Hi all,
We have established a remote server for users to connect from their home. The remote server itself is pretty beasty machine and all of its CentOS tools, Firefox and other applications are working as expected when connected
via X2GO to it.
However there is something strange going on with CSS (both Eclipse and Phoebus). If there are only a few users on the server logged on remotely, CSS works pretty smoothly but once the user count goes higher e.g. up to
15 or so, something gets sticky and CSS basically slows down (on all users) to being unusable.
The server key parameters (total server CPU usage <10%, RAM 80% free) are all green. It looks like the problem is not coming from these. My question is that what could be causing the slowdown? Is there something we have
overlooked? Could it be JAVA? HDD/network?
Thanks a lot!
Antti (IFMIF)