Those warnings are normal. AD sets those records to PINI=YES because normally one wants to restore those settings. However, depending on the camera and its current configuration they may not actually be
writable, and if not, those warning messages appear.
From: John Dobbins <john.dobbins at>
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 2:06 PM
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at>; tech-talk at; John Dobbins <john.dobbins at>
Subject: Re: ADSpinnaker, BlackfkyS 161S7M Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming
on IOC start-up I see these messages:
2024/06/06 15:03:10.320 Param[GC_PIXEL_FORMAT] GenICamFeature::write: node PixelFormat is not writable
2024/06/06 15:03:10.440 Param[BIN_X] GenICamFeature::write: node BinningHorizontal is not writable
2024/06/06 15:03:10.460 Param[BIN_Y] GenICamFeature::write: node BinningVertical is not writable
2024/06/06 15:03:10.528 Param[SIZE_X] GenICamFeature::write: node Width is not writable
2024/06/06 15:03:10.548 Param[SIZE_Y] GenICamFeature::write: node Height is not writable
I changed USB-FS temporarily with
sh -c 'echo 1000 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb'
I will try the GenICam suggested method next.
Hi John,
This problem is mentioned in the release notes for ADSpinnaker R3-5:
There is a known problem on CentOS 9. The maximum number of driver buffers that Spinnaker will allow is 3. This is not a problem on Ubuntu 22 where a value over 200 is allowed on my system. Even with the limit
of 3 I am able to stream the full 163 frame/s on a GS3-U3-23S6M camera. FLIR is aware of the issue.
I reported the problem to FLIR in February, with the last update and demonstration of the problem in the attached message. I was promised that they would try to reproduce it, but I have
not heard anything. I sent them a reminder today.
- After configuring USB-FS memory I now have the camera running.
Aha! Thanks for finding that. Did you configure it as described here?
Can you tell me the command you used so I can check and update that documentation? I want to make sure it works on CentOS 9 as well.
I probably neglected to do that, which is why I thought there was a bug.
I have built, base-7.0.6, areaDetectorR3-13 with ADSpinnaker master on Alma 9. I am using a FLIR BlackflyS 161S7M USB camera. This is large, 5320x3032 pixels.
The camera is detected but I get a "Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming" error.
In ADSpinnakerConfig I have set numSPBuffer to minimum = 10 (?)
# ADSpinnakerConfig(const char *portName, const char *cameraId, int numSPBuffers,
# size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)
ADSpinnakerConfig("SP1", 22671882, 10, 0, 0,0)
The host computer has 16G, 13.7 G free,
John Dobbins
Research Support Specialist
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source
Cornell University
[root@lnx615 iocSpinnaker]# ../../bin/linux-x86_64/spinnakerApp st.cmd.BlackflyS_161S7M
< envPaths
# Use this line for a specific camera by serial number, in this case a BlackFlyS GigE
epicsEnvSet("CAMERA_ID", "22671882")
epicsEnvSet("GENICAM_DB_FILE", "/nfs/chess/epics/det/support_flir/areaDetector-R3-13/ADGenICam/db/FLIR_BFS_U3_161S7M.template")
< st.cmd.base
# Prefix for all records
epicsEnvSet("PREFIX", "13SP1:")
# The port name for the detector
epicsEnvSet("PORT", "SP1")
# Really large queue so we can stream to disk at full camera speed
epicsEnvSet("QSIZE", "2000")
# The maximim image width; used for row profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("XSIZE", "2048")
# The maximim image height; used for column profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("YSIZE", "2048")
# The maximum number of time series points in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("NCHANS", "2048")
# The maximum number of frames buffered in the NDPluginCircularBuff plugin
epicsEnvSet("CBUFFS", "500")
# The search path for database files
# This is for Windows
epicsEnvSet("EPICS_DB_INCLUDE_PATH", "/nfs/chess/epics/det/support_flir/areaDetector-R3-13/ADCore/db;/nfs/chess/epics/det/support_flir/areaDetector-R3-13/ADGenICam/db;/nfs/chess/epics/det/support_flir/areaDetector-R3-13/ADSpinnaker/iocs/spinnakerIOC/../../db")
# This is for Linux
# Define NELEMENTS to be enough for a 5320x3032 (color) image
epicsEnvSet("NELEMENTS", "16130240")
# ADSpinnakerConfig(const char *portName, const char *cameraId, int numSPBuffers,
# size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)
ADSpinnakerConfig("SP1", 22671882, 10, 0, 0,0)
2024/06/06 11:46:16.990 ADSpinnaker::connectCamera exception Spinnaker: Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming. [-1016]
2024/06/06 11:46:16.990 ADSpinnaker:ADSpinnaker: camera connection failed (3)
Number of cameras detected: 1
Camera 0
Device Vendor Name (DeviceVendorName):FLIR
Device Model Name (DeviceModelName):Blackfly S BFS-U3-161S7M
Device Serial Number (DeviceSerialNumber):22671882
Device Version (DeviceVersion):2210.0.657.0
Device Type (DeviceType):USB3Vision