On 02/16, Hidas, Dean via Tech-talk wrote:
> I'm using pmacAsynCoord with a pmac turbo2 brick controller. What I notice is that occasionally the pmac reports that a move is finished, that the coordinate system is not motion, but the .MOVN field of the motor record stays high despite reaching the desired
position and not actually being in motion. At this point the pmac reports in position, but the motor record does not seem to have any additional control effect (nor should it I believe), ie the .MOVN field stays high but there is no further motion. Are there
any motor record fields or other parameters you might advise having a look at that could have an effect on this?
Hi, Dean!
Haven't seen that before. I initially thought it might be an issue I
reported a while ago
but after reading your description of the problem more carefully, I
don't think it's the same thing.
Where did you get pmacAsynCoord? There seems to be at least three PMAC
drivers floating around that I know of:
#1 is the original, #2 seems to be a friendly fork of #1, and #3 is a
driver for which I don't know its lineage.
Also, what version of the driver are you using?