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Subject: ADAndor and the Ikon-M
From: "Koennecke Mark \(PSI\) via Tech-talk" <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2019 15:45:12 +0000

I wish to report on getting our Andor Ikon-M USB camera to work with ADAndor. It is working now, but
there was some pain involved.

The environment: Linux SL6, 32 bit. We have a custom Andor library with an extra bulb mode. Thus we
cannot change this. ADAndor is 2.8,  the other components were selected to be about contemporary
to the ADAndor release. I attach a trace for the details.

My findings:

1.) The biggest stumbling block was that the shutter never got configured properly. The reason being that
     the driver throws some „parameter not found“ errors, especially with the shutter mode. Needless to say:
    I never messed with ADAndors parameter system, so I am pretty sure that I did not introduce the problem.
    I hacked that by placing a suitable call into startAcquisition().
2.) All the gain logic is wasted on the Ikon-M. The speed logic seems faulty. 
3.) There is a missing parameter though: that is the VSAmplitude. I hard coded that one because I believe we only
     use one setting for that. I am aware that this is no general solution.
4.) What is also missing is the SetShutterEx() support. Some of these cameras  apparently support an external shutter.
     This would require another parameter to control that one.  
5.) In my quest to get it working, I disabled some settings which I did not need and added what did not work. I attach my
     version of andorCCD.cpp. My (unprofessional) changes are marked up with MK in comments.
6.) Another thing which tripped me up was that the shutter opening and closing times were in seconds. Not in milliseconds
     as all the Andor documentation states. I only realized that when I found a 20000 in the trace where I expected a 20. I suggest
     to improve the documentation or at least set the EGU field in the DB.

Best Regards,

     Mark Koennecke

Attachment: andortrace.log
Description: andortrace.log

Attachment: andorCCD.cpp
Description: andorCCD.cpp

RE: ADAndor and the Ikon-M Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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