Dear Tech-Talk,
I am trying to use opencv with areaDetector. To start, I have been trying to build with the ADPluginEdge plugin
I am using ubuntu 20.04
I have pulled AD 3-12-1
I have installed opencv using the package manager. sudo apt install libopencv-dev
I have checked that the commonDriverMakefile in ADCore contains ifdef ADPLUGINBAR....
I have checked that in CONFIG_SITE.local.linux-x86_64 the following is set
I had to add the include directory because opencv 4.2.0 includes are under /usr/includes/opencv4
OPENCV = /usr
OPENCV_INCLUDE = -I$(OPENCV)/include/opencv4
ADSupport, ADCore and ADPluginEdge build without errors. Then when I try to build an example IOC using ADSimDetector I get the following error:
No rule to make target '../../../lib/linux-x86_64/libopencv_core.a', needed by 'simDetectorApp'
It feels like it isn't looking in the EXTERNAL location like I tell it to. Have I missed something? Does anyone have a suggestion?