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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: record/device/driver support export
From: Marty Kraimer <[email protected]>
To: Marty Kraimer <[email protected]>
Cc: "Anderson, Janet B." <[email protected]>, "Johnson, Andrew N." <[email protected]>, Eric Norum <[email protected]>, Jeff Hill <[email protected]>, [email protected]
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 15:10:58 -0600
The only change from the previous message is the epicsShareExport => epicsExport.

I have made the changes and checked that exampleApp works on linux.
I have committed the changes.


Marty Kraimer wrote:
Yesterday Janet and I finally got exampleApp to work on win32 with the simplified build rules. This required that record/device/driver support be built as shared libraries just like other components of base.

Currently record and device support are handled differently. Driver support is not handled.

I thought of way to accomplish the goal via a more generic method.

A new header epicsShareExport.h will be created. It will define two macros.




epicsShareExportAddress can be used to export the address of any object to a sgared library. It will be used for record/device/driver support and also for other stuff users think of.

devAiSoft.c will contain the definitions

#include        "epicsShareExport.h"

aiRecord.c will contain the definitions

#include        "epicsShareExport.h"

epicsShareExportRegistrar is used to export the address of a function with no arguments and that returns void. Such a function will normally perform other registration. Thus the name Registrar.

For example dbSubExample.c in exampleApp will be
#include <stdio.h>

#include <dbDefs.h>
#include <registryFunction.h>
#include <subRecord.h>
#include <epicsShareExport.h>

typedef long (*processMethod)(subRecord *precord);

static long mySubInit(subRecord *precord,processMethod process)
    printf("Record %s called mySubInit(%p, %p)\n",
           precord->name, (void*) precord, (void*) process);

static long mySubProcess(subRecord *precord)
    printf("Record %s called mySubProcess(%p)\n",
           precord->name, (void*) precord);

static registryFunctionRef mySubRef[] = {

static void mySub(void)


The actual definition for epicsShareExport.h is

#ifndef INCepicsShareExporth
#define INCepicsShareExporth

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <registryFunction.h>
#define epicsExportSharedSymbols
#include <shareLib.h>

#define EPICS_SHARE_POBJ(obj) p ## obj

#define epicsShareExportAddress(typ,obj) \
epicsShareExtern typ *EPICS_SHARE_POBJ(obj); \
epicsShareDef typ *EPICS_SHARE_POBJ(obj) = (typ *)&obj

#define epicsShareExportRegistrar(func) \

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* epicsShareExporth */

record/device/driver support export Marty Kraimer

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