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Subject: Re: Scan rate '.01 second' not achievable
From: Ricardo Cardenes via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Érico Nogueira Rolim <erico.rolim at lnls.br>
Cc: "Barrett \(US\), Patrick E" <patrick.e.barrett at boeing.com>, "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2023 12:14:14 -0300
Hi Érico,

On Fri, Jan 6, 2023 at 11:48 AM Érico Nogueira Rolim via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov> wrote:
On Linux, that function uses essentially '1.0 / sysconf ( _SC_CLK_TCK )'. The sysconf value is usually 100 (Hz), and it would explain why EPICS thinks it won't achieve the desired scan rate. I don't think a modern kernel will actually be limited by its tick rate, so I don't know how accurate that heuristic is.

sysconf provides information about the system to the user. Last time I checked (but this was many years ago) the tick rate for Linux is configured at the kernel's build time: if sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) is returning 100, that means the kernel has been built with a 100 Hz tick rate, and that's about it. Years ago there was the option of building the kernel with higher rates (for more responsive systems), from top of my head I believe the alternative values were 350Hz (maybe 250? can't remember) and 1000Hz, plus an additional "NO_HZ" mode where you build a "tickless kernel" but this is of no use to us, I believe.

Googling a bit I see a "divider" kernel parameter so that a 1000Hz compiled value can be divided a boot time to the one we want to use (eg. divider=10 -> 100Hz), but I'm not sure if this is the case for Barret. At best the kernel might be built with a 1000Hz, with a "divider=10" by default in the boot options, and it would be just a matter of changing that. At worst default kernel is simply built configured to use 100Hz, and then a different pre-compiled one could be used (distros often include one with PREEMPT built in, maybe at 1000Hz), and failing everything else a custom kernel could be built.


Either way, the 'period' value isn't touched after this verification, so I think the IOC will still attempt to use it. You could try running a simple counter in your SCAN and checking with camonitor if the 100Hz rate is actually achieved.

I think scanppl() might have trouble detecting overruns with a period of 0.01, though:

        if (period > 0.0 &&
            (fabs(period - ppsl->period) > 0.05))

By the way, epicsThreadSleepQuantum() can return 0.0 if the sysconf errors out, which I believe would result in a SIGFPE in initPeriodic() when dividing by quantum.

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Re: Scan rate '.01 second' not achievable Andrew Johnson via Tech-talk
Re: Scan rate '.01 second' not achievable Hu, Yong via Tech-talk
Scan rate '.01 second' not achievable Barrett (US), Patrick E via Tech-talk
Re: Scan rate '.01 second' not achievable Érico Nogueira Rolim via Tech-talk

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