From: Akeroyd, Freddie (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Sent: 27 January 2022 00:38
To: Johnson, Andrew N. <anj at>
Cc: core-talk at
Subject: RE: Windows builds — can anyone explain this?
Hi Andrew,
I get that error in our builds too, but just for simmTest and nowhere else in the log. I can remove it by adjusting the path for MSI
in the build rule with either
$(abspath $(MSI3_15)) -D $(DBFLAGS) -o $(COMMONDEP_TARGET) -S$< $(TEMPLATE_FILENAME) > $@
$(subst /,\,$(MSI3_15)) -D $(DBFLAGS) -o $(COMMONDEP_TARGET) -S$< $(TEMPLATE_FILENAME) > $@
For some reason it doesn’t like ../.. at that time and errors at the first .. but giving it a ..\.. path instead works ok
From: Core-talk <core-talk-bounces at>
On Behalf Of Johnson, Andrew N. via Core-talk
Sent: 24 January 2022 23:47
To: EPICS core-talk <core-talk at>
Subject: Windows builds — can anyone explain this?
Here are 2 excerpts from the most recent APS Jenkins build log of the 7.0 tree on windows-x64 when it’s running msi.exe. Can anyone with Windows experience explain why the second call to msi succeeds without giving the same error as the
first one? The first call happens while GNUmake is recreating its makefiles (which is what .d files really are) so the failure there isn’t supposed to stop the build. Do you see the same failure on your builds?
../../../../../../bin/windows-x64/msi.exe -D -I. -I.. -I../O.Common -I../../../../../../db -o ../O.Common/simmTest.db -S../simmTest.substitutions > simmTest.db.d
'..' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
"Inflating database from ../simmTest.substitutions "
../../../../../../bin/windows-x64/msi.exe -I. -I.. -I../O.Common -I../../../../../../db -o simmTest.db -S../simmTest.substitutions
The error “'..' is not recognized as an internal or external command” happens when we use forward-slashes in a Windows command path, which we do above so I know that needs fixing, but why doesn’t it fail the second time we call msi.exe?
The build rules for the first command are:
%.db$(DEP): ../%$(SUBST_SUFFIX)
@$(RM) $@
and for the second:
$(ECHO) "Inflating database from $< $(TEMPLATE_FILENAME)"
@$(RM) $(notdir $@)
$(MSI3_15) $(DBFLAGS) -o $(notdir $@) -S$< $(TEMPLATE_FILENAME)
@$(MV) $(notdir $@) $@
Any ideas?
- Andrew
Complexity comes for free, simplicity you have to work for.
Here are 2 excerpts from the most recent APS Jenkins build log of the 7.0 tree on windows-x64 when it’s running msi.exe. Can anyone with Windows experience explain why the second call to msi succeeds without giving the same error as the
first one? The first call happens while GNUmake is recreating its makefiles (which is what .d files really are) so the failure there isn’t supposed to stop the build. Do you see the same failure on your builds?
../../../../../../bin/windows-x64/msi.exe -D -I. -I.. -I../O.Common -I../../../../../../db -o ../O.Common/simmTest.db -S../simmTest.substitutions > simmTest.db.d
'..' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
"Inflating database from ../simmTest.substitutions "
../../../../../../bin/windows-x64/msi.exe -I. -I.. -I../O.Common -I../../../../../../db -o simmTest.db -S../simmTest.substitutions
The error “'..' is not recognized as an internal or external command” happens when we use forward-slashes in a Windows command path, which we do above so I know that needs fixing, but why doesn’t it fail the second time we call msi.exe?
The build rules for the first command are:
%.db$(DEP): ../%$(SUBST_SUFFIX)
$(ECHO) "Inflating database from $< $(TEMPLATE_FILENAME)"
$(MSI3_15) $(DBFLAGS) -o $(notdir $@) -S$< $(TEMPLATE_FILENAME)
Complexity comes for free, simplicity you have to work for.