Hi John
Firstly, you may not be aware there are two slider controls in the EPCISQ t framework – QESlider that is intended to function just like a standard Qt slider
but be connected to a PV, and QEAnalogSlider which is intended to allow slider control but give much richer feedback with a separate readback scale, alarm limits, set points, etc.
Regarding incremental adjustment, both these allow incremental movement using the mouse. Did that not work for you, or is the problem setting the appropriate
increments, etc?
Regarding the slider not stopping if the mouse pointer moves off the slider knob, as Emmanuel mentioned the intention is not to emulate MEDM/EDM, but to provide
modern style controls, and generally people are now used to the mouse holding onto the control no matter how far the pointer wanders from it (sliders, scroll bars, window edges, etc). Apart from providing familiar interaction I feel that this also allows the
user to focus on more important things than exactly where the pointer is in relation to the control. The user knows they have control until they release the button. That said, while the aim is not to emulate medm/edm, the aim IS to provide controls with the
required functionality, and I’m happy to discuss any potential changes that make the controls more functional. While I’d argue against this behaviour in a modern GUI, one justification for it may be to ensure slider widgets from both the EPICSQt and caQtDm
widget sets can be mixed and matched more comfortably.
I am exploring the Qt display managers options. One of the first things I was interested in checking ou t were the sliders. (We have several development
machines where manual adjustment is a daily part of operations) I find:
1) The epicQt slide has no increment adjustment (? ) Is there anything that would preclude adding this. I don't know where the default increment is set
(methods inherited from Abstract Slider?)
2) The caQtDm slider stops following if the mouse pointer moves off the slider knob (?) If one attempts to move too fast the slider stops following.
(Different behavior than EDM/MEDM/CSS.)
John Dobbins