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Subject: Re: Phoebus Alarm Log Can't Display History
From: Giovanni Savarese LNL via Tech-talk <tech-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: tech-talk at aps.anl.gov
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 14:39:41 +0200


I also tried to use the phoebus alarm server and alarm logger and just recently I reached a working condition.

From your message I think the problem is the port you are pointing to which should be 9000 or 8080 based on the alarm-logger version. In fact the alarm-logger service communicate with the elasticsearch server using port 9200 whereas the phoebus client execute the GET request pointing to the alarm-logger service which expose port 900 or 8080 based on the version you used. For me the main problem was find the correct version of the services and the client to work together and consequently set org.phoebus.applications.alarm.logging.ui/service_uri to the correct port and endpoint.

In my case I mainly use docker contaneirs; so, if you want, at this repository https://github.com/giosava94/docker-phoebus-alarm I created a docker image, based on the v4.7.1 tag of phoebus, for the alarm server and the alarm logger. Moreover I prepared a docker-compose.yml file with the complete system configuration: zookeper, kafka, alarm-server, elasticsearch and alarm-logger (optional kibana).

Let me know if you or anyone else find it useful or if there are problems (in that case I'm not an expert about these systems so I don't garantee an immediate or clear answer).

Giovanni S

On 23/03/23 02:33, Han Gao - Lotus via Tech-talk wrote:

Hi All,

I’m trying to display Phoebus alarm history from elastic search using the “Alarm Log Table”. But there is an error:


[org.phoebus.framework.jobs] Job 'searching alarm log messages for : *' failed
com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException: GET http://localhost:9200/search/alarm?current_message=*&severity=*&current_severity=*&size=10000&pv=*&root=*&start=7+days&host=*&end=now&message=*&user=*&command=* returned a response status of 405 Method Not Allowed


I use Phoebus 4.6, elastic search 8.6. Kibana. Phoebus alarm table can display the active alarms.

Looking at the elastic-search with Kibana and curl, the data there look perfectly fine.


For Phoebus, I added following settings according to the template (settings_template.ini) :


# Package org.phoebus.applications.alarm.logging.ui



org.phoebus.applications.alarm.logging.ui/service_uri = http://localhost:9200

org.phoebus.applications.alarm.logging.ui/results_max_size = 10000


Is there anything wrong? How do I fix this error? Any reply is appreciated.


Best regards,

Lotus Gao


Phoebus Alarm Log Can't Display History Han Gao - Lotus via Tech-talk

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