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Subject: Re: Standard/clean way to copy NORD from one waveform to another (and aSub limitations)
From: Érico Nogueira Rolim via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>, Jure Varlec <jure.varlec at cosylab.com>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2023 11:56:48 +0000
On 04/05/2023 06:12, Jure Varlec via Tech-talk wrote:

Hello Érico,

I might have misunderstood what you are asking, so let me try to rephrase to confirm. You would like to use an aSub in such a way that the sizes of the input and/or output arrays are dynamic. Is that correct?

It is exactly correct.

If I misunderstood, sorry for the noise. But if that's what you are asking, then you are right in believing that things should be simpler than what you describe in your message. Things are simpler. The NOX and NOVX groups of fields are allocations sizes, much like NELM on a waveform. The NEX and NEVX are the current sizes, much like NORD on a waveform.

Suppose you have an aSub with both INPA and OUTA pointing to waveforms. You need to

  • In the database, set NOA to match NELM of the waveform at INPA.
  • In the database, set NOVA to match NELM of the waveform at OUTA.
  • In the subroutine, access only the first prec->nea elements of prec->a.
  • In the subroutine, set prec->neva to the desired number of output elements, then write to the first prec->neva elements of prec->vala.

That's it. The record support code takes care of setting prec-nea based on the source waveform for you, and using the prec->neva you provide to set the destination waveform.

Ah, I see where I got confused! Because prec->noa and prec->nova weren't set automatically, I assumed prec->nea wouldn't be either, and didn't check that assumption. I changed my code to use prec->nea and it is working just fine.

Thank you very much, Jure!




On 5/3/23 23:16, Érico Nogueira Rolim via Tech-talk wrote:
Caution: This email originated from outside of Cosylab.


I'm developing an IOC using asyn, and it controls an acquisition system,
where the resulting data is exported in PVs (AAI records). The number of
samples is controlled by another PV, and is propagated into the AAI
record from the doCallbacks*Array() functions, and can be found in the
value of the NORD field of the record. This is useful because clients
like pyepics's PV.get(), camonitor, pvget and pvmonitor all read only
NORD elements from the PV.

I'd like to perform some calculations on top of the acquisition data
(for now, things like applying a gain and offset on all elements), and
it seems more adequate to do so in a database, using records, instead of
adding parameters to my asyn driver so it can do the calculations itself
and expose another array: future developments get easier, things are
more flexible, and I have less code in my driver.

The alternatives I took a look at were aSubRecord [1] and aCalcoutRecord
[2]. Neither of them claim to do anything re. NORD of the input
parameters; given that both of them support arbitrary computations with
either of those, it makes sense that there couldn't be a default
behavior for this functionality. But it definitely feels inefficient to
run a loop for NELM (can be something like 1_000_000) elements in an
array when we have only NORD (perhaps 1_000?) valid elements.

Another IOC in my org uses aSubRecord to perform the calculation on NELM
elements, and then uses subArrayRecord [3] to expose only NORD elements
from the intermediary array, but it means adding a seemingly unnecessary
intermediary record (and I don't know if there are memory usage
implications for that).

Using aSubRecord, I came up with the following solution:

record(aSub, "$(S)$(RTM_CHAN)$(ACQ_NAME)CurrentConv"){
     field(SNAM, "asub_goff")
     field(INPA, "$(S)$(RTM_CHAN)$(ACQ_NAME)CurrentRawData CP")
     field(NOA, "$(NELM)")
     field(FTA, "SHORT")
     field(INPB, "$(S)$(RTM_CHAN)$(ACQ_NAME)CurrentRawData.NORD")
     field(INPC, "1")
     field(INPD, "$(S)$(RTM_CHAN)CurrOffset-SP")
     field(INPE, "$(S)$(RTM_CHAN)CurrGain-SP")
     field(OUTA, "$(S)$(RTM_CHAN)$(ACQ_NAME)CurrentData PP")
     field(FTVA, "FLOAT")
     field(NOVA, "$(NELM)")

where asub_goff is shown at the end of this email. The highlight from it
is that it copies the value from INPB into prec->neva, which, though it
is documented as read-only in [1] (maybe that's only about DB/channel
access?), does write into the NORD field of the record in OUTA.

However, it feels a bit dirty to do things like this; supporting DB
links in the NEA field, so we could pass CurrentRawData.NORD to it
instead, and then use prec->nea in our subroutine, seems much better. I
believe the same could go for fields like NOA and NOVA, where
CurrentRawData.NELM and CurrentData.NELM, respectively, could be used
(or it could even get that information from the INPA link? though I have
no idea if that would be possible).

On top of that, the FT* behavior is a bit confusing/inconsistent. It
seems the record does convert things for scalar values, so, for example,
FTD is DOUBLE by default (per the documentation) and the value read from
it (using (epicsFloat64 *)) is correct, despite the CurrOffset-SP.VAL
field being of type LONG. But for the array inputs, my code didn't work
correctly until I specified FTA and FTVA, because the pointers in
prec->a and prec->vala were always to the underlying arrays of
epicsInt16 and epicsFloat32, respectively, despite prec->fta and
prec->ftva specifying them as DOUBLE. Is this a matter of documentation,
or would it be possible to improve the ergonomics (by automatically
setting FT* fields?), or at least have some layer print a warning about
the wrong types being used?

Am I missing some other obvious way of implementing this? Are there
better ways?

Thanks in advance,


[1] https://epics.anl.gov/base/R7-0/7-docs/subArrayRecord.html

[2] https://epics-modules.github.io/calc/aCalcoutRecord.html

[3] https://epics.anl.gov/base/R7-0/7-docs/subArrayRecord.html

asub_goff implementation file:

template <class T>
static inline void apply_fn(void *v, epicsInt16 ft, T fn)
     if (ft == menuFtypeSHORT) fn((epicsInt16 *)v);
     else if (ft == menuFtypeLONG) fn((epicsInt32 *)v);
     else if (ft == menuFtypeINT64) fn((epicsInt64 *)v);
     else if (ft == menuFtypeFLOAT) fn((epicsFloat32 *)v);
     else if (ft == menuFtypeDOUBLE) fn((epicsFloat64 *)v);
     else throw std::runtime_error("unimplemented type");

template <class T>
static inline void get_scalar (T &out, void *v, epicsInt16 ft)
     apply_fn(v, ft, [&out](auto rv){ out = *rv; });

/** This array subroutine is used to apply gain and offset to an array,
  * given the following formula:
  *   out = (in * pre_gain + offset) * post_gain
  * This function expects as input:
  * - array in A
  * - array size in B
  * - pre_gain in C
  * - offset in D
  * - post_gain in E
  * And will write its output to:
  * - array in OUTA
static long asub_goff(aSubRecord *prec)
     /* sanity checking: these input elements were provided */
     if (prec->neb != 1 || prec->nec != 1 || prec->ned != 1 || prec->nee
!= 1)
         return 1;
     /* sanity checking: the arrays are big enough */
     printf("nova %d noa %d\n", prec->nova, prec->noa);
     if (prec->nova < prec->noa)
         return 2;

     epicsUInt32 elements;
     get_scalar(elements, prec->b, prec->ftb);

     double pre_gain, offset, post_gain;
     get_scalar(pre_gain, prec->c, prec->ftc);
     get_scalar(offset, prec->d, prec->ftd);
     get_scalar(post_gain, prec->e, prec->fte);

     /* write NORD field in output */
     prec->neva = elements;

     auto apply_goff = [pre_gain, offset, post_gain, elements](auto out,
auto in) {
         for (epicsUInt32 i = 0; i < elements; i++)
             out[i] = (in[i] * pre_gain + offset) * post_gain;

     /* run apply_goff regardless of the types of INPA and OUTA,
      * without having to convert anything */
     apply_fn(prec->a, prec->fta,
         [&prec, apply_goff](auto in) {
             apply_fn(prec->vala, prec->ftva, [in, apply_goff](auto out)
{ apply_goff(out, in); });

     return 0;


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Standard/clean way to copy NORD from one waveform to another (and aSub limitations) Érico Nogueira Rolim via Tech-talk
Re: Standard/clean way to copy NORD from one waveform to another (and aSub limitations) Jure Varlec via Tech-talk

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