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Subject: Status of epicsShareAPI
From: Benjamin Franksen <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:23:59 +0200
This comment is in shareLib.h (base

 * epicsShareAPI is deprecated for new routines, don't use it!
 * In a future major release (R3.15) we will remove this keyword
 * from most EPICS APIs, although CA may continue to use it.
 * This is a major release though, since it affects the order
 * that arguments are pushed onto the stack on Windows and we
 * don't want a replacement DLL to silent cause mayhem...

This leaves me guessing what support modules should do if they are
supposed to run with 3.14 and 3.15: use epicsShareAPI or not? In the
sequencer I have removed them for version 2.2 and I wonder now if that
could cause problems..,

Looking at the current 3.15 sources I see header files where it is still
present. What's the status?

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Re: Status of epicsShareAPI Andrew Johnson

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