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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Re: ADSpinnaker, BlackfkyS 161S7M Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming
From: John Dobbins via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "tech-talk at aps.anl.gov" <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 17:35:07 +0000
After configuring USB-FS memory I now have the camera running.
One thing I don't understand is that I can't set the Acquire period below 0.375 seconds, i.e a frame rate of 2.66 Hz.
Is there a bandwidth limit somewhere?

From: Engbretson, Mark S. <engbretson at anl.gov>
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 11:59 AM
To: John Dobbins <john.dobbins at cornell.edu>
Subject: RE: ADSpinnaker, BlackfkyS 161S7M Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming




From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> On Behalf Of John Dobbins via Tech-talk
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:56 AM
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Subject: ADSpinnaker, BlackfkyS 161S7M Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming


I have built, base-7.0.6,  areaDetectorR3-13 with ADSpinnaker master on Alma 9. I am using a FLIR BlackflyS 161S7M USB camera. This is large, 5320x3032 pixels.


The camera is detected but I get a "Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming" error.


In ADSpinnakerConfig I have set numSPBuffer to minimum  = 10 (?)


# ADSpinnakerConfig(const char *portName, const char *cameraId, int numSPBuffers,

#                   size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)

ADSpinnakerConfig("SP1", 22671882, 10, 0, 0,0)


The host computer has 16G, 13.7 G free,




John Dobbins


Research Support Specialist

Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source

Cornell University








[root@lnx615 iocSpinnaker]# ../../bin/linux-x86_64/spinnakerApp st.cmd.BlackflyS_161S7M

< envPaths




















# Use this line for a specific camera by serial number, in this case a BlackFlyS GigE

epicsEnvSet("CAMERA_ID", "22671882")

epicsEnvSet("GENICAM_DB_FILE", "/nfs/chess/epics/det/support_flir/areaDetector-R3-13/ADGenICam/db/FLIR_BFS_U3_161S7M.template")

< st.cmd.base

# Prefix for all records

epicsEnvSet("PREFIX", "13SP1:")

# The port name for the detector

epicsEnvSet("PORT",   "SP1")

# Really large queue so we can stream to disk at full camera speed

epicsEnvSet("QSIZE",  "2000")  

# The maximim image width; used for row profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin

epicsEnvSet("XSIZE",  "2048")

# The maximim image height; used for column profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin

epicsEnvSet("YSIZE",  "2048")

# The maximum number of time series points in the NDPluginStats plugin

epicsEnvSet("NCHANS", "2048")

# The maximum number of frames buffered in the NDPluginCircularBuff plugin

epicsEnvSet("CBUFFS", "500")

# The search path for database files

# This is for Windows

epicsEnvSet("EPICS_DB_INCLUDE_PATH", "/nfs/chess/epics/det/support_flir/areaDetector-R3-13/ADCore/db;/nfs/chess/epics/det/support_flir/areaDetector-R3-13/ADGenICam/db;/nfs/chess/epics/det/support_flir/areaDetector-R3-13/ADSpinnaker/iocs/spinnakerIOC/../../db")

# This is for Linux


# Define NELEMENTS to be enough for a 5320x3032 (color) image

epicsEnvSet("NELEMENTS", "16130240")

# ADSpinnakerConfig(const char *portName, const char *cameraId, int numSPBuffers,

#                   size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)

ADSpinnakerConfig("SP1", 22671882, 10, 0, 0,0)

2024/06/06 11:46:16.990 ADSpinnaker::connectCamera exception Spinnaker: Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming. [-1016]

2024/06/06 11:46:16.990 ADSpinnaker:ADSpinnaker:  camera connection failed (3)


Number of cameras detected: 1

Camera 0

Device Vendor Name   (DeviceVendorName):FLIR

Device Model Name (DeviceModelName):Blackfly S BFS-U3-161S7M

Device Serial Number (DeviceSerialNumber):22671882

Device Version (DeviceVersion):2210.0.657.0

Device Type (DeviceType):USB3Vision






Re: ADSpinnaker, BlackfkyS 161S7M Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming John Dobbins via Tech-talk
ADSpinnaker, BlackfkyS 161S7M Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming John Dobbins via Tech-talk

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Prev: ADSpinnaker, BlackfkyS 161S7M Not enough available memory to allocate buffers for streaming John Dobbins via Tech-talk
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