Another possibility is the ADPcoWin driver. This driver uses the PCO SDK so it should work with any camera interface, GigE or CameraLink. It only runs on Windows.
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On Dec 10, 2019, at 2:38 AM, Sintschuk, Michael via Tech-talk <
[email protected]<mailto:
[email protected]>> wrote:
I have a pco.1600 camera with a USB/Ethernet interface and a pco.4000 camera with a IEEE interface. Is there a possibility for me to communicate with these cameras via an IOC?
The AreaDetector Driver I found is intended for Cameralink-based communication:
Best regards
Michael Sintschuk
Michael Sintschuk
Bundesanstalt f?r Materialforschung und -pr?fung (BAM)
P: +49 30 8104-5736 (BESSY, Adlershof)
P: +49 30 8104-4065 (BAM, Lichterfelde)
[email protected]<mailto:
[email protected]>