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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: serial IOC connection problem
From: Mark Rivers via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "Ivashkevych, Oksana" <oksana at bnl.gov>
Cc: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 20:47:59 +0000
Hi Oksana,

Just to be clear, did you add HTTP to the drvAsynIPPortConfigure command, and remove the "disconnect" commands from the protocol file?


From: Ivashkevych, Oksana <oksana at bnl.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 2:35 PM
To: Mark Rivers
Cc: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Subject: RE: serial IOC connection problem

Hi Mark,
Thank you very much!
Not a single squeak!

I may suggest considering adding " HTTP" to the list of examples in the link you shared.

Thanks again,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2020 2:15 PM
> To: Ivashkevych, Oksana <oksana at bnl.gov>
> Cc: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
> Subject: Re: serial IOC connection problem
> Hi Oksana,
> It may be that this device wants to just do a single transaction per
> connection.  That is how Web servers work.
> drvAsynIPPort supports that mode of operation directly.
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://epics-
> modules.github.io/master/asyn/R4-
> 41/asynDriver.html*drvAsynIPPort__;Iw!!P4SdNyxKAPE!Sz1Tm08wfhCbs3_
> mnZgFXMFrf7-JRdetWpdz-RbQ7TG0ozHVy-fgl3g3QhaCrw$
> You need to change this line:
> drvAsynIPPortConfigure("FTS", "")
> to this:
> drvAsynIPPortConfigure("FTS", " HTTP")
> Once you do that I think you can remove the "disconnect" commands from
> the protocol file.
> If you still have trouble please turn on ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER for the IP port
> and send the output.
> Mark
> ________________________________
> From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> on behalf of Ivashkevych,
> Oksana via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 12:51 PM
> To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
> Subject: serial IOC connection problem
> Hello,
> I have been asked to port an existing Serial IOC  for a Force Torque Sensor
> from ATI from one server (Debian 7 with Debian packages dated ~ at least 5
> years ago) to CentOS 7.
> CentOS 7.7.1908; base R7.0.3.1; asyn R4-37; SerialDevice master.
> After the ported recompiled IOC reported unrecoverable connection error, I
> have created a brand new IOC using the latest makeBaseApp.pl script.
> Errors became more dynamic, and I do see some readings, when IOC does
> manage to connect successfully. I have browsed the Tech Talk and found a
> related discussions about connecting/disconnecting. Protocol file of this IOC
> does  connects/disconnects after every read and is very simple. I only can
> guess why the developer made this decision, I am sure it was an unavoidable
> compromise.  I did add asynSetTraceMask call which changes temporarily the
> dynamic of the errors.  Logs and proto are attached.
> In summary: I have two iocs accessing same device: the old one running on
> Debian 7, and the new on running CentOS 7. The old one works without
> problem the new on reports connection errors and does manage to read
> something at the frequency ~30 times slower than 0.1 expected scan. I am
> out of my own ideas, and would appreciate help from the community.
> Thank you,
> Oksana

RE: serial IOC connection problem Ivashkevych, Oksana via Tech-talk
serial IOC connection problem Ivashkevych, Oksana via Tech-talk
Re: serial IOC connection problem Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
RE: serial IOC connection problem Ivashkevych, Oksana via Tech-talk

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