record(waveform, "$(P)Countxxyy")
field(DTYP, "stream")
field(INP, "@ct0801f.proto Counters_in $(PORT)")
field(NELM, "8")
field(FTVL, "LONG")
field(SCAN, "$(SCAN)")
record(waveform, "$(P)Counters")
field(DTYP, "stream")
field(INP, "@ct0801f.proto Counters_in $(PORT)")
field(NELM, "$(P)N")
field(FTVL, "LONG")
field(SCAN, "$(SCAN)")
<2A371D12 at F3664E2C.578BE164.png.jpg>
Then I found the modify property about NELM in subArray is ‘yes’,
<058F0953 at EEFA6B62.578BE164.png.jpg>
So I changed the record like this:
record(waveform, "$(P)Counters")
field(DTYP, "stream")
field(INP, "@ct0801f.proto Counters_in $(PORT)")
field(NELM, "8")
field(FTVL, "LONG")
field(SCAN, "$(SCAN)")
field (DESC, "Read counterx~countery")
field (INP, "$(P)Counters")
field (MALM, "8")
field (NELM, "$(P)N")
field (INDX, "0")
field (SCAN, "$(SCAN)")
the $(P)N changed tobe 4, $(P)Countersxy.NELM doesn't change. It is still the inital value 1, and $(P)Countersxy read only 1 channel data.
Can we set the NELM tobe a variable?
How could we read changing channels from the above 8 channel datas?
I am confused and ask for help. Thank you so much.
With my best reguards,