Hi Yoram,
What version of areaDetector did you get the ImageJ plugin from?
Starting with areaDetector R1-9 the ImageJ plugin gets the values of EPICS settings (EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES, etc.) using environment variables, just like any channel access client that uses the C version of the CA client library. It
does not use the JCALibrary mechanism any more. This greatly simplified things for most people, since there is only one place that those settings need to be done for the IOC, C clients and ImageJ.
This is documented in the areaDetector release notes for R1-9:
However, I just noticed that I did not update the documentation for the ImageJ viewer to reflect this change, my apologies. I will do that this afternoon.
I am getting an error message that looks like:
Feb 18, 2014 4:43:33 PM com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CATransport processRead
SEVERE: Received payload size (2221056) is larger than configured maximum array size (16384), disconnecting...
I am running EPICS base, areaDetector R1-9. ImageJ is running under Ubuntu . It is version 1.47v.
The ImageJ plugin is EPICS AD Viewer. It is connecting to the PV correctly. The program creates an image window of the correct size, but the values are zero everywhere. If I use the “FileTIFF1” plugin I can save tiff images, and they
are correct. I have the “Image1” plugin enabled. I am using the SimDetector IOC on the same Ubuntu machine.
I have taken a look at the documentation here:
But could not get anything to work by making changes to the jre/lib/JCALLibrary.properties file.
Any suggestions?
- Yoram –
Yoram Fisher
Senior Systems Engineer
Sydor Instruments, LLC
291 Millstead Way
Rochester, New York 14624
Ph: +1.585.278.1168, Fax: +1.585.278.1169
[email protected]