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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: RE: Problems with parallel make in base on Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 when HOST_OP=NO
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 13:02:30 +0000

Hi Mark,


I’ve recently come across the same issue – we only need to support VS2010 and 2015/2017 and I found that adding:


ifneq ($(VisualStudioVersion),)





to   CONFIG.win32-x86.win32-x86   worked for this case as the  VisualStudioVersion  environment variable isn’t defined in 2010 but is in 2015 and above. Depending on when it was introduced, this (or something based in it) might work in the more general case







From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Mark Rivers
Sent: 23 January 2018 17:04
To: 'Andrew Johnson'
Cc: 'EPICS core-talk'
Subject: RE: Problems with parallel make in base on Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 when HOST_OP=NO


Hi Andrew,


I can fix this issue on Visual Studio 2015 (and presumably 2017) by changing CONFIG_SITE.Common.windows-x64-static to add the /FS flag when compiling for debug.


# Temporarily enable debugging





However, that generates an error if using Visual Studio 2010.


H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1>make -sj8

cl : Command line error D8021 : invalid numeric argument '/FS'

cl : Command line error D8021 : invalid numeric argument '/FS'

cl : Command line error D8021 : invalid numeric argument '/FS'


So we need a way to add the /FS flag to OPT_C[XX]FLAGS_NO only for Visual Studio 2013 and later (that is where MSDN indicates the /FS flag was added).





From: Mark Rivers
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 8:32 AM
To: 'Andrew Johnson' <[email protected]>
Cc: EPICS core-talk <[email protected]>
Subject: Problems with parallel make in base on Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 when HOST_OP=NO


Hi Andrew,


I am trying to build base with the following configuration:


-          windows-x64-static architecture 

-          CONFIG_SITE.Common.windows-x64-static contains HOST_OPT=NO to enable debugging.  Note that there is a windows-x64-debug architecture in base, but there is no windows-x64-static-debug, so I just changed the CONFIG_SITE file.

-          Parallel make (make –sj8)


The above settings work OK for Visual Studio 2010, but they fail with Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017.  If I remove the HOST_OPT=NO then this problem does not occur.


Here is the output for Visual Studio 2015.


H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1>make -sj clean


H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1>make -sj8








../../src/flex/ecs.c: fatal error C1041: cannot open program database 'H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1\modules\libcom\src\O.windows-x64-static-vs2015\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write  to the same .PDB file, please use /FS

../../src/osi/os/WIN32/epicsTempFile.cpp: fatal error C1041: cannot open program database 'H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1\modules\libcom\src\O.windows-x64-static-vs2015\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS

../../src/flex/misc.c: fatal error C1041: cannot open program database 'H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1\modules\libcom\src\O.windows-x64-static-vs2015\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS

../../src/flex/dfa.c: fatal error C1041: cannot open program database 'H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1\modules\libcom\src\O.windows-x64-static-vs2015\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS

../../src/flex/gen.c: fatal error C1041: cannot open program database 'H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1\modules\libcom\src\O.windows-x64-static-vs2015\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS

../../src/flex/nfa.c: fatal error C1041: cannot open program database 'H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1\modules\libcom\src\O.windows-x64-static-vs2015\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS

make[4]: INTERNAL: Exiting with 3 jobserver tokens (should be 0)!


../../src/flex/sym.c: fatal error C1041: cannot open program database 'H:\epics-devel\base-7.0.1\modules\libcom\src\O.windows-x64-static-vs2015\vc140.pdb'; if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS

make reaped child pid 37264320, still waiting for pid 37265184

H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.1/configure/RULES_ARCHS:58: recipe for target 'install.windows-x64-static-vs2015' failed






Re: Problems with parallel make in base on Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 when HOST_OP=NO Andrew Johnson
Problems with parallel make in base on Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 when HOST_OP=NO Mark Rivers
RE: Problems with parallel make in base on Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 when HOST_OP=NO Mark Rivers

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