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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: RE: EPICS compilation errors
From: Adrian Martinez via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Cc: tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2022 07:57:16 +0000
Hi Mark,

I attach the output of "asynReport 1 BPM1":

asynReport 1 BPM1
BPM1 multiDevice:No canBlock:No autoConnect:Yes
    enabled:Yes connected:Yes numberConnects 1
    nDevices 0 nQueued 0 blocked:No
    asynManagerLock:No synchronousLock:No
    exceptionActive:No exceptionUsers 0 exceptionNotifys 0
    traceMask:0x1 traceIOMask:0x0 traceInfoMask:0x1
Port: BPM1
  Timestamp: <undefined>
  Input EOS[0]:
  Output EOS[0]:
Parameter list 0
Number of parameters is: 33
Parameter 0 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_RstSw, value=0, status=0
Parameter 1 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_PosMesEna, value=0, status=0
Parameter 2 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_Alarm, value=1, status=0
Parameter 3 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_Acqst, value=0, status=0
Parameter 4 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_UserBufDump, value=0, status=0
Parameter 5 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_SelfClbEna, value=0, status=0
Parameter 6 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_CableClbEna, value=0, status=0
Parameter 7 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_cnf_rdy, value=0, status=0
Parameter 8 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_bpm_rdy, value=1, status=0
Parameter 9 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_alarm_x, value=1, status=0
Parameter 10 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_alarm_y, value=1, status=0
Parameter 11 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_alarm_i, value=1, status=0
Parameter 12 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_alarm_p, value=1, status=0
Parameter 13 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_alarm_x_ack, value=0, status=0
Parameter 14 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_alarm_y_ack, value=0, status=0
Parameter 15 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_alarm_i_ack, value=0, status=0
Parameter 16 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_alarm_p_ack, value=0, status=0
Parameter 17 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_get_idle, value=0, status=0
Parameter 18 type=asynInt32, name=Ctrl_BpmState, value=1, status=0
Parameter 19 type=asynInt32, name=overage_adc_top, value=0, status=0
Parameter 20 type=asynInt32, name=overage_adc_bottom, value=0, status=0
Parameter 21 type=asynInt32, name=overage_adc_right, value=0, status=0
Parameter 22 type=asynInt32, name=overage_adc_left, value=0, status=0
Parameter 23 type=string, name=calibration_msg, value=Please, select calibration to calibrate the system, status=0
Parameter 24 type=asynInt32, name=reset_calibration, value=1, status=0
Parameter 25 type=asynInt32, name=Cavity_present, value=0, status=0
Parameter 26 type=asynInt32, name=disable_calibration, value=1, status=0
Parameter 27 type=asynInt32, name=nfs_status, value=0, status=0
Parameter 28 type=asynInt32, name=enable_compensation, value=0, status=0
Parameter 29 type=asynInt32, name=ntp_status, value=0, status=0
Parameter 30 type=asynInt32, name=ctl_pps_utc_sw, value=0, status=0
Parameter 31 type=asynInt32, name=syncTimeMode, value=0, status=0
Parameter 32 type=asynInt32, name=mrf_time, value=0, status=0
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R3.15.5
## EPICS Base built Jul  1 2022
2022/07/12 07:50:26.892 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_RstSw
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:ResetSoftStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_UserBufDump
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:UserBufDumpStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_cnf_rdy
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:CnfRdyStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_alarm_x_ack
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:AlarmXAckStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_alarm_y_ack
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:AlarmYAckStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_alarm_i_ack
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:AlarmIAckStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_alarm_p_ack
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:AlarmPAckStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter nfs_status
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:NfsStatusStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter ntp_status
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:NtpStatusStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.893 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter ctl_pps_utc_sw
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:PpsUtcSoftRb devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.894 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_PosMesEna
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:PosMesEnaStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.894 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_Alarm
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:AlarmStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.894 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_Acqst
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:AcqstStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.894 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_SelfClbEna
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:SelfClbStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.894 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_CableClbEna
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:CableClbStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.894 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_get_idle
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:IdleEnaStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.894 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Cavity_present
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:CavityPresentStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
2022/07/12 07:50:26.894 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter disable_calibration
SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:DisableCalibrationStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate
reboot_restore: entry for file 'auto_settings_BPM1.sav'
reboot_restore: Found filename 'auto_settings_BPM1.sav' in restoreFileList.
*** restoring from '/home/epics-user/data/autosave/auto_settings_BPM1.sav' at initHookState 7 (after record/device init) ***
37 PVs had no saved value.
reboot_restore: done with file 'auto_settings_BPM1.sav'

iocRun: All initialization complete
2022/07/12 07:50:27.422535
##Start the save task
create_monitor_set("auto_settings_BPM1.req", 1, "id=SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3")
## Create info_x.req file in current directory (Use req_info2auto.sh to obtain auto_x.req)

Thanks, Adrián.

De: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Enviado: lunes, 11 de julio de 2022 22:05
Para: Adrian Martinez <adrian.martinez at orolia.com>
Cc: tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Asunto: RE: EPICS compilation errors

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization.
Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi Adrian,


Please put this statement in your startup script just before iocInit:


asynReport 1 BPM1


That will print out the contents of the parameter library, which should show if the parameters that are reported as missing actually exist.





From: Adrian Martinez <adrian.martinez at orolia.com>
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 9:05 AM
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Cc: tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: RE: EPICS compilation errors


Hi Mark,


All the code that I sent you belongs to AsynDrvr.cpp. This file also includes this part of the code where setup() is called, depending on the device (BPM1 or BPM2):



#ifdef __BPM2__

      extern "C" {

      int AsynBPM2DrvrConfigure(const char *portName, int index )


            EWBAsynPortDrvr *drvr = (EWBAsynPortDrvr *)new asynBPMDrvr(portName, index);

            asynStatus status = drvr->setup();



                  return 0;





      /* EPICS iocsh shell commands */


      static const iocshArg initArg0 = { "portName",iocshArgString};

      static const iocshArg initArg1 = { "index",iocshArgInt};

      static const iocshArg * const initArgs[] = {&initArg0, &initArg1};

      static const iocshFuncDef initFuncDef = {"AsynBPM2DrvrConfigure",2,initArgs};


      static void initCallFunc(const iocshArgBuf *args)


            AsynBPM2DrvrConfigure(args[0].sval, args[1].ival);



      void AsynBPM2DrvrRegister(void)






#elif __BPM1__

      extern "C" {

      int AsynBPM1DrvrConfigure(const char *portName, int index )


            EWBAsynPortDrvr *drvr = (EWBAsynPortDrvr *)new asynBPMDrvr(portName, index);

            asynStatus status = drvr->setup();



                  return 0;





      /* EPICS iocsh shell commands */


      static const iocshArg initArg0 = { "portName",iocshArgString};

      static const iocshArg initArg1 = { "index",iocshArgInt};

      static const iocshArg * const initArgs[] = {&initArg0, &initArg1};

      static const iocshFuncDef initFuncDef = {"AsynBPM1DrvrConfigure",2,initArgs};


      static void initCallFunc(const iocshArgBuf *args)


            AsynBPM1DrvrConfigure(args[0].sval, args[1].ival);



      void AsynBPM1DrvrRegister(void)









Regarding the EWBAsynPortDrvr(), this class inherits from asynPortDriver. Its constructor is:




 * Constructor for the asynWBPortDrvr class.


 * This class is an helper class:

 * must have a child class and call a parent class


 * \param[in] portName The name of the asyn port driver to be created.

 * \param[in] max_nprm Maximum number of scope parameters



EWBAsynPortDrvr::EWBAsynPortDrvr(const char *portName,int max_nprm)

: asynPortDriver(portName,



            (asynInt32Mask | asynFloat64Mask | asynOctetMask | asynInt32ArrayMask | asynFloat32ArrayMask | asynDrvUserMask), /* Interface mask */

            (asynInt32Mask | asynFloat64Mask | asynOctetMask | asynInt32ArrayMask | asynFloat32ArrayMask ), /* Interrupt mask */

            0, /* asynFlags.  This driver does not block and it is not multi-device, so flag is 0 */

            1, /* Autoconnect */

            0, /* Default priority */

            0), /* Default stack size*/

            pRoot(NULL), driverName(portName)


      EWBAsynPrm afld;


      afld.syncflags=AWB_SYNC_DERIVED; //when not define we derive

      fldPrms = std::vector<EWBAsynPrm>( max_nprm,afld);






Regarding the creataParam method, you are right. I have overridden the createParam() method. I attach the different versions of createParam:




 * Create a asyn parameter and link it to a WB field


 * With this method: the name given to the process variable will be auto-generated in the format

 *          \<reg_name\>_\<field_name\>

 * \note If there is only one field named 'value' the generated name will only have the reg_name


 * \param[in] fld  A WBField that is going to be link with the parameter

 * \param[in] pIndex PV index

 * \param[in] syncflags Select in which mode we want to sync between PV and device/library.

 * \return Returns a asynSuccess if everything is okay. Otherwise asynParamAlreadyExists if the parameter already exists, or asynBadParamIndex if

 * adding this parameter would exceed the size of the parameter list and asynError is the WBField is not valid.

 * \see AsynWBSync for the type of synchronization


asynStatus EWBAsynPortDrvr::createParam(EWBField* fld,int *pIndex, uint32_t syncflags)


      std::stringstream ss;



      if(pIndex) *pIndex=-1;





      if(fld->getName()==fld->getReg()->getName() || (fld->getName()=="value" && fld->getReg()->getFields().size()==1))

            ss << fld->getReg()->getName();


            ss << fld->getReg()->getName() << "_" << fld->getName();



      return this->createParam(ss.str().c_str(),fld, pIndex, syncflags);





 * Create a asyn parameter and link it to a WB field


 * \param[in] name The name of this parameter

 * \param[in] pPrm  A WBField that is going to be link with the parameter

 * \param[in] pIndex PV index.

 * \param[in] syncflags Select in which mode we want to sync between PV and device/library.

 * \return Returns a asynSuccess if everything is okay. Otherwise asynParamAlreadyExists if the parameter already exists, or asynBadParamIndex if

 * adding this parameter would exceed the size of the parameter list and asynError is the WBField is not valid.

 * \see AsynWBSync for the type of synchronization


asynStatus EWBAsynPortDrvr::createParam(const char* name, EWBParam* pPrm,int *pIndex, uint32_t syncflags)


      int tmp;

      asynStatus status=asynError;

      asynParamType atype;

      if(pIndex) *pIndex=-1;



      if(pPrm && pPrm->isValid())



            if(pPrm->getType() == EWBParam::EWBF_STRING)




            else if(pPrm->getType() & EWBParam::EWBF_TM_TYPE_FIELD)


                  if(pPrm->getType() & EWBParam::EWBF_TM_FIXED_POINT){









                  TRACE_P_WARNING("Unknown type 0x%x for Param %s (pv:%s)",pPrm->getType(), pPrm->getCName(), name);

                  return asynError;



            //if(list==1) list=0;


            status = asynPortDriver::createParam(name,atype,pIndex);










                        case asynParamOctet:

                              setStringParam(*pIndex, pPrm->getString().c_str()); break; //TODO:CHECK this

                        case asynParamInt32:  

                              setIntegerParam(*pIndex,pPrm->getU32()); break;

                        case asynParamFloat64:

                              setDoubleParam(*pIndex,pPrm->getFloat()); break;


                              TRACE_P_WARNING("Type 0x%x not handled",atype);



            EWBField *pFld=pPrm->castField();



                  TRACE_P_DEBUG("#%03d:%-15s ; val:%s (flgsync=x%03x, %s) => %s.%s.%s (0x%08X) ",






            EWBParamStr *pPrmStr=pPrm->castParamStr();



                  TRACE_P_DEBUG("#%03d:%-15s ; val:%s (flgsync=x%03x, %s) => key:%s ",






      return status;




 * Create parameters for internal use of the IOC


 * This parameters will not be synchronized with our device. This function override the standard

 * asynPortDriver::createParam(), and only add the syncflags to AWB_SYNC_PRMLIST or AWB_SYNC_DERIVED


 * \param[in] name The name of this parameter

 * \param[in] atype  The type of parameters A WBField that is going to be link with the parameter

 * \param[in] pIndex PV index.

 * \param[in] syncflags Select in which mode we want to sync. As we don't communicate with the device we can not set AWB_SYNC_DEVICE or AWB_SYNC_WBSTRUCT

 * \return Returns a asynSuccess if everything is okay. Otherwise asynParamAlreadyExists if the parameter already exists, or asynBadParamIndex if

 * adding this parameter would exceed the size of the parameter list and asynError is the syncflags is not valid.

 * \see AsynWBSync for the type of synchronization


asynStatus EWBAsynPortDrvr::createParam(const char* name, asynParamType atype,int *pIndex,uint32_t syncflags)


      int tmp;

      asynStatus status=asynError;

      if(pIndex) *pIndex=-1;


      TRACE_CHECK_VA(!(syncflags & EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV),status,"Bad sync mode :%d",syncflags);





      if( status==asynSuccess )





            TRACE_P_DEBUG("#%03d:%-15s (flgsync=x%03x, %s:%d)",*pIndex,name,syncflags,paramVal::typeNames[atype], atype);



                  case asynParamOctet:   setStringParam(*pIndex,""); break;

                  case asynParamInt32:   setIntegerParam(*pIndex,0); break;

                  case asynParamFloat64: setDoubleParam(*pIndex,0); break;

                  default: TRACE_P_WARNING("Type 0x%x not handled",atype);




      return status;



Finally, I have done the test that you have proposed including a print at the end of asynDrvr::setupEWBPeriphCtl() and a date print immediately after iocInit but everything seems to be working fine. I attach the log of the ioc startup:



# /root/topBPM/bin/linux-arm/AsynDrvr1 /root/topBPM/iocBoot/iocAsynDrvr1/st_bpm1.cmd


< envPaths

Can't open envPaths: No such file or directory

##Set the DATADIR (store autosave, datalog, etc.)

epicsEnvSet( "TOP","/root/topBPM")

epicsEnvSet( "DATADIR","." )

epicsEnvSet( "IOCPATH","/root" )

epicsEnvSet( "EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES","45000")

epicsEnvSet( "BPM","BPM1")

epicsEnvSet( "CHANNEL", "Cha")

##Set the host EPICS name


cd "/root/topBPM"

## Register all support components

dbLoadDatabase ("dbd/AsynDrvr1.dbd")


## Configure the IOCs

AsynDrvrConfigure( "BPM1", 0, "./datalog" )

**************************************END OF setupEWBPeriphCtl()********************************************

## Load record instances for BPM-1


dbLoadRecords( "db/7s_ctl.db",             "user=SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3, PORT=BPM1, ADDR=0, TIMEOUT=0" )

dbLoadRecords( "db/7s_bpm_time.db",        "user=SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3, PORT=BPM1, ADDR=0, TIMEOUT=1, MACROTIME=SL-SCL-CM3:TIM-EVR-3" )

# dbLoadRecords( "db/7s_pm_slw_idx.db",      "user=${EPICS_HOST_1}, PORT=${BPM}, ADDR=0, TIMEOUT=1" )

## Set this to see messages from mySub

#var mySubDebug 1

## Run this to trace the stages of iocInit


## setup autosave files and directories




# Number of sequenced backup files (e.g., 'auto_settings.sav0') to write



#cd "${TOP}/iocBoot/${IOC}"


Starting iocInit


## EPICS R3.15.5

## EPICS Base built Jul  1 2022


2022/07/11 10:54:15.414 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_PosMesEna

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:PosMesEnaStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

2022/07/11 10:54:15.414 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_Alarm

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:AlarmStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

2022/07/11 10:54:15.414 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_Acqst

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:AcqstStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

2022/07/11 10:54:15.414 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_SelfClbEna

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:SelfClbStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

2022/07/11 10:54:15.414 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_CableClbEna

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:CableClbStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

2022/07/11 10:54:15.415 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_get_idle

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:IdleEnaStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

2022/07/11 10:54:15.415 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Cavity_present

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:CavityPresentStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

2022/07/11 10:54:15.415 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter disable_calibration

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:DisableCalibrationStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

2022/07/11 10:54:15.415 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter ctl_pps_utc_sw

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:PpsUtcSoftRb devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate

reboot_restore: entry for file 'auto_settings_BPM1.sav'

reboot_restore: Found filename 'auto_settings_BPM1.sav' in restoreFileList.

*** restoring from '/home/epics-user/data/autosave/auto_settings_BPM1.sav' at initHookState 7 (after record/device init) ***

37 PVs had no saved value.

reboot_restore: done with file 'auto_settings_BPM1.sav'


iocRun: All initialization complete


2022/07/11 10:54:15.945194  --> DATE AFTER IOCINIT

##Start the save task

create_monitor_set("auto_settings_BPM1.req", 1, "id=SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3")

## Create info_x.req file in current directory (Use req_info2auto.sh to obtain auto_x.req)





Let me know if you see something wrong in the code or if you need another part of the code.


Thnaks, Adrián.

De: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Enviado: viernes, 8 de julio de 2022 13:53
Para: Adrian Martinez <adrian.martinez at orolia.com>
Cc: tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Asunto: Re: EPICS compilation errors


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Hi Adrian,


You are creating your parameters in asynDrvr::setupEWBPeriphCtl(), which is called from asynDrvr::setup().  However, the code you sent does not show where asynDrvr::setup() is called from.


Your driver does not inherit directly from asynPortDriver, but rather from EWBAsynPortDrvr() so I don't know what it's constructor does.


There are things I don't understand.  The definitions of asynPortDriver::createParam() are:

asynPortDriver.h:    virtual asynStatus createParam(          const char *name, asynParamType type, int *index);

asynPortDriver.h:    virtual asynStatus createParam(int list, const char *name, asynParamType type, int *index);


So it takes either 3 or 4 arguments.  You are sometimes calling it with 3 arguments, as it typical:

createParam( "enable_compensation", asynParamInt32, &idxEnableCompensation);


However, here you are calling it with 2 arguments

createParam( "ntp_status", asynParamInt32 );


And here with only 1 argument:

createParam( pAcqst );


The argument is always a pointer, and the next to last is always asynParamType, but here your have not passed asynParamType.


createParam( pIdle, &idxIdle );


All of this suggests to me that you have overridden the createParam() method in ways you have not shown.


The symptoms you have suggest that asynDrvr::setup() has not completed before iocInit.  That could happen if asynDrvr::setup() is being called from some other thread.

You can see whether this is true by adding asynPrint statements in asynDrvr::setupEWBPeriphCtl() with ASYN_TRACE_ERROR and see if those messages are all complete before iocInit is done.  Add a "date" statement to your startup script immediately after iocInit.




From: Adrian Martinez <adrian.martinez at orolia.com>
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 2:36 AM
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Cc: tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: RE: EPICS compilation errors


Hello Mark, 


That is the driver code:


asynDrvr::asynDrvr( const char *portName, int index )

:EWBAsynPortDrvr( portName, MAX_NUM_SCOPE_PARAMS )


EWBBridge *pBgd;




//Then define the root of the bus

pRoot = new EWBBus( pBgd, 0x0, NULL );



printf("ERROR while creating pRoot!");



pPrhCtl   = NULL;


#ifdef _DEBUG













 // Setup


 // Setup for all the params needed in the driver. Create all the params included in each periph


asynStatus asynDrvr::setup()


AsynStatusObj status = asynSuccess;






return status;




asynStatus asynDrvr::setupEWBPeriphCtl()


  EWBReg *lastreg;

AsynStatusObj status = asynSuccess;


pPrhCtl = new EWBPeriph(this->pRoot,WB2_PRH_ARGS( CTL ));

lastreg = new EWBReg( pPrhCtl, WB2_REG_ARGS( CTL, CTRL ));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, RSTSW )));

pPosMes = new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, POSMESENA ),0);

createParam( pPosMes );

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM ), 1), &idxAlarm , EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV); // TS3

pAcqst = new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ACQST ),0);

createParam( pAcqst );

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, USERBUFDUMP )), &idxDumpBuffer, EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV);

pChannelCalib = new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, SELFCLBENA ));

createParam(pChannelCalib, &idxChannelCalib, EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV | EWB_SYNC_FLG_PRE);

// createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, CABLECLBENA )), &idxCableCalib, EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV);

pCableCalib = new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, CABLECLBENA ));

createParam( pCableCalib, &idxCableCalib, EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV);

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, CNF_RDY )));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, BPM_RDY )));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM_X )), &idxAlarmX, EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV);

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM_Y )), &idxAlarmY, EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV);

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM_I )), &idxAlarmI, EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV);

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM_P )), &idxAlarmP, EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV);

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM_X_ACK )));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM_Y_ACK )));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM_I_ACK )));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, ALARM_P_ACK )));


pIdle = new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, GET_IDLE ));

createParam( pIdle, &idxIdle );


createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, CTRL, BPMSTATE )), &idxBpmState, EWB_SYNC_FLG_PRE | EWB_SYNC_FLG_POST | EWB_SYNC_FLG_DEV);


// Code to set the machine in Startup mode in each driver reboot



lastreg = new EWBReg( pPrhCtl, WB2_REG_ARGS( CTL, OVERAGE ));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, OVERAGE, ADC_TOP )));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, OVERAGE, ADC_BOTTOM )));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, OVERAGE, ADC_RIGHT )));

createParam( new EWBField( lastreg, WB2_FIELD_ARGS( CTL, OVERAGE, ADC_LEFT )));

createParam( "calibration_msg", asynParamOctet, &idxCalibrationMsg );

setStringParam( idxCalibrationMsg, "Please, select calibration to calibrate the system" );

createParam( "reset_calibration", asynParamInt32, &idxResetCalibration);

setIntegerParam( idxResetCalibration, 1 );

createParam( "Cavity_present", asynParamInt32, &idxCavityPresent);

setIntegerParam( idxCavityPresent, 0 );

createParam( "disable_calibration", asynParamInt32, &idxDisableCalibration);

setIntegerParam( idxDisableCalibration, 1);

createParam( "nfs_status", asynParamInt32);

// This PV allow to enable-disable the coupling compensation, using caput command

createParam( "enable_compensation", asynParamInt32, &idxEnableCompensation);

setIntegerParam( idxEnableCompensation, 0 );

createParam( "ntp_status", asynParamInt32 );


return status;




In addition to this, the driver code contains other functions such as postWriteFromPv(), preReadToPv(), postReadToPv()... used to execute diferrent conditions depending on the PVs flags.


Do you need any other part of the code?



Thanks, Adrián.

De: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Enviado: jueves, 7 de julio de 2022 16:05
Para: Adrian Martinez <adrian.martinez at orolia.com>
Cc: tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Asunto: RE: EPICS compilation errors


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Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi Adrian,


2022/07/06 10:46:59.429 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_RstSw

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:ResetSoftStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate


This error is not shown for all the PVs and not always for the same PVs. For example, the first compilation shows error for PV1, PV2 and PV3, and the second compilation (immediately) shows error for PV2, PV4 and PV5.


Summing up, it is almost impossible to compile with 0 errors.


First, let me clarify.  Those are not compile errors, they are errors at run time, almost certainly during iocInit when the record is being initialized.


This sounds like a race condition where not all parameters have been created before iocInit is called.


Your driver should be creating all of the parameters in the constructor, which will run in the main thread of the startup script.  It is OK if createParam() is called in another function that is called from the constructor, but if it is done in another thread then the constructor must wait for that thread to complete.


It would probably be helpful if you shared your driver code so we could look for the problem.





From: Tech-talk <tech-talk-bounces at aps.anl.gov> On Behalf Of Adrian Martinez via Tech-talk
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 2:39 AM
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Subject: EPICS compilation errors




I am developing an epics driver using epics-3.15.5 and asyn-4-33. The driver works correctly but, sometimes (aprox 90% of the time), returns an error when the procces variables (PV) are initialized:


2022/07/06 10:46:59.429 asynPortDriver:drvUserCreate: addr=0, cannot find parameter Ctrl_RstSw

SL-SCL-CM3:DIA-BPM-3:ResetSoftStat devAsynInt32::initCommon drvUserCreate


This error is not shown for all the PVs and not always for the same PVs. For example, the first compilation shows error for PV1, PV2 and PV3, and the second compilation (immediately) shows error for PV2, PV4 and PV5. Summing up, it is almost impossible to compile with 0 errors.


These errors just affect to PV readbacks, which never change its values, although the value can be read correctly in the memory register corresponding to the modified PV.



The error could be related with the asynPortDriver class so, createParam function from asynPortDriver.cpp it is working correctly, creating the param list with all PVs (it has been checked using a for loop after each createParam invocation):


Last createParam invocation to add mrf_time PV


PUSH = mrf_time

VALS[0] = Ctrl_RstSw

VALS[1] = Ctrl_PosMesEna

VALS[2] = Ctrl_Alarm

VALS[3] = Ctrl_Acqst

VALS[4] = Ctrl_UserBufDump

VALS[5] = Ctrl_SelfClbEna

VALS[6] = Ctrl_CableClbEna

VALS[7] = Ctrl_cnf_rdy

VALS[8] = Ctrl_bpm_rdy

VALS[9] = Ctrl_alarm_x

VALS[10] = Ctrl_alarm_y

VALS[11] = Ctrl_alarm_i

VALS[12] = Ctrl_alarm_p

VALS[13] = Ctrl_alarm_x_ack

VALS[14] = Ctrl_alarm_y_ack

VALS[15] = Ctrl_alarm_i_ack

VALS[16] = Ctrl_alarm_p_ack

VALS[17] = Ctrl_get_idle

VALS[18] = Ctrl_BpmState

VALS[19] = overage_adc_top

VALS[20] = overage_adc_bottom

VALS[21] = overage_adc_right

VALS[22] = overage_adc_left

VALS[23] = calibration_msg

VALS[24] = reset_calibration

VALS[25] = Cavity_present

VALS[26] = disable_calibration

VALS[27] = nfs_status

VALS[28] = enable_compensation

VALS[29] = ntp_status

VALS[30] = ctl_pps_utc_sw

VALS[31] = syncTimeMode

VALS[32] = mrf_time

VALS.SIZE() = 33


The problem comes when drvUserCreate() function is invocated and check all the PVs included in the param list.


/** Called by asynManager to pass a pasynUser structure and drvInfo string to the driver;

* Assigns pasynUser->reason based on the value of the drvInfo string.

* This base class implementation looks up the drvInfo string in the parameter list.

* \param[in] pasynUser pasynUser structure that driver will modify

* \param[in] drvInfo String containing information about what driver function is being referenced

* \param[out] pptypeName Location in which driver can write information.

* \param[out] psize Location where driver can write information about size of pptypeName */

asynStatus asynPortDriver::drvUserCreate(asynUser *pasynUser,

const char *drvInfo,

const char **pptypeName, size_t *psize)


static const char *functionName = "drvUserCreate";

asynStatus status;

int index;

int addr;

status = getAddress(pasynUser, &addr); if (status != asynSuccess) return(status);


status = this->findParam(addr, drvInfo, &index); // ¡¡¡ERROR!!!


if (status) {

asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACE_ERROR,

"%s:%s: addr=%d, cannot find parameter %s\n",

driverName, functionName, addr, drvInfo);



pasynUser->reason = index;

asynPrint(pasynUser, ASYN_TRACE_FLOW,

"%s:%s: drvInfo=%s, index=%d\n",

driverName, functionName, drvInfo, index);





findParam() is not able to find all the PVs and the if statement is executed. I have print each index after the findParam() execution and the param list has not all the PVs, missing just the ones not found.



Thanks in advance, Adrián.

RE: EPICS compilation errors Adrian Martinez via Tech-talk
EPICS compilation errors Adrian Martinez via Tech-talk
RE: EPICS compilation errors Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
RE: EPICS compilation errors Adrian Martinez via Tech-talk
Re: EPICS compilation errors Mark Rivers via Tech-talk
RE: EPICS compilation errors Adrian Martinez via Tech-talk
RE: EPICS compilation errors Mark Rivers via Tech-talk

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