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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: Which VMEbus CPU for EPICS7 and RTEMS?
From: Joel Sherrill via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Heinz Junkes <junkes at fhi-berlin.mpg.de>, Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org>
Cc: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 08:57:18 -0500
CC'ing Chris Johns.

Focusing specifically on the RTEMS BSP side of the question.

There are a lot of these boards and they are often similar.
It would be nice to have a master list of all the VME boards of interest
and their status with RTEMS. Chris gave a presentation virtually
at the EPICS workshop in Germany which included a status slide 
on which boards I thought were in use that needed libbsd drivers.
I am sure that is out of date now because Chris got the libbsd 
driver for the DEC 2114x working with at least one of the BSPs 
(mvme2307?) in the motorola_powerpc family which covers a lot
of boards. 

For NFSv4, you need libbsd which forces making sure there is
a driver and configuration for the board you care about.

For NFSv2, we kept the old stack (now called legacy and that still
works with even the git master. We would rather see folks migrate
off this network stack but it is there.

Heinz, if there is a wiki page somewhere or Google doc or
whatever, I'm happy to help fill it in. It needs a row per BSP and at 
least columns for NIC, support in legacy, NIC in libbsd, BSP in libbsd.
If there is support in the wild and unmerged in upstream RTEMS, we 
need to address that also. If it works for someone now, that's also good
to know. I would just be reviewing source code.

Offhand, I think most of the PPC boards have NICs that are in libbsd, it is just
a matter of BSP specific configuration in libbsd and testing. But as Chris
found out with the DEC 2114x, the chip version was actually older than the
current BSD driver knew about. 


On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 4:44 AM Heinz Junkes via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov> wrote:
Hello Dirk,
unfortunately I just lost the thread (again).
I'll try to get some updates regarding VMEbus boards and RTEMS.


> On 21. Jun 2023, at 10:29, Zimoch Dirk <dirk.zimoch at psi.ch> wrote:
> Hello Heinz,
> Here at PSI, we are not currently using RTEMS, but since VxWorks annoys me more
> and more every year, I consider switching to RTEMS from time to time. But so far
> I always pulled back because of the "complications".
> Our (very) old boards are MVME2300 and MVME5100, both currently running VxWorks
> 6.9.4 and EPICS 7.0.6.
> Dirk
> On Mon, 2023-01-23 at 11:19 +0100, Heinz Junkes via Tech-talk wrote:
>> In preparation for the Codeathon at the beginning of March at Diamond Light Source
>> I am interested for which VMEbus CPUs EPICS7 support is still desired.
>> Working quite well already:
>> MVME6100 (beatnik) RTEMS5 and EPICS7, already in production at some places
>> MVME3100 RTEMS5 and EPICS7, already in production at some places
>> MVME2100? ( here I have only hearsay info)
>> Has worked before ;-)
>> MVME6100 RTEMS6 and EPICS7 (including NFS v4)
>> Worked on:
>> MVME6100 RTEMS6 and EPICS7
>> MVME3100 RTEMS6 and EPICS7
>> Adaption VMEbus for MVME2500 and RTEMS6.
>> Danke Heinz

Re: Which VMEbus CPU for EPICS7 and RTEMS? Michael Davidsaver via Tech-talk
Which VMEbus CPU for EPICS7 and RTEMS? Heinz Junkes via Tech-talk
Re: Which VMEbus CPU for EPICS7 and RTEMS? Zimoch Dirk via Tech-talk
Re: Which VMEbus CPU for EPICS7 and RTEMS? Heinz Junkes via Tech-talk

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