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Subject: Re: edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image
From: Kate Feng <[email protected]>
To: Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:17:46 -0500
Mark Rivers wrote:
Hi Kate,

Do you use ImageJ for real-time image display instead of edm :
TwoDProfileMonitorClass ?

Yes, I use ImageJ for real-time image display. I also have an IDL routine to do it. I have never used the edm widget, since we don't use EDM (and we want to run clients on Windows as well as Linux, etc.). ImageJ has a "Dynamic line profile" plugin that can be used to do real-time line profiles in any orientation. It can also be used to capture the image stream to an ImageJ "stack", and then that stack can be saved as a movie in AVI and other formats.

What I need is to use the format 7 (scalable image) of any IIDC cameras
and crop out a ROI for DAQ during the "real-time display" of the image. so far,
I only used ImageJ for offline data display (e.g. reading image data from a
FITS file instead of DAQ from a camera).

areaDetector supports IICD cameras in format 7. I wrote the Windows IIDC driver and it is very complete. The Linux IIDC driver was written at Diamond, and I don't know how complete the Format 7 support is at this point. You can chose to read only an ROI from the camera, or you can read the whole chip and then use the ROI plugin to select one or more ROIs for analysis and display.

EPICS CA clients (e.g. ImageJ) gets the data from another areaDetector plugin, and that plugin can be switched to get its data directly from the detector, or from any of the ROIs in the ROI plugin. Such switching can be done in real-time, and the ImageJ client changes its size, data type, and color mode dynamically with the data stream.
That sounds good. If you used ImageJ as an EPICS CA clients, then one can have
mutiple real-time ImageJ clients distributed among different PCs at the same time, right ?

This software is running on X-26A, X-17B2, and X17-B3 at NSLS, as well as other beamlines there I think.



From: Kate Feng [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thu 1/28/2010 4:50 PM
To: Mark Rivers
Cc: Bruce Hill; [email protected]
Subject: Re: edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image

Hi Mark,

Mark Rivers wrote:
Here are a couple of ideas:

- I've got an ImageJ plugin that displays EPICS waveform images from the areaDetector module. It is quite flexible for zooming, line profiles, etc. It uses the native Java implementation of CA.

- If your cameras are supported by areaDetector, then it comes with a very flexible region-of-interest plugin that lets you select regions of the image, reverse axes, bin, etc. The ImageJ viewer responds immediately to such changes in the selected area of the image.
Do you use ImageJ for real-time image display instead of edm :
TwoDProfileMonitorClass ?
What I need is to use the format 7 (scalable image) of any IIDC cameras
and crop
out a ROI for DAQ during the "real-time display" of the image.  so far,
I only
used ImageJ for offline data display (e.g. reading image data from a
FITS file
instead of DAQ from a camera).



From: [email protected] on behalf of Bruce Hill
Sent: Thu 1/28/2010 7:36 PM
To: Kate Feng
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image

We've had similar requests here at SLAC.   We use TwoDProfileMonitorClass
with EDM for our cameras, and are looking for an easier way to select
the region of interest.   We looked briefly into doing a Python/QT camera
viewer with this feature, but haven't had time to get serious about it.

If anyone has a solution for this, we'd be interested in hearing about it.
- Bruce

Kate Feng wrote:
I am using the edm/TwoDProfileMonitorClass for a real-time
image display. Has anyone implemented a point-and-click resizing
tool via the mouse for that class so that one can interactively crop
out a section of the real-time image ?

A simpler implementation would be to have an active cursor
being moved around the real-time image and have a text
message to display the current (x,y) pixel location of the cursor
for users to use it as a reference or an activation point
to define the location of the cropping. Is this already
implemented in the edm video widget ?  Please advise.


Bruce Hill
Member Technical Staff
SLAC National Accelerator Lab
2575 Sand Hill Road M/S 94
Menlo Park, CA  94025

RE: edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image Mark Rivers
edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image Kate Feng
Re: edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image Bruce Hill
RE: edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image Mark Rivers
Re: edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image Kate Feng
RE: edm : TwoDProfileMonitorClass : cropping/resizing image Mark Rivers

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