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Subject: Re: devLib ruminations
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: "Davidsaver, Michael" <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 11:13:13 -0600
Hi Michael,

On Friday 13 November 2009 07:40:50 Davidsaver, Michael wrote:
> While I would agree that run-time is too late, I think that link-time is
> also too late.  Missing symbols are not a very friendly way to find out. 
> Compile time is better since more informative error messages can be given
> with the #error directive.
> I would make 2 changes.  First, osi/os/default/devLib*.c would contain a
> stub implementation to give something to link against.  Second, create a
> header called osi/os/*/devLibConfig.h which would #define HAVE_DEVLIBVME
> and HAVE_DEVLIBPCI.  Trying to include 'devLibPCI.h' when HAVE_DEVLIBPCI is
> not defined would be an #error.

I agree that generating errors at compile-time is more friendly, but I don't 
know how to ask a compiler to predict the future.  I don't believe the 
compiler can ever solve my main issue: I don't want to have two different 
installations of Base whose only difference is whether HAVE_DEVLIBVME is 
defined for any particular target/OS, and nor do I want to have two targets 
that differ only by that setting.

Currently none of the APS Accelerator IOCs use the PCI to VME interface, so we 
would have no reason to define HAVE_DEVLIBVME in our build of Base for the 
linux-x86 target.  However if one of our customers asks us to create a system 
where it makes sense to use that board on a linux-x86 box, I want our 
applications engineers to be able to download the relevant driver module, 
build it, and link the result into a new IOC image that is built against our 
standard installation of Base.  Link time is the earliest moment when we have 
all of the information about what a specific IOC's configuration is going to 
be, so the only way I can see to get the flexibility I need is for the linker 
to be the tool that discovers whether the requested configuration is valid or 
not.  If you have an alternative that will meet the above requirements though 
I'll be happy to hear about it.

> I think what you mean is that you don't want a single global configuration
> switch.  You are correct that this wouldn't work.

But isn't your osi/os/*/devLibConfig.h header just such a global config switch 
which happens to be OS-specific?  There is currently no PCI to VME interface 
for solaris-x86 or solaris-sparc, so the osi/os/Solaris/devLibConfig.h file 
would not #define HAVE_DEVLIBVME based on current knowledge.  There's nothing 
that fundamentally prevents someone from creating such a driver, but in order 
to use it they would have to recompile Base after editing that file.

> > I don't follow your statement that "there is only one plugin for it." 
> > Both RTEMS and vxWorks provide plug-ins for the interface.  The issue
> > that I have with it is that a number of routines were added to devLib
> > that don't go through the function table, duplicating existing
> > functionality in some cases.
> Yes, they each provide _A_ plugin.  There is _A_ plugin for Linux.  The
> plugin functionality is not being used.

It's not being used dynamically (i.e. being set at runtime), but it *is* used 
statically by the linker to ensure that IOCs that link to the Linux plugin can 
use devLib's VME functionality, while IOCs that don't can't.

I would want to apply this same argument to the devLib PCI functionality too 
BTW:  We don't need to (or want to have to) link with a user-mode PCIbus 
driver to build any of our existing linux IOCs, but I would like an IOC that 
needs to talk directly to a PCI module to be able to pull in the appropriate 
driver without having to rebuild Base.

> > I like Ralph's idea, which also gives you more flexibility to change the
> > API if you need to.
> The question was: Should devLibVME handle multiple VME bridges?  This
> sounds like a yes.

I have to admit I don't see it being used very much, so I'm probably on the 
fence about whether to include the capability or not.  I guess the problem 
with Ralph's idea is that it wouldn't be possible to use an old-style driver 
for any VME board that is found on the secondary bus, so maybe it doesn't 
really help that much in practice and the answer should be no?

> If so then the above only applies to the purposed new PCI part of devLib. 
> The VME part would still use a pointer table, or rather tables.

The PCI standard already handles multiple buses, but as I said above I don't 
think you can implement the IOC build flexibility that I'm looking for without 
going through something like a pointer table.

BTW, the way I would recommend controlling the plugin would be through a 
registrar() entry in a DBD file.  I don't have a problem with requiring that 
IOCs using the VME interface should have to explicitly include a devLibVme.dbd 
file say, even on vxWorks and RTEMS.  It would be normally be included by the 
device support for the VME devices it's using rather than directly by the IOC 
itself, but it's a valid build configuration parameter and we normally specify 
those using DBD files.

- Andrew
The best FOSS code is written to be read by other humans -- Harald Welte

RE: devLib ruminations Davidsaver, Michael
devLib ruminations Davidsaver, Michael
Re: devLib ruminations Andrew Johnson
RE: devLib ruminations Davidsaver, Michael

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