Hi Iain,
On that related note, I also have a separate datum that I want to put into a time series. At present I write that value out on its own NDArray Address. Do I then use that address in the NDTimeSeriesConfigure line
There’s a plugin for that, in fact there’s two plugins which are very similar:
If you have your own scalar data, you can attach that to an NDArray as an NDAttribute. Then one of these plugins can extract that data and publish it over channel access.
Or, you can do what I think you described, which is creating a new a 1-D NDArray with N scaler values in it, then export using the statistics plugin, the standard CA waveform plugin or the PVAccess plugin.
> I would like to be able to do the time series of the X and Y centroids.
The time series of the X and Y centroids is easy. This is a screen shot of the NDPluginStats screen.
In the Centroid section there is a menu labeled "Time series plots". Simply select "Centroid X" and you will see a plot like this:
Maybe I am not understanding the question?
For a project, I successfully have NDPluginStats computing the profile and centroid of an image. I would like to be able to do the time series of the X and Y centroids. I have been looking at the synApps QuadEM
as a starting point, and it seems that in QuadEM the positions are output on specific NDArray Addresses, while that is not the case with NDPluginStats. Is there some way to select only the centroids of the NDPluginStats to put into a time series?
Iain Marcuson
Software Engineer, Sydor Technologies
585.278.1168 |
iain.marcuson at sydorinstruments.com
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