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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: AW: Problems with hanging osiSockTest
From: Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "Zimoch Dirk (PSI)" <dirk.zimoch at psi.ch>
Cc: "'core-talk at aps.anl.gov'" <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:11:15 -0800
On 11/19/20 2:11 AM, Zimoch Dirk (PSI) via Core-talk wrote:
> I have just noticed that I had sent this only to Andrew, not to the core-talk list.
> The problematic interface is "virbr0" which may have something to do with VmWare being installed on the system. or maybe docker?

Have you checked for firewall (iptables or nft) rules for this interface?

The fact that all the packet counters are zero suggests that it isn't
being used so often.  Can you try to disable it temporarily?  ("ifconfig virbr0 down")
Let's make sure we're chasing the real problem.

> *Von:*Zimoch Dirk (PSI)
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 18. November 2020 13:34
> *An:* Zimoch Dirk (PSI) <dirk.zimoch at psi.ch>; Johnson, Andrew N. <anj at anl.gov>
> *Betreff:* AW: Problems with hanging osiSockTest
> $ ifconfig
> enp0s31f6: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
>         inet  netmask  broadcast
>         inet6 fe80::42b0:34ff:feea:5428  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
>         ether 40:b0:34:ea:54:28  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>         RX packets 54764087  bytes 24015803269 (22.3 GiB)
>         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>         TX packets 55167521  bytes 54881613829 (51.1 GiB)
>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
>         device interrupt 16  memory 0xe1200000-e1220000
> lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
>         inet  netmask
>         inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
>         loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
>         RX packets 1322943  bytes 739804353 (705.5 MiB)
>         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>         TX packets 1322943  bytes 739804353 (705.5 MiB)
>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
> virbr0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
>         inet  netmask  broadcast
>         ether 52:54:00:15:9b:3e  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>         RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
>         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>         TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
> *Von:*Core-talk <core-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov <mailto:core-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov>> *Im Auftrag von *Zimoch Dirk (PSI) via Core-talk
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 18. November 2020 13:33
> *An:* Johnson, Andrew N. <anj at anl.gov <mailto:anj at anl.gov>>
> *Cc:* EPICS core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov <mailto:core-talk at aps.anl.gov>>
> *Betreff:* AW: Problems with hanging osiSockTest
> After this:
> 1..24
> ok  1 - osiSockAttach
> # udpSockTest()
> ok  2 - epicsSocketCreate INET, DGRAM, 0
> ok  3 - setsockopt BROADCAST := 1
> ok  4 - getsockopt BROADCAST => 1
> ok  5 - setsockopt BROADCAST := 0
> ok  6 - getsockopt BROADCAST => 0
> ok  7 - setsockopt MULTICAST_LOOP := 1
> ok  8 - getsockopt MULTICAST_LOOP => 1
> ok  9 - setsockopt MULTICAST_LOOP := 0
> ok 10 - getsockopt MULTICAST_LOOP => 0
> ok 11 - setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL := 2
> ok 12 - getsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL => 2
> ok 13 - setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL := 1
> ok 14 - getsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL => 1
> # udpSockFanoutBindTest()
> # First test if epicsSocketEnableAddressUseForDatagramFanout() is necessary
> ok 15 - bind() to port 43731
> ok 16 - bind() to 43731 error -1, 98
> # Now the real test
> ok 17 - bind() to port 43731
> ok 18 - bind() to port 43731
> # udpSockFanoutTest()
> # Interface
> # Not LO
> # RX1 start
> # RX2 start
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX2 success 0
> # RX1 success 0
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX2 success 1
> # RX1 success 1
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX2 success 2
> # RX1 success 2
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX2 success 3
> # RX1 success 3
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX1 success 4
> # RX2 success 4
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX ignore
> # RX1 success 5
> # RX1 end
> # RX2 success 5
> # RX2 end
> # Result: RX1 3f:0 RX2 3f:0
> # Interface
> # Not LO
> # RX1 start
> # RX2 start
> # RX ignore
> [...]
> Now it repeatedly prints "# RX ignore" forever...
> *Von:*Johnson, Andrew N. <anj at anl.gov <mailto:anj at anl.gov>>
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 17. November 2020 18:11
> *An:* Zimoch Dirk (PSI) <dirk.zimoch at psi.ch <mailto:dirk.zimoch at psi.ch>>
> *Cc:* EPICS core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov <mailto:core-talk at aps.anl.gov>>
> *Betreff:* Re: Problems with hanging osiSockTest
> Dirk,
> What happens if you run that test manually? All EPICS unit tests can be run individually without using the test harness to see more details as the test proceeds. This is my output on RHEL-7.8, which takes about 6 seconds to run:
>     *tux% *cd modules/libcom/test/O.linux-x86_64/
>     *tux% *./osiSockTest 
>     1..24
>     ok  1 - osiSockAttach
>     # udpSockTest()
>     ok  2 - epicsSocketCreate INET, DGRAM, 0
>     ok  3 - setsockopt BROADCAST := 1
>     ok  4 - getsockopt BROADCAST => 1
>     ok  5 - setsockopt BROADCAST := 0
>     ok  6 - getsockopt BROADCAST => 0
>     ok  7 - setsockopt MULTICAST_LOOP := 1
>     ok  8 - getsockopt MULTICAST_LOOP => 1
>     ok  9 - setsockopt MULTICAST_LOOP := 0
>     ok 10 - getsockopt MULTICAST_LOOP => 0
>     ok 11 - setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL := 2
>     ok 12 - getsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL => 2
>     ok 13 - setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL := 1
>     ok 14 - getsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL => 1
>     # udpSockFanoutBindTest()
>     # First test if epicsSocketEnableAddressUseForDatagramFanout() is necessary
>     ok 15 - bind() to port 55467
>     ok 16 - bind() to 55467 error -1, 98
>     # Now the real test
>     ok 17 - bind() to port 55467
>     ok 18 - bind() to port 55467
>     # udpSockFanoutTest()
>     # Interface
>     # Not LO
>     # RX1 start
>     # RX2 start
>     # RX2 success 0
>     # RX1 success 0
>     # RX2 success 1
>     # RX1 success 1
>     # RX2 success 2
>     # RX1 success 2
>     # RX ignore
>     # RX ignore
>     # RX1 success 3
>     # RX2 success 3
>     # RX2 success 4
>     # RX1 success 4
>     # RX1 success 5
>     # RX1 end
>     # RX2 success 5
>     # RX2 end
>     # Result: RX1 3f:0 RX2 3f:0
>     # Interface
>     # Not LO
>     # RX1 start
>     # RX2 start
>     # RX1 success 0
>     # RX2 success 0
>     # RX1 success 1
>     # RX2 success 1
>     # RX1 success 2
>     # RX2 success 2
>     # RX ignore
>     # RX ignore
>     # RX1 success 3
>     # RX2 success 3
>     # RX1 success 4
>     # RX2 success 4
>     # RX1 success 5
>     # RX1 end
>     # RX2 success 5
>     # RX2 end
>     # Result: RX1 3f:0 RX2 3f:0
>     ok 19 - Found non-loopback interface
>     ok 20 - Successes 2
>     # tcpSockReuseBindTest(0)
>     ok 21 - bind() to port 53058
>     ok 22 - bind() to 53058 error -1, 98
>     # tcpSockReuseBindTest(1)
>     # epicsSocketEnableAddressReuseDuringTimeWaitState
>     ok 23 - bind() to port 34068
>     ok 24 - bind() to 34068 error -1, 98
>         Results
>         =======
>            Tests: 24 
>           Passed:  24 = 100.00%
> - Andrew
>     On Nov 17, 2020, at 4:47 AM, Zimoch Dirk (PSI) via Core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov <mailto:core-talk at aps.anl.gov>> wrote:
>     Hello everybody,
>     I have problems with a test in EPICS 7 commit 8fd36d8eef3420b42e7936e949928a6b43df7e15.
>     osiSockTest seems to take forever.
>     'make runtests' hangs here:
>     osiSockTest.t ................. 1/24
>     'make tapfiles' hangs here:
>     perl -CSD osiSockTest.t -tap > osiSockTest.tap
>     I am testing on RedHat 7 (linux-x86_64).
>     Any ideas?
>     Dirk
> -- 
> Complexity comes for free, simplicity you have to work for.

AW: AW: Problems with hanging osiSockTest Zimoch Dirk (PSI) via Core-talk
Problems with hanging osiSockTest Zimoch Dirk (PSI) via Core-talk
Re: Problems with hanging osiSockTest Johnson, Andrew N. via Core-talk
AW: Problems with hanging osiSockTest Zimoch Dirk (PSI) via Core-talk
AW: Problems with hanging osiSockTest Zimoch Dirk (PSI) via Core-talk

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