The ADAravis iocs reports that four camera parameters are not writable, and indeed they can not be changed from the CSS opi.
I am seeing it for both GigE and USB3 cameras from PointGray/FLIR.
Camera models:
- Blackfly BFLY-PGE-50S5C
- GS3-U3-51S5C-C
OS: Redhat 8.4
ADCore: 3.11.0
ADAravis: master {after R2.2.1}
aravis: 0.8.20
EPICS base: R7.0.6
{relevant ioc report about non-writable parameters}
2021/12/14 17:53:02.701 Param[BIN_X] GenICamFeature::write: node BinningHorizontal is not writable
2021/12/14 17:53:02.971 Param[ACQ_TIME] GenICamFeature::write: node ExposureTime is not writable
2021/12/14 17:53:02.977 Param[ACQ_PERIOD] GenICamFeature::write: node AcquisitionFrameRate is not writable
2021/12/14 17:53:02.982 Param[GAIN] GenICamFeature::write: node Gain is not writable
I am not sure if the limitation is originating from the auto settings in the camera (exposure/gain/...), or somewhere else. I did try to modify few camera auto [gain|exposure] settings from 'camera-sepcific features' screens, but it did not resolve the
Perhaps others have seen this before.