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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: caget working, but cainfo not ?
From: Torsten Bögershausen via Core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Ralph Lange <ralph.lange at gmx.de>, EPICS Core Talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 10:12:24 +0200

On 11/09/20 09:09, Torsten Bögershausen via Core-talk wrote:

On 11/09/20 08:53, Ralph Lange via Core-talk wrote:
On Fri, 11 Sep 2020 at 07:40, Torsten Bögershausen via Core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov <mailto:core-talk at aps.anl.gov>> wrote:

    Trying to find the box that is running the IOC ddidn't work:

    ~/shared_EEE/projects/epics/MCAG_setupMotionDemo.200109-base-7.0.3 $
    cainfo IOC:m1
    Channel connect timed out: 'IOC:m1' not found.

    But caget does work:

    ~/shared_EEE/projects/epics/MCAG_setupMotionDemo.200109-base-7.0.3 $
    caget IOC:m1
    IOC:m1                         6.01

    This is under MacOS, EPICS base 7.0.3.
    env | grep EPICS shows nothing special.

Unusual indeed.

Please try 'which' on the commands.
Maybe one of them is a 'convenience' script that sets the environment before running the binary from Base.


Side note:
The path is obfuscated,
(and I will reboot the machine, it's Friday)

~/somePath $ which caget
~/somePath $ type caget
caget is hashed (/Users/torstenbogershausen/somePath/epics/base/bin/darwin-x86/caget)
~/somePath $ type cainfo
cainfo is hashed (/Users/torstenbogershausen/somePath/epics/base/bin/darwin-x86/cainfo)
~/somePath $ which cainfo
~/shared_EEE/somePath $

Thanks Ralph,

And here some more useless information...
- Rebooted the Mac
- Found the IOC on a linux machine,
  being once started in the background as part of an automated test.
Most probably we have settings like this:
Then we have a shell script to start the IOC, running
Base R7.0.4.1

The Linux box is connected to WLAN.

On the (rebooted) Mac (WLAN as well) the following

EPICS Base 7.0.3 (on the Mac):
  caget finds the PV sometimes, roughly 2-3 times of 10 tries
  cainfo does not find it.
EPICS Base  R3.15.5:
  caget fails always, and so does cainfo

I don't know if we should put more time on this issue ?

Re: caget working, but cainfo not ? Timo Korhonen via Core-talk
caget working, but cainfo not ? Torsten Bögershausen via Core-talk
Re: caget working, but cainfo not ? Ralph Lange via Core-talk
Re: caget working, but cainfo not ? Torsten Bögershausen via Core-talk

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