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Subject: Re: a puzzle about using stream device driver
From: Dirk Zimoch <[email protected]>
To: "Davidsaver, Michael" <[email protected]>
Cc: tech-talk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 17:42:49 +0200

You probably want to disable scanning completely when the motor is not moving, not just reduce the rate.

From the position-set record FLNK to a seq or similar that sets moving to 1. Your position-read record can use the 'field(SDIS, "$(P)moving")' and 'field(DISV, "0")' directly to process only when moving is 1. The same for all other records that should only poll when moving.

If the device can be asked for "done" use this information to set moving back to 0 and all polling stops. This record should as well poll only when moving. If the device cannot be asked for "done", use a calcout record to calculate "done" yourself.

"I/O Intr" only works if the device is sending status updates automatically while moving, without being polled.


Davidsaver, Michael wrote:
A simple way to get different scan rates based on a binary status.  I
haven't checked that this example works, but I think it gives the basic

Record(bi, "$(P)moving") {

Record(fanout, "$(P)slow") {
  Field(SDIS, "$(P)moving")
  Field(DISV, "1")
  Field(SCAN, "1 second")
  Field(FLNK, "$(P):opticalscale")

Record(fanout, "$(P)fast") {
  Field(SDIS, "$(P)moving")
  Field(DISV, "0")
  Field(SCAN, ".1 second")
  Field(FLNK, "$(P):opticalscale")

Record(ai, "$(P):opticalscale") {

Behavior of SDIS and DISV is described here:


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:tech-talk-
[email protected]] On Behalf Of Silver
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 10:42 AM
To: tech-talk
Subject: a puzzle about using stream device driver


I am using stream device driver to communicate a galil motion control
which model is dmc21x3. To  get the value of optical scale, I use a ai
record like this:

        field (DESC, "opticalscale position")
        field (DTYP, "stream")
        field (INP, "@dmc2143.proto ai_opticalscale motor")
        field (SCAN, ".5 second")
In that, I use the period scan. It works fine.
But in most of time, the value doesn't change. That means the IOC has
to communicate with device periodly. As the value only changes during
the motor moving,  may I use I/O Intr mode?
I checked the online document of stream device, seems the I/O Intr
is not suitable for this case. Is there any good ways to avoid
the devcie periodly?
Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards
Geyang  2011-06-20

a puzzle about using stream device driver Silver
RE: a puzzle about using stream device driver Davidsaver, Michael

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