Hello All,
Currently using CSStudio(Phoebus V4.6.4) Archive Viewer to export data (waveform records) out both as spreadsheet and Matlab files (.m or .mat). I have exported both spreadsheet and matlab versions of the same data using the raw archived
data (not plot which I think just gives you whatever is shown in the data browser window) and the spreadsheet data shows up just fine sample below
2021-01-26 12:05:29.836 0.000259, 0.000002, 0.000130, 0.000259, 0.000002, 0.000130, 0.000002, 0.000002, 0.000130, 0.000388, 0.000130, 0.000002, 0.000259, 0.000646, -0.000256, 0.000388, -0.000256, 0.000259, 0.000002, -0.000127,
-0.000127, 0.000130, 0.000259, -0.000385, -0.000127, -0.000642, -0.000127, -0.000256, 0.000002, -0.000385, -0.000256, 0.000002, -0.000127, 0.000259, -0.000256, -0.000127, 0.000259, 0.000130, 0.000002, -0.000385, -0.000256, 0.000130, -0.000127, 0.000130, 0.000002,
-0.000256, 0.000130, -0.000256, -0.000256, 0.000002, 0.000002, -0.000127, 0.000002
However the matlab files seem to be exporting just a single index per record timestamp and not the whole string of data points for the waveform record. Example of the same data but the first entry in the .m file and not the whole string
of values as sseen above. The other values at 2 and 3 are just the next timestamps and the first index for each of there arrays.
t{1}='2021/01/26 12:05:29.836';
t{2}='2021/01/26 13:35:36.403';
t{3}='2021/01/26 14:38:46.998';
Seems like the matlab export might not be working correctly, possibly exporting the plot and not the raw archived data even if it is selected or I am doing something wrong. If anyone has another piece of software or has had success exporting
matlab files correctly please let me know.