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Subject: EPICS IOC BOOTP timeout at RTEMS on MVME6100
From: chengsn via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 18:08:50 +0800 (GMT+08:00)

Hello All,

I tried to run RTEMS5 + EPICS7 at mvme6100, and I followed the steps in https://epics.mpg.de/index.php?n=Software.EPICSRTEMS?userlang=en to build RTEMS5 for MVME6100.

The configure:

../../rtems/configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix=/home/chengsn/RTEMS/MVME6100/RTEMS/rtems-5 --target=powerpc-rtems5 --enable-rtemsbsp=beatnik --enable-posix --enable-cxx --enable-networking  --enable-tests

I also added rtems-libbspext to RTEMS5.

Then, I built EPICS7 like this:

$ cd ~/RTEMS/MVME6100/EPICS 

$ wget https://epics.anl.gov/download/base/base-

$ tar Jxf base-

$ cd base-

And I changed some file:

$ vim configure/CONFIG_SITE

$ vim configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.RTEMS

+RTEMS_BASE = /home/chengsn/RTEMS/MVME6100/RTEMS/rtems-$(RTEMS_VERSION)

$ vim configure/os/CONFIG.Common.RTEMS-beatnik



$ make -j20

After I created an APP, I ran the bin/RTEMS-beatnik/timing.boot file on the MVME6100 and got the following output:

MVME6100> tftpGet -a4000000 -c10.1.201.21 -s10.1.201.31 -g10.1.201.1 -m255.255.255.0 -d/dev/enet0 -fmv6100/bin/RTEMS-beatnik/timing.boot
Network Loading from: /dev/enet0
Loading File: mv6100/bin/RTEMS-beatnik/timing.boot
Load Address: 04000000
Download Buffer Size = User Defined

Client IP Address      =
Server IP Address      =
Gateway IP Address     =
Subnet IP Address Mask =

Network File Load in Progress...

Bytes Received =&5171112, Bytes Loaded =&5171112
Bytes/Second   =&2585556, Elapsed Time =2 Second(s)
MVME6100> netShut
/dev/enet0                 Disabled
/dev/enet1                 Disabled
MVME6100> go -a4000000
config addr is 0xf1000cf8
config data is 0xf1000cfc
Welcome to RTEMS rtems-5.0.0 (PowerPC/Generic (classic FPU)/beatnik)
CPU: MPC7457
Board Type: MVME6100-0163 (S/N E045944)
Bus Clock Freq:   133333333 Hz
CPU Clock Freq:  1266666654 Hz
Memory:           536870912 bytes
Now BSP_mem_size = 0x1fe00000
Configuration.work_space_size = 201ac30
Page table setup finished; will activate it NOW...
Going to start PCI buses scanning and initialization
Number of PCI buses found is : 3
MSR 0x2003032
Exit from bspstart
unable to find the universe in pci config space
Tundra Tsi148 PCI-VME bridge detected at 0x81100000, IRQ 84
Tsi148 Outbound Ports:
Port  VME-Addr   Size       PCI-Adrs   Mode:
0:    0x20000000 0x0e000000 0x90000000 A32, SUP, D32, SCT
1:    0x00000000 0x00ff0000 0x9f000000 A24, SUP, D32, SCT
2:    0x00000000 0x00010000 0x9fff0000 A16, SUP, D32, SCT
7:    0x00000000 0x01000000 0x9e000000 CSR, SUP, D32, SCT
Tsi148 Inbound Ports:
Port  VME-Addr   Size       PCI-Adrs   Mode:
0:    0x90000000 0x1fe00000 0x00000000 A32, PGM, DAT, SUP, USR, MBLT, BLT
vmeTsi148 IRQ manager: looking for registers on VME...
Trying to find CSR on VME...
vmeTsi148 - IRQ manager using VME CSR to flush FIFO
Registering /dev/console as minor 0 (==/dev/ttyS0)
WARNING: OS Clock time was read before being set.
Using 1990-01-0
2  i0n0i:t0C0o:n0s0o.l0e0 0-0-0-0  IUnTfCo
stdin: fileno: 0, ttyname: /dev/console
stdout: fileno: 1, ttyname: /dev/console
stderr: fileno: 2, ttyname: /dev/console
time set to : 04/14/14 07:30:06.000000689 UTC
epicsThreadSetPriority called by non epics thread

***** RTEMS Version: rtems-5.0.0 (PowerPC/Generic (classic FPU)/beatnik) *****

***** Initializing network (Legacy Stack)  *****
Link detected; attaching mve1
bootpc_init: using network interface 'mve1'
bootpc hw address is 0:1:af:31:5e:76
BOOTP timeout for server
BOOTP call failed -- error 116BOOTP timeout for server
BOOTP call failed -- error 116BOOTP timeout for server

Even if I set some environment variables, there is no change:

mot-/dev/enet0-file= mv6100/bin/RTEMS-beatnik/timing.boot
rtems-client-name= TEST0
epics-script= mv6100/st.cmd

I thought the function setBootConfigFromNVRAM()(in base/module/RTEMS/posix/rtems_init.c:952) does not work.

So I added some printf statements to see the value of the variable rtems_bsdnet_config.bootp:(the numbers 952 and 954 are the line numbers)

    if (epicsRtemsInitPreSetBootConfigFromNVRAM(&rtems_bsdnet_config) != 0)

+   printf("952-rtems_bsdnet_config.bootp:%x\n",rtems_bsdnet_config.bootp);
    if (rtems_bsdnet_config.bootp == NULL) {

+       printf("954-rtems_bsdnet_config.bootp:%x\n",rtems_bsdnet_config.bootp);
        extern void setBootConfigFromNVRAM(void);
    if (epicsRtemsInitPostSetBootConfigFromNVRAM(&rtems_bsdnet_config) != 0)



time set to : 04/14/14 07:30:06.000000689 UTC

epicsThreadSetPriority called by non epics thread

***** RTEMS Version: rtems-5.0.0 (PowerPC/Generic (classic FPU)/beatnik) *****

***** Initializing network (Legacy Stack)  *****
Link detected; attaching mve1
bootpc_init: using network interface 'mve1'
bootpc hw address is 0:1:af:31:5e:76
BOOTP timeout for server
BOOTP call failed -- error 116BOOTP timeout for server
BOOTP call failed -- error 116BOOTP timeout for server

What should I do to solve this problem?

I do not know what is causing the BOOTP timeout.

Thank you!



Re: EPICS IOC BOOTP timeout at RTEMS on MVME6100 chengsn via Tech-talk

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