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Subject: Re: Interface Labview and EPICS
From: "Dale L. Brewe" <[email protected]>
To: Mazanec Tomáš <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 13:56:15 -0500
We've been using CALab for a few years now, with few problems. Carsten has been regularly updating it. We use LabVIEW with CALab as our primary user interface on  three beamlines at the APS, mostly performing spectroscopy and microprobe experiments.  CALab is quite easy to use, and I've worked with several user groups to use it for integrating their LabVIEW-based data acquisition applications on our beamlines as well as others. I don't know much about raw performance, as we don't really use it for real-time or high throughput situations, but it works quite well in my experience.

On 10/31/2014 11:31 AM, Mazanec Tomáš wrote:


Here is a nice summary:

We have tried EPICS module in LV 2013 and our-own-way: use of LV AMC module and EPICS streamdevice , both with focus on LV Realtime targets ( PC compatible one).
- The first was fine for small sets of variables.
- The second just sends structured data with UDP and requires little bit of development on both sides. It is promissing, however AMC will include desired TCP support someday soon.

As far as I know about the others:
- CA lab doesn't work with LV RT targets,
- SNS and ObservatorySciences are not publicly available.

We haven't found the right one yet, I'm afraid.

How frequently you intend to R/W you data to LV ?


Od: [email protected] [[email protected]] za uživatele Gao, Yuan [[email protected]]
Odesláno: 22. října 2014 1:20
Komu: [email protected]
Předmět: Interface Labview and EPICS


I am wondering if someone knows how to interface Labview (Windows system) with the EPICS. I am going to use Labview to control a equipment during my beamtime. It would be convenient if EPICS can write and read numbers from Labview (e.g. scan). 


Yuan Gao

 Dale L. Brewe
 Advanced Photon Source XSD/SPC

 ph: 630 252 0582         fax: 630 252 0580
 Argonne National Laboratory
 Bldg 435E sector 20
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 Argonne, IL 60439

Interface Labview and EPICS Gao, Yuan
RE: Interface Labview and EPICS Mazanec Tomáš

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