Extended IDL Reference Library

calibrationRef.html 	- Image array calibration widget program
catcherRef.html         - Catcher widget application program
colorbarRef.html        - Color bar configuration program
CurvFitRef.html         - IDL curve fitting routines used by ez_fit
cw_termRef.html         - Scroll terminal window for displaying text info
dcviewerRef.html        - Scan data viewer for catcher program
ez_fitRef.html          - Packaged ez_fit widget progra
image2dRef.html 	- Program for viewing any 2D image_array
imageRef.html 		- TIF/JPG/PNG/XDR image processor, overlay features for XDR images 
multiroi_pickRef.html   - Multiple 2D region of interest widget application program
NX_ObjectRef.html       - Object methods for accessing HDF version 4 file
objCleanRef.html        - Utility routine for objects cleanup
panImageRef.html        - Flexible pan Image widget program
pick2dRef.html          - Picking an image out of any 2D image_array
pick3dRef.html          - Pick3d widget program for viewing 3D scanSee data
plot1dRef.html 	        - General purpose 1D plot routines
plot2dRef.html 	        - General purpose 2D plot routines
PS_openRef.html         - Utility routines for generating the PS plot
scan1d_ObjectRef.html   - Object methods used in process 1D catcher data
scan2d_convertRef.html  - 2D scan object utility routines for converting catcher 2D image data to TIFF
scan2d_ObjectRef.html   - Object methods used in process 2D catcher data
scan2d_OverlayRef.html  - Object method of overlaying 2D catcher image data
scan2d_ROIRef.html      - 2D ROI widget application program
sscan_ObjectRef.html    - Object methods for processing scanSee 1D/2D/3D data
sscanRef.html           - post scan 1D/2D/3D data viewer for MDA files
toImageRef.html         - Utility widget application program to construct 2D image from catcher 1D scan
u_readRef.html          - Utility routines for unformatted binary I/O up to 2 dimension array
view1dOverlayRef.html   - Overlay 1D catcher scan data
view1dRef.html          - View1D widget application program for catcher 1D data
view2dRef.html 	        - View2D widget application program for catcher 2D data
view3d_slicerRef.html   - 3D data array slicer for processing 3D scanSee data
view3d_2dsum.html       - 2D ROIs widget application of processing a 3D data array
wd_readasciiRef.html    - A widget program for loading any 1D/2D data array from a fixed format text file
xdr_open.html           - XDR utility routines can process up to 4D array data