value=0, status=0

Parameter 20 type=asynFloat64, name=TIME_STAMP, value=0, status=0

Parameter 21 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_SEC, value=0, status=0

Parameter 22 type=asynInt32, name=EPICS_TS_NSEC, value=0, status=0

Parameter 23 type=asynInt32, name=BAYER_PATTERN, value=0, status=0

Parameter 24 type=string, name=CODEC, value is undefined

Parameter 25 type=asynInt32, name=COMPRESSED_SIZE, value is undefined

Parameter 26 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_COUNTER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 27 type=string, name=FILE_PATH, value=, status=0

Parameter 28 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_PATH_EXISTS, value is undefined

Parameter 29 type=string, name=FILE_NAME, value=, status=0

Parameter 30 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_NUMBER, value=0, status=0

Parameter 31 type=string, name=FILE_TEMPLATE, value=%s%s_%3.3d.dat, status=0

Parameter 32 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_INCREMENT, value=0, status=0

Parameter 33 type=string, name=FULL_FILE_NAME, value is undefined

Parameter 34 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_FORMAT, value is undefined

Parameter 35 type=asynInt32, name=AUTO_SAVE, value is undefined

Parameter 36 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_FILE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 37 type=asynInt32, name=READ_FILE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 38 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_MODE, value is undefined

Parameter 39 type=asynInt32, name=WRITE_STATUS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 40 type=string, name=WRITE_MESSAGE, value=, status=0

Parameter 41 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURE, value is undefined

Parameter 42 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_CAPTURED, value=0, status=0

Parameter 43 type=asynInt32, name=CAPTURE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 44 type=asynInt32, name=DELETE_DRIVER_FILE, value is undefined

Parameter 45 type=asynInt32, name=FILE_LAZY_OPEN, value is undefined

Parameter 46 type=asynInt32, name=CREATE_DIR, value=0, status=0

Parameter 47 type=string, name=FILE_TEMP_SUFFIX, value=, status=0

Parameter 48 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_FILE, value=, status=0

Parameter 49 type=asynInt32, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_STATUS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 50 type=string, name=ND_ATTRIBUTES_MACROS, value=, status=0

Parameter 51 is undefined, name=ARRAY_DATA

Parameter 52 type=asynInt32, name=ARRAY_CALLBACKS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 53 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_MAX_BUFFERS, value is undefined

Parameter 54 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_ALLOC_BUFFERS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 55 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_FREE_BUFFERS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 56 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_MAX_MEMORY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 57 type=asynFloat64, name=POOL_USED_MEMORY, value=0, status=0

Parameter 58 type=asynInt32, name=POOL_EMPTY_FREELIST, value is undefined

Parameter 59 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_QUEUED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 60 type=string, name=NDARRAY_PORT, value=SIM1, status=0

Parameter 61 type=asynInt32, name=NDARRAY_ADDR, value=2, status=0

Parameter 62 type=string, name=PLUGIN_TYPE, value=NDPluginStdArrays, status=0

Parameter 63 type=asynInt32, name=DROPPED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 64 type=asynInt32, name=QUEUE_SIZE, value=200, status=0

Parameter 65 type=asynInt32, name=QUEUE_FREE, value=200, status=0

Parameter 66 type=asynInt32, name=MAX_THREADS, value=5, status=0

Parameter 67 type=asynInt32, name=NUM_THREADS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 68 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_MODE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 69 type=asynFloat64, name=SORT_TIME, value=0.1, status=0

Parameter 70 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_SIZE, value=20, status=0

Parameter 71 type=asynInt32, name=SORT_FREE, value is undefined

Parameter 72 type=asynInt32, name=DISORDERED_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 73 type=asynInt32, name=DROPPED_OUTPUT_ARRAYS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 74 type=asynInt32, name=ENABLE_CALLBACKS, value=1, status=0

Parameter 75 type=asynInt32, name=BLOCKING_CALLBACKS, value=0, status=0

Parameter 76 type=asynInt32, name=PROCESS_PLUGIN, value is undefined

Parameter 77 type=asynFloat64, name=EXECUTION_TIME, value is undefined

Parameter 78 type=asynFloat64, name=MIN_CALLBACK_TIME, value=0, status=0

Parameter 79 type=asynFloat64, name=MAX_BYTE_RATE, value=0, status=0

Parameter 80 is undefined, name=STD_ARRAY_DATA

    int32 callback client address=0x5d3780, addr=-1, reason=8, userPvt=0x1695b20

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=8, userPvt=0x1536270

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=9, userPvt=0x1536b80

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=52, userPvt=0x1537490

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=74, userPvt=0x15388b0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=75, userPvt=0x15391c0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=15, userPvt=0x166b780

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=11, userPvt=0x166c480

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=12, userPvt=0x166cd90

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=13, userPvt=0x166d6a0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=14, userPvt=0x166dfb0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=25, userPvt=0x166e8c0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=19, userPvt=0x166f1d0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=21, userPvt=0x16705f0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=22, userPvt=0x1670f00

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=26, userPvt=0x1671810

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=59, userPvt=0x1673730

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=61, userPvt=0x1674040

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=63, userPvt=0x1674950

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=64, userPvt=0x1675260

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=65, userPvt=0x1675b70

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=67, userPvt=0x1676480

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=66, userPvt=0x1676d90

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=70, userPvt=0x16776a0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=71, userPvt=0x1677fb0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=73, userPvt=0x1678cb0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=72, userPvt=0x16795c0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=23, userPvt=0x1796680

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=17, userPvt=0x1796f90

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=18, userPvt=0x17978a0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=49, userPvt=0x17981b0

    int32 callback client address=0x5d2d00, addr=-1, reason=68, userPvt=0x1798eb0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=20, userPvt=0x16ff900

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=78, userPvt=0x1701be0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=79, userPvt=0x1706b40

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=77, userPvt=0x17076e0

    float64 callback client address=0x5e0008, addr=-1, reason=69, userPvt=0x1707ed0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=1, userPvt=0x1785790

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=2, userPvt=0x1785dd0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=0, userPvt=0x1786410

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=3, userPvt=0x1786a50

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=4, userPvt=0x1787090

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=5, userPvt=0x17876d0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=6, userPvt=0x1787d10

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=7, userPvt=0x1788350

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=24, userPvt=0x1788990

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=62, userPvt=0x1788fd0

    octet callback client address=0x5ccc30, addr=-1, reason=60, userPvt=0x1789610

    int32Array callback client address=0x5d9c10, addr=-1, reason=16, userPvt=0x16a1110

    int32Array callback client address=0x5d9c10, addr=-1, reason=80, userPvt=0x16a1ea0


Image: private NDArrayPool report



  numBuffers=0, numFree=0

  memorySize=0, maxMemory=0

  freeList: (index, dataSize, pArray)


Image: pAttributeList report


NDAttributeList: address=0x1374810:

  number of attributes=0


From: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Sent: 15 February 2023 14:15
To: Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho <marco.filho at lnls.br>; tech-talk at aps.anl.gov <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Cc: SWC <swc at lnls.br>
Subject: RE: Cpp code not recognizing asyn parameter


Hi Marco,


Did you set the mask for the asynInt32 interface in the constructor for you driver?


Please send the complete output when the IOC boots with your driver.  There may be an error message there.


Also send the output of this command at the IOC prompt:


asynReport 10





From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> On Behalf Of Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho via Tech-talk
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 9:39 AM
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Cc: SWC <swc at lnls.br>
Subject: Cpp code not recognizing asyn parameter


Hello all. Im trying to use the asyn module to associate the value of a PV to the value of a variable inside my cpp code.

The PV is defined as:

record(mbbo, "$(P)$(BE)DynamicRange"){

    field(DTYP, "asynInt32")

    field(ONVL, "1")

    field(ONST, "Full Dynamic Range")

    field(ZRVL, "0")

    field(ZRST, "Default")

    field(OUT,  "@asyn($(PORT),$(ADDR=0),$(TIMEOUT=1))DYNAMIC_RANGE")


In my header file i have:

#define DynamicRangeString            "DYNAMIC_RANGE"

int DynamicRangeString_;

and inside my .cpp:

createParam(DynamicRangeString,             asynParamInt32,   &DynamicRangeString_);

asynStatus Mobipix::writeInt32(asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)




When i dbpf into other asyn mbbo records that come from ADBase.template, such as "$(P)$(R)FrameType", the ioc shell prints the test message. When i dbpf into my DynamicRange PV nothing happens.

What am i missing?

Thanks for the help,




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Cpp code not recognizing asyn parameter Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho via Tech-talk
RE: Cpp code not recognizing asyn parameter Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
Re: Cpp code not recognizing asyn parameter Marco A. Barra Montevechi Filho via Tech-talk

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